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Тема: "RE: храм Юпитера" Предыдущая Тема | Следующая Тема
Markgraf99_29-06-2018 19:45
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#11. "RE: храм Юпитера"
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http://www.ascsa.edu.gr/pdf/uploads/hesperia/40205765.pdf Hieron: The Ancient Sanctuary at the Mouth of the Black Sea
...Even without this valuable geographical information, however, it would be possible onomastically to identify the site of Hieron as the high promontory that juts into the sea at Kavak Point, where the 12th-century "Yoros" castle now stands, commonly (but mistakenly) called "Genoese" (Figs. 1, 2).8 The name Yoros is attested as early as 1816 by Clarke;9 and it is a clear contraction of the name "Jovisurius" used in late antiquity, as appears, for example, on the Peutinger Table (T43). In turn, louis Urius is the Latin translation of the Greek Zeus Ourios ("of the fair winds"), the god revealed by Cicero (T21) and Menippos (T25) as the preeminent divinity at Hieron from at least the 1st century B.C. (see also T31, T34, T35, T50, 16).10 ...

https://books.google.ru/books?id=tWIGKsSquBcC&pg=PA438 Travels in Various Countries of Europe, Asia and Africa: Russia, Tartary ... Авторы: Edward Daniel Clarke - 1816

https://books.google.ru/books?id=kX82AAAAMAAJ&pg=PA220 A hand-book for travellers in the Ionian Islands, Greece, Turkey, Asia Minor, and Constantinople ..., Том 1 Авторы: John Murray - 1845
c. 220-221
The Giant's Mountain is the name given by all European travellers to this the highest mountain on the shores of the Bosphorus, which runs out into the promontory of Madschar burun, almost exactly opposite Buyukdere; whilst it is called by the Turks, Jovus, or Jovis taghi, or Juscha taghi; i.e., the Mountain of Joshua, because the giant's grave on the top of the mountain is, according to the Moslem version, the grave of Joshua.
..The giant's grave on the top of the mountain, which is guarded by 2 dervishes, is now called the grave of Joshua, formerly the bed of Herakles. No other reason can be assigned for the Turks giving it such a name, but that Joshua, during the battle of the Israelites, stood upon a mountain to pray that the sun might stand still, and victory attend his arms..

Турки называли её Гора Юши или Йовуса, Йовиса (т.е. Зевса-Юпитера, Иова?). Именно здесь Иисус Навин стоял на горе и молился, чтобы солнце остановилось и даровало победу израильтянам (см. книгу Иисуса Навина, 10. Там кстати Иисус Навин вешает царей на деревах).

Понтонный мост Дария для переправы через Босфор в Европу и Скифию, построенный Мандроклом из лодок, наверно был временный?


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Проклятый мостик [Показать все] , Астрахань, 27-06-2018 17:23
Заголовок сообщения Автор Отправлено Номер
RE: Проклятый мостик
27-06-2018 18:00
RE: Проклятый мостик
27-06-2018 19:12
      RE: Проклятый мостик
27-06-2018 20:18
           RE: Проклятый мостик
27-06-2018 21:15
                RE: Проклятый мостик
27-06-2018 21:27
RE: Проклятый мостик
29-06-2018 11:47
RE: Проклятый мостик
29-06-2018 12:24
храм Юпитера
29-06-2018 15:10
      RE: храм Юпитера
29-06-2018 16:37
           RE: храм Юпитера
29-06-2018 18:23
                RE: храм Юпитера
29-06-2018 19:45
                     это не понтонный мост
30-06-2018 04:24
30-06-2018 04:28
                          RE: кстати
30-06-2018 09:01
                          RE: это не понтонный мост
01-07-2018 09:38
                          понтонный мост
01-07-2018 11:41
02-07-2018 13:40
                          RE: это не понтонный мост
01-07-2018 18:24
                               в курсе про аллегорию
03-07-2018 13:12
03-07-2018 21:23

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