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Начало Форумы Свободная площадка Тема #105774
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Тема: "Вопросы реконструкции" Предыдущая Тема | Следующая Тема
Markgraf99_10-02-2020 21:41

"Вопросы реконструкции"


Юдифь Баварская - Есфирь=Елена Волошанка? Красивая вторая жена Людовика Благочестивого, сына Карла Великого, спровоцировавшая смуту 830-834 годов во Франкском государстве, мятеж сыновей Людовика от первого брака против отца ("Авессаломы"?). Юдифь была дочерью Вельфа - возможно, "Вельф" здесь - слегка искаженное от "Велш", т.е. влахи, валахи, волохи, волошане - кстати, так называли даже итальянцев, т.е. латинян.


Её прямо сравнивают с Эсфирью, Иезавелью, Юдифью, обвиняют в колдовстве (астрологии?):

Scandals: Contemporary criticisms of Judith's role and behavior
...Agobard claimed that Judith’s extramarital affairs were carried out “first secretly and later impudently”.<4> Paschasis Radbertus accused Judith by associating her with the engagement in debauchery and witchcraft. of filling the palace with “soothsayers... seers and mutes as well as dream interpreters and those who consult entrail, indeed all those skilled in malign craft”
Characterized as a Jezebel and a Justina, Judith was accused by one of her enemies, Paschasius Radberus, of engaging in debauchery and witchcraft with her puported lover, Count Bernard of Septimania, Louis’ chamberlain and trusted adviser. This portrayal and image stands in contrast to poems about Judith.<2> The poems depict her as “a second biblical Judith, a Mary sister of Aaron in her musical abilities, a Saphho, a prophetess, cultivated, chaste, intelligent, pious, strong in spirit, and sweet in conversation”<2>
However, Judith also garnered devotion and respect. Hrabanus Maurus wrote a dedicatory letter to Judith, exalting her ”praiseworthy intellect”<9> and for her “good works”.<9> The letter commends her in the turbulent times amidst battles, wishing that she may see victory amidst the struggles she is facing. It also implores her “to follow through with a good deed once you have begun it”<9> and “to improve yourself at all times”. Most strikingly the letter wishes Judith to look to the biblical Queen Esther, the wife of King Xerxes I as inspiration and as a role model
Likewise, O queen, forever keep your eyes of your heart fixed upon Queen Esther as a model of dutiful and holy behaviour so that by equalling her holiness you might be able to climb from this earthly kingdom to the heights of the heavenly kingdom —Hrabanus Maurus


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Markgraf99_30-11-2013 07:50

#282. "Аменофис (Аменхотеп) III"
Ответ на сообщение # 0


"Согласно недавним исследованиям, утверждается, что история рождения Христа имеет огромное сходство с египетским мифом пятитысячелетней давности, в котором рассказывается о рождении Аменофиса III. Здесь снова повторяется божественное пророчество царице, ожидающей рождения сына; ее зачатие от дуновения божественного огня; божественные коровы, вскармливающие новорожденного; поклонение царей и т.д. В этой связи см. A.Malvert: Wissenschaft und Religion, Frankfurt, 1904, S.49, etseq., см. также выступление проф.Идляйба из Бонна в: Feuilleton of Frankfurter Zeilung, Novembers, 1908." (Отто Ранк. "Миф о рождении героя", 1909)

.."It is probable that the myth <of the divine birth> was recorded of every Egyptian king.... Marginal reference may be made to points of contact with the birth narratives in the gospel of Luke." ..
http://stellarhousepublishing.com/luxor.html The Nativity Scene of Amenhotep III at Luxor by D.M. Murdock/Acharya S
..This same scene appears throughout Egypt - in the birth chapel of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahri, in the birth house of Nectanebo at Dendera, and at both birth houses of Trajan at Philae and Edfu..

"In this picture we have the Annunciation, the Conception, the Birth, and the Adoration, as described in the First and Second Chapters of Luke's Gospel.."
Dr. Samuel C. Sharpe, Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity (p. 19)


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