A.T.Fomenko , G.V.Nosowsky



5.12. Five original languages of ancient Britain. Which nations used these languages and where did they live in 11-13th cc.A.D.?

On the first page of Anglo-Saxon Chronicle the following important information is presented:
"Here in this island (i.e. in Britain - Auth.) are five languages:

British or Welsh,
Pictish, and
Picts came from the south from Scythia with warships, not many, and landed at first in northern Ireland, and there asked the Scots if they mights dwell there... And the Picts asked the Scots for wives... A part of Scots went from Ireland into Britain" ([2],p.3).

Is there any contradiction between these facts and our identification of old English events with events of crusades epoch of 13-14th cc. A.D. in Byzantine/Mongolian empire? No contradiction! Moreover, here we see certain confirmation of our conjecture.

1) Appearance of the name Anglia (English) in the old English history is quite natural - this is the evident reflection of well-known dynasty of Byzantine emperors: Angels = Angelus (1185-1204).

2) The name Latin is the reflection of Latin Empire in Czar-Grad (13th c. A.D.), and a little earlier - the reflection of a group of Latins who came in Byzantine Empire during crusades epoch. Then they settled here and founded several feudal states.

3-a) The name British = BRT (and its duplicate=equivalent Welsh, see [2]) also is presented in the medieval Byzantine history. This is the name of Prussians=Pruteni = PRT (see above).

3-b) The English term Welsh is also well-known in medieval Byzantine empire. It is sufficient to look in the table of Matuzova [10] to get an immediate answer: Vlach (or Blachi) = Welsh - this is Turci = Thurki = Turks. Really:

Turks =
Vlachi = Blachi, Ilac, Blac (!).

The name Vlachi=Blachi or Volochi is well-known in the medieval Europe. Starting from 9th c. A.D., they lived on the territory of modern Romania = Rumania ([11],p.352) and they formed the state Valachia. It is remarkable that the another, second name for Valachia was Zara Rumanska, i.e. the Kingdom of Romania (or Rumania). The most serious influence (on the fate of the whole region) Valachia had in 14th c.A.D. The history of Valachia is closely connected with the history of Turkey. The medieval Valachia several times was in a heavy war with Turkey (with Osman Empire). In the end of 14th century and in the beginning of 15th century the rulers of Valachia became the vassals of Turkey ([11],p.356). Consequently, the names of Valachia (Welsh) and Turkey are closely connected in the whole medieval history of Byzantine Empire. Moreover, the name Vlachi is well-known in the history of Constantinople. One of the main residences of Byzantine emperors was in Vlachern Palace ([25],p.226-229). This "Palace was the favorite residence of Comnenus" ([15],p.137). Greeks called it Vlacherni. "Valachia (in the form Blakie) - is geographical name which is often used by Robert de Clari (and also by Geoffrey de Villehardouin) for the territory of Eastern Balkan" ([15],p.135). This region was called by Byzantine authors as Great Vlachia. In other words, the Great Vlachia is the part of the modern Bulgaria. Thus, the old English name Welsh points out on Balkan's Valachia of 9-15 cc. A.D., or on the Turkey, or on the whole Byzantine Empire.

4) The original (preimage) of Pictish (Picts, Pict = PCT) in Byzantine Empire is quite clear. It is well-known that the ancient name of Egypt was Copt (= CPT) or Gipt. Thus, we obtain the immediate answer: Picts - are Copts or Gipts (i.e., Egyptians).

By the way, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is quite right when speaking that Picts came (in Britain - Auth.) from the country which is in the South with respect to Scithia. Really, Egypt is in the South with respect to the Scythia.

5) And finally, what about the language IRISH ? Anglo-Saxon Chronicle states that some part of Scotts came from Ireland ([2],p.3). Besides this, at least in some historical epochs we have: "Down to the time of Alfred this term Scottas refers either to the Scots of Ireland or of the Irish kingdom of Argyll" ([2],p.3, comm.5). But this means that Ireland is the part of Scot-Land. Because we have possible identification of Scots of 10-12th cc. with Scyths, then we obtain the following conjecture:

language Irish is Russian (RSH = Russia),

because without vowels we have RSH - RSS, "irish" and "russian" sound very closely. Consequently, in this historical epoch we have:

Ireland = Ire + Land is the Russia.

We realize that this possible identification of Ireland (in some historical epoch) with Russia (and consequently, identification of Scotland with Scythia), can generate a certain irritation and even indignation of some scientists. Nevertheless, we are forced to repeat once more that all these conclusions follow from the text of old English chronicles, when we read them without the restrictions generated by traditional Scaliger's chronology. By the way, may be not all readers know that the legendary English (British) king Arthur (who is one of the most famous rulers of ancient England and is placed traditionally approximately in the 5th c.A.D.) was in direct contact with the king of Russia ("and the king of Russia, the most severe of the knights"). This is the report of Layamon (the beginning of 13th century) - the author of the poem "Brut, or the Chronicle of Britain" ([23], see also [10],pp.247-248). By the way, in the time of the king Arthur the princess (or queen) of Russia was kidnaped (see [23]). When speaking about nations populated the old England, Galfridus tells us ([9],p.6):


We spoke about Britts, Picts and Scots. Now - about Normans.

6) Normans play an important role in Byzantine Empire of 10-15 cc. They took part in crusades. However, it is possible, that Normans are simply one more variant for the name Romans. If so, they are Romans - Romei, the people who lived in Roman (Byzantine) empire.

7) Now - about Saxs (Saxons). "Saxs (Saxons) - German nation lived in northern Europe, mostly on the territory near North Sea. In 5-6 centuries Britain was conquered by German tribes... Galfridus usually calls he GERMAN INVADERS by generalized name SAXS (SAXONS), but in some cases speaks about Angls (Angels)" ([9],pp.229-230). Let us compare with Byzantine history. It is well-known that Germans took part in crusades. Consequently, Saxons (Saxs) and Angls (Angels) were among the nations which invaded into Byzantine empire in 11-13 centuries.

Thus, finally we see that the old English chronicles tell here not about some small nations which, as supposed today, lived many years ago on the modern island England, but about real great nations, states and empires. These great medieval nations were well-known in medieval Byzantine empire and Mediterranean region. If so, the old English chronicles describe important events in medieval world (crusades et cetera). (From traditional point of view they speak about "local events" on isolated island). And only later, after the artificial transport of some Byzantine chronicles into modern island England, this remarkable history of great events was artificially compressed, "decreased in the size" and was transformed into "small" local history on sufficiently "small area" - on the one island.

5.13. Where were located six original English kingdoms Britain, Kent, Sussex, Wessex, Essex and Mercia in 11-13 centuries.?

The answer is given in the previous section. All these states (and nations) are real states (and nations) of medieval Europe in 11-13th cc. They took part in the conquest of Byzantine empire and then they created several feudal crusaders states.

1) Britain - is, most likely, Prussia = Prutenia or Turkey (= Vlachia).

2) Kent is, according to J.Blaire [6], the Saxons region = Saxonia. Let us recall that in 10-12th cc. on the German territory there exists Saxons area = Saxonia.

3) Sussex = South Saxons.

4) Wessex = West Saxons.

5) Essex = East Saxons.

6) Mercia. Possible this is again Germany or some of its part, because in the Middle Ages Germany was called Moesia and, for example, town Marburg was called Merseburg, i.e. Merse + Burg ([10],p.263). It is also possible that chronicles mean Turkey when speaking about Mercia (Mersia). See, for example, large town Mersin in Turkey on the coast of Mediterranean sea. Anyway, we see that all six old-English kingdoms of 11-13th cc. can be located in Europe around the Byzantine Empire and all of then took part in its "feudal-state organization" during crusades. And only later all these states and nations were "transported" into island England, were artificially "decreased in size" and were inserted in a modern textbooks, where they are considered today as the initial English kingdoms of 5-8th cc.A.D.

5.14. A shift of originally Byzantine map to the land of modern Great Britain resulted in duplicating of many geographical terms.

Let us again return to the book of Matuzova [10] and let us analyze the information from old-English chronicles collected in [10]. It turns out that on the modern geographical map (which has its origin in medieval maps of 10-16th cc.) many geographical names are DUPLICATED, i.e., are appeared TWICE: in the West and in the East. There is an impression that somebody took the original geographical map, then shifted it in eastern direction (or, possible, in opposite - western direction) and then overlapped the shifted map onto the initial map. As a result, we see the "duplication" of many names. Now we will demonstrate the short table which represents this duplication of medieval geographical names. Our explanation is very simple. Part of the names were transported from the West to the East when crusaders invaded into Byzantine empire. They founded here several new feudal states and took with them their own prehistory and part of the old native geographical names. Another part of the names was shifted in back direction from the East to the West later when the descendants of crusaders were defeated by Turks in 15th century and returned from Byzantine empire in the Europe (the fall of Byzantine empire). Taking with them the survived documents, these people transported also some geographical names. We need also to take into account the natural psychological effect: when changing the place, people often feel sad and surround themselves by "old names". For example, you can see today on the modern map of America the names of many old European town: Moscow et cetera.

Danes = Daci = Dani = Dacia = Denemearc ---- Daneis (Danube) Galatia ---- Galicia,

Galli, Gallia (in France) ---- Galich (in Russia),

Danube (in Europe) --- Danai, Thanais, Tanais (in Russia),

Ruhr area and mountains (in Germany) --- Riffeng (Rifei = Ripheis) mountains = Urals mountains (in Russia),

Bulgarians in Bulgaria ---- Bulgarians on the Volga (in Russia),

Al'bania = Albion = Britain ---- Albania ---- Albania on the coast of the Caspian Sea, then Albania as a province of Great Asia, which is bounded by the Caspian Sea and spreads to the North Ocean, then Albania = Alania (in the Caucasus).

Rome ---- New Rome = Constantinople,

Troy (in Italy) ---- Troy in Asia ---- New Troy (Constantinople),

Scots (= Scithi) in England --- Scyths in Russia and Byzantine empire,

Hybernia = Ireland ---- Hybernia - Hyberia in Spain ---- Hyberia = Georgia,

Ruthenia (Rutheni) in Aquitaine ---- P+Ruthenia (Prussia) ---- Rutheni as tribes in Celtic Gallia ---- Russia = Ruthenia ---- Ruteni (Rutheni) or Rutia - the province in Mesia (= Germany),

Gothia = Gotia = Germany ---- Scandinavia = Gothia = Gotia, Goths and Dani ---- Scandinavians, then Gothia (Gotia) = island Gotland ---- Gotia as territory in Tavrida=Taurus, Goths lived in the Crimea,

Rome-Romania ---- Rumania-Romei ---- Armenia ---- Normans,

Hungaria ---- Great Hungaria ---- Minor Hungaria ---- Hunia (in the East, Hunns) ---- Hungri = Great Bashkir,

Great Greece in southern Italy ---- Great Greece (modern location),

Britain (= BRTN) ---- P+Ruthenia (Prussia) ---- PRT (Prut),

Germany = Maesia ---- Mesia in Asia Minor = Messina ---- Messina in Sicily,

Genoa (in Italy) ---- Geneva.

We interrupt the list because the reader can easily continue it, using geographical maps and modern commentaries to medieval chronicles.