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27. The Concise Columbia Encyclopeadia. - Avon Books. 1983. Columbia University Press. USA. 28. Bartholomaeus Angicus. - De proprietatibus rerum. Apud A.Koburger. Nurenbergi, 1492, lib.XV, cap.CXXXI.

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34 Anatoly T.Fomenko. "History: Fiction or Science?". Chronology 1. - Delamere Publishing, Paris, London, New York, 2003.

35 Anatoly T.Fomenko. "History: Fiction or Science?". Chronology 2. - Delamere Publishing, Paris, London, New York, 2005.

36 Anatoly T.Fomenko, Tatiana N.Fomenko, Vladimir V.Kalashnikov, Gleb V.Nosovskiy. "History: Fiction or Science?". Chronology 3. - Delamere Publishing, Paris, London, New York, 2007.

37 Anatoly T.Fomenko, Gleb V.Nosovskiy. "History: Fiction or Science?". Chronology 4. - Delamere Publishing, Paris, London, New York, 2007.