First and foremost, the reader should prepare to find documented human history to be a millennium old at best. The quotation of antediluvian datings of papyrus documents or cuneiform tablets as counter-argumentation has already been tried; the problem is that these datings are by no means irrefutable and self-sufficient. They are invariably linked to the consensual chronological scale, and it is this very scale that the authors deconstruct so artfully. Fomenko and team go far enough to prove that no dating methods are truly independent, be it radiocarbon analysis, dendrochronology, or anything else. What do they offer as an alternative? Facts, mostly. The main methods are empirico-statistical, and involve extensive calculations.
The data used are collected from a great variety of sources (chronicles, dynastic tables, etc.), and studied meticulously. Reign durations of various dynasties are compared with each other in search of duplicates. Every ancient eclipse is given a new precise dating that fits its astronomical parameters perfectly as opposed to the one offered by the consensual version. Nearly every event considered “ancient” nowadays proves mediaeval after careful examination. Jesus Christ, for instance, is supposed to have really been born in 1153 and crucified in 1186 AD. Basically, this is the first successful attempt to finally transform history into a science. This book is a must read for everyone who isn’t entirely indifferent to human history, and possibly also for those who are!