The e-series "History: Fiction or Science?" contains data and conclusions that aren’t anything short of revolutionary. The alternatives offered to classical history are stunning, unorthodox to the extent of being labelled heretical by virtually every scholar of history, and daring enough to be considered preposterous at first sight, although this impression never lasts longer than it takes one to read a few pages attentively.
The author dissects every historical age and analyses the data from every source imaginable – Greek and Egyptian chronology take a good beating, and it goes rapidly downhill from there. Ticho Brahe, Ptolemy and Copernicus take the blame for creating the legend of a mythical Classical age that never was and misdating mediaeval events by hundreds and thousands of years as very ancient ones.
In "Astronomy vs. History" we are reminded of the crucial role of eclipses in verifiyng the dating of major historical events, of stone Zodiacs containg the true dates of such events. Our perception of history begins to change dramatically even before we’re through with "Astronomy vs. History".