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Название темыRE: Дыня
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=268&topic_id=736&mesg_id=772
772, RE: Дыня
Послано guest, 08-12-2012 03:59
Кстати, и «платина» - переход «б» - «п». Отсюда и «платить».
melon (n.)
late 14c., from O.Fr. melon (13c.), from M.L. melonem (nom. melo), from L. melopeponem, a kind of pumpkin, from Gk. melopepon "gourd-apple" (name for several kinds of gourds bearing sweet fruit), from melon "apple" (see malic) + pepon, a kind of gourd, probably noun use of pepon "ripe" (see pumpkin).

In Greek, melon was used in a generic way for all foreign fruits (cf. similar use of apple). The Greek plural of "melon" was used from ancient times for "a girl's breasts."
Да, немудрено перепутать. ОБЛО – яблоко (apple) и «белый»
Вообще – интересные переходы – белый – плоский – платить – плат – плато.
platinum (n.)
metallic element, 1812, Modern Latin, from Spanish platina "platinum," dim. of plata "silver," from O.Fr. plate or Old Provençal plata "sheet of metal" (see plate (n.)). The metal looks like silver, and the Spaniards at first thought it an inferior sort of silver, hence the name platina. It was first obtained from Spanish colonies in Mexico and Colombia, brought to Europe in 1735, and identified as an element 1741. Taken into English as platina (c.1750), it took its modern form (with element ending -ium) in 1812, at the time the names of elements were being regularized. As a shade of blond hair, attested from 1931. As a designation for a recording that has sold at least one million copies, it is attested from 1971.
Ну, по моему мнению – серебро и сбор – однокоренные. Отсюда – silb(v)er. Кстати, сюда примыкает и «соль» и «золото».
Тьфу, и Мельпомена, не к ночи будь сказана. На мели молотили молоком. Меликсетян – фамилия такая армянская, от князя, но только очень маленького.
Рио де ла Плата.
Просто белая река.