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Markgraf99_26-04-2016 14:14

"Вопросы реконструкции, II"
13-12-2017 18:33 irina


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#307. "Династия Южная Сун (Лю Сун)"
Ответ на сообщение # 0


Есть сходства с Юлиями-Клавдиями. Т. е. возможно с эпохой Ивана Грозного (см. ФиН "Раскол империи..."). Например:

...Правившие после Лю Шао императоры отличались жестокостью и распутным образом жизни...

Reign of Emperor Xiaowu and Qianfei
...Emperor Xiaowu..was regarded as immoral and committed incest with his cousins and sisters, and reputed to have even done so with his mother.

Because Emperor Xiaowu often stayed in his mother's bedchambers, rumors grew that he was having an incestuous affair with his mother, but there was no conclusive evidence of such an affair.

Безнравственный Сяо У совершал инцест с кузинами, сёстрами и даже якобы с матерью. Сходство с Нероном, Калигулой, который, по словам Светония, жил в преступной связи со всеми своими сёстрами. Также оба были молодыми и оба были убиты.
Его сын, император Цянь Фэй, - тоже копия папы:

Following his death in 464, Liu Jun passed his throne to his son, Liu Ziye, who was generally regarded as a tyrant. He disrespected his father and was suspicious of his uncles, putting several of them to death. He continued the incestuous streak of his father, adopting several of his aunts and cousins as concubines. He was reputed to have ordered all of the princesses to come to his palace and have sexual intercourse with him. When one of his aunts refused, he executed her three sons. He also put to death a lady-in-waiting who bore a resemblance to a woman who cursed him in a dream. Eventually, one of his uncles could not bear it, rose up, and assassinated him.<3>

Здесь тоже сексуальная распущенность подобно Калигуле, Нерону. Цянь Фэй умертвил фрейлину, из-за её похожести на женщину, которая прокляла его в его сновидении. Подобные вещи происходили при Клавдии, по Диону Кассию, Светонию:

Светоний, «Жизнь двенадцати цезарей», «Божественный Клавдий»
37. Не было доноса, не было доносчика столь ничтожного, чтобы он по малейшему подозрению не бросился защищаться или мстить. Один из тяжущихся, подойдя к нему с приветствием, отвел его в сторону и сказал, что видел сон, будто его, императора, кто-то убил; а немного погодя, словно признав убийцу, указал ему на подходящего с прошеньем своего противника; и тут же, словно с поличным, того потащили на казнь. (2) Подобным же образом, говорят, погублен был и Аппий Силан. Уничтожить его сговорились Мессалина и Нарцисс, поделив роли: один на рассвете ворвался в притворном смятении в спальню к хозяину, уверяя, будто видел во сне, как Аппий на него напал; другая с деланным изумлением стала рассказывать, будто и ей вот уже несколько ночей снится тот же сон; а когда затем по уговору доложили, что к императору ломится Аппий, которому накануне было велено явиться в этот самый час, то это показалось таким явным подтверждением сна, что его тотчас приказано было схватить и казнить. А на следующий день Клавдий без смущенья рассказал сенату, как было дело, благодарно восхваляя своего отпущенника, который и во сне печется о его безопасности.

...It was around this time, either right before or right after Emperor Wen became emperor, that Empress Yuan bore him Liu Shao. According to traditional histories, when she observed her son's face, she remarked that this child would bring disaster on the house, and was ready to kill her child. Emperor Wen, hearing this, rushed to her bedchambers and forced her to spare the child. (Some later historians, including Bo Yang, doubted this account.) However, because he was still within the three-year mourning period for his father Emperor Wu and supposed to abstain from sexual relations, he hid Liu Shao's birth from the public and only announced it in 426.

Когда родился Лю Шао, его мать, Юань Цигуй, увидев его лицо, поняла, что он принесёт бедствия императорскому дому и готова была убить его, но император Вэнь кинулся в спальные покои и заставил её пощадить младенца. Возможно здесь отражение мрачных знамений при рождении Нерона и Ивана Грозного. Лю Шао - организатор заговора с целью убийства отца, в результате чего получил позже имя «Юаньсюн», т. е. «Главный преступник», «Глава злодеев». (Убийство отца - не гамлетовское ли здесь что-то? Нерон тоже любил играть роли Эдипа, Ореста, Алкмеона, т. е. роли отце- и матереубийц).
К тому же император Вэнь носил трёхлетний траур по отцу и должен был воздерживаться от половых отношений, поэтому рождение Лю Шао скрывали и объявили только через три года, в 426 г.
Императрица Юань позже оказалась в пренебрежении, вместо неё выдвинулась супруга Пань - не могла ли здесь отразиться история Есфири-Елены?:

Emperor Wen initially favored Empress Yuan greatly. Because the Yuan clan was a poor one, she often requested him to give her money so that she could give them to her clan. Emperor Wen, known as a thrifty man, refused to give her much. Later on, he began to favor Consort Pan greater than her, and she, in order to test Emperor Wen's affection for her, asked Consort Pan to request an amount of money six to 10 times greater than what Emperor Wen had been giving her. Emperor Wen approved Consort Pan's request, and from this point on Empress Yuan was filled with anger. Whenever Emperor Wen wished to see her, she would try to hide from him, and she also refused to see her stepchildren. She grew ill in her anger, and in 440 she grew very ill. Emperor Wen went in to see her and, crying, held her hands to ask what request she had. She looked at him for a long time and then, without saying anything, covered her face with a blanket and refused to look at him again. She soon died. Emperor Wen mourned her greatly, and had the talented writer Yan Yanzhi (顏延之) write a beautiful ode dedicated to her.

Красавица Пань привлекла внимание императора с помощью хитрости:

Despite her one-time prominence, little is known about Consort Pan's background. Her rank of Shufei was the fourth highest possible rank for imperial consorts at the time. She was said to have become Emperor Wen's favorite concubine because of her beauty. (A story from the History of Southern Dynasties stated that Emperor Wen liked to travel on a wagon pulled by goats in the palace, and that Consort Pan then attracted the goats by sprinkling salt water on the ground outside her quarters. However, this story may be a confusion of what concubines of Emperor Wu of Jin did.) She bore him one son, Liu Jun the Prince of Shixing, in 429.

Хотя здесь повтор истории о цзиньском У:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emperor_Wu_of_Jin r. 266-290
Late reign: setting the stage for disasters
In 273 he suspended marriages and already selected more than 5000 beautiful women. In 281, Emperor Wu took 5,000 women from Sun Hao's palace into his own, and thereafter became even more concentrated on feasting and enjoying the women, rather than on important matters of state. It was said that there were so many beautiful women in the palace that he did not know whom he should have sexual relations with; he therefore rode on a small cart drawn by goats, and wherever the goats would stop, he would stop there, as well. Because of this, many of the women planted bamboo leaves and salt outside their bedrooms — both items said to be favored by goats. Later soldiers of Zhang Fang, a general of Sima Yong would rape and eat many poor palace women...

Другая наложница Вэня Лу погибает, выпив отравленное вино, которое сама и приготовила. Не отголосок ли здесь гамлетовской истории "Не пей вина, Гертруда!"? Подобным образом умирает и Клеопатра Тея в 191 до н.э.

...However, how Empress Dowager Lu died is a matter of controversy. Historical accounts indicate that there was a rumor, allegedly from reliable sources but not conclusive, that after her grandson Liu Zixun the Prince of Jin'an had been declared emperor in 466 at his defense post at Jiang Province in competition with Emperor Ming, Empress Dowager Lu was secretly pleased. On a feast she hosted for Emperor Ming, she spiked the wine with poison and intended to kill Emperor Ming. However, Emperor Ming's attendants realized this and warned him, and he instead offered the wine back to her. She could not refuse it, so she drank the wine and died...

Жена Сяо У и мать Цянь Фэя погибает подобно матери Нерона Агриппине Младшей:

As empress dowager
Emperor Qianfei immediately showed himself to be a cruel and arbitrary ruler, and there was little Empress Dowager Wang could do to control her son. In fall 464, she grew seriously ill, and she asked that Emperor Qianfei be summoned. He refused—stating that in sick people's rooms there would be ghosts, and he could not go. In anger, she told her servant girls: "Bring a sword and cut me open, to see how it is this animal came out of me!" She soon died and was buried with her husband Emperor Xiaowu.

Император Мин (Минос?), поначалу мягкий и открытый, также превратился позже в жестокого и подозрительного тирана и убил почти всех своих братьев и племянников.
Его жена, императрица Ван, отказалась участвовать в стриптизе на пиру (не снова ли отголоски истории Есфири?):

Late reign
...Also on one occasion, he held an imperial feast inside the palace, and ordered his ladies in waiting to strip for the guests. Empress Wang, embarrassed, covered her eyes with a fan. In anger, Emperor Ming said, "Your household is so naïve and unaware of the world. Today everyone is trying to have fun, so why are you covering your eyes?" She responded, "There are many ways to have fun. What kind of a scene is it for aunts and sisters to gather to watch naked ladies in waiting and laugh about it? The fun that our household has is different." He became angrier and chased her away.

Последующие историки считали, что Мин был импотентом и его 12 сыновей были от его братьев или ещё от кого-то.
Мин жестоко расправлялся с нарушителями введённых им табу:

Historical accounts, written during the succeeding Southern Qi Dynasty, indicate that Emperor Ming was impotent, and that although he had 12 sons, those were the results of his having seized his brothers' pregnant concubines and kept the children if they bore males, or his having had his concubines have sexual relations with others. (However, ...In addition, Emperor Ming was said to be suspicious, jealous, cruel, and violent. In addition, he was also superstitious, and his officials and attendants were forced to observe a number of taboos in both language and acts. Whoever violated these taboos would be executed, often in cruel manners, including having their hearts cut open or their entrails pulled out.

Здесь же ещё о чудачествах Цянь Фэя:

...Because these three princes were all overweight, he had them put in cages and weighed as pigs would, and because Liu Yu was the heaviest, he called Liu Yu the Prince of Pigs, Liu Xiuren the Prince of Murderers, and Liu Xiuyou the Prince of Thieves. He often humiliated Liu Yu by putting him in stables and feeding him the way that pigs would be fed. He often wanted to kill Liu Yu, Liu Xiuren, and Liu Xiuyiu, but each time Liu Xiuren flattered him and caused him to change his mind. In one particular incident, he tied Liu Yu up like how a pig would be tied up, and had him delivered to the kitchen, stating, "Today is pig-killing day." Liu Xiuren, however, stated, "This is not the pig-killing day." He angrily asked Liu Xiuren why that was the case, and Liu Xiuren stated, "After your son is born, then kill the pig and take out his entrails!" Emperor Qianfei liked Liu Xiuren's joke and did not kill Liu Yu.

Сын Мина юный Хоуфэй - в общем, не лучше предыдущих, ещё один безумный Калигула или Иван Грозный. Ему была отрублена голова в постели, возможно здесь сходство с убийством Нерона-Олоферна, Калигулы-Олоферна и убийства царевича Дмитрия.

...During his brief reign as a boy emperor, he showed a knack for violence and arbitrariness, and in 477 he was killed by his general Xiao Daocheng, who made Emperor Houfei's brother Liu Zhun emperor but seized the throne in 479, ending Liu Song and starting Southern Qi.
...As the Crown Prince grew, he was known as an overly active child who liked carrying out dangerous tasks, such as climbing flag poles, and he had severe mood swings and was so impulsive that his attendants could not stop him from taking violent actions...
...Meanwhile, Emperor Houfei had begun to develop a reputation of being crazed and lacking in virtue...
By 477, Emperor Houfei's reputation was one that was feared and despised, for by this point Empress Dowager Wang and Consort Dowager Chen had completely lost control of him, and he was doing everything that he pleased. His guard corps would accompany him, and they killed humans and animals alike that they encountered, often in cruel manners. Emperor Houfei, indeed, would personally cut the victims open, and if he did not kill on a given day, he would appear depressed for the day...

Император Шунь, последний этой династии, был марионеткой генерала Сяо Даочэна (и позже также был убит, якобы по ощибке). Сяо Даочэн основал новую династию Южная Ци. Он построил стену вокруг столицы, Цзянькана (современная часть Нанкина). Возможно он своим умеренным правлением соответствует Симеону Бекбулатовичу после ужасов предыдущего правления (опричнины?).

"Сяо Даочэн был генералом при императоре Мин-ди (Южная Сун). Когда к власти пришёл император Хоуфэй, известный своей жестокостью, опасаясь за свою жизнь, он убил императора в 477 году и стал править страной, возведя себя на трон через некоторое время.
Известен как умный и скромный император, он боролся с роскошью и расточительством и проявлял умеренность."


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