Chapter 2.
We will list the exact astronomical dates from the ancient zodia�s which point themselves into the XII century and are included in the 'framework' of the new chronology along with some other data.
1. (Years 1146 or 1325) ZODIAC RC FROM THE TOMB OF PHARAOH RAMESSES IV. An image on the ceiling of the burial chamber. 'Ancient' Egypt, Luxor, Valley of the Kings, allegedly 'antiquity'. In fact – the first variant: 15-16 April 1146; the second variant: 10-17 April 1325 [���].
2. (Year 1148) SECOND ZODIAC SX FROM THE TOMB OF SENENMUT. It is depicted on the arches of the tomb. 'Ancient' Egypt, Luxor, allegedly 'antiquity'. In fact: 17-18 June 1148 ���� [���].
3. (Year 1148) ZODIAC RD OF RAMSES IX. Frescos on plaster on the arches of the burial chamber. 'Ancient' Egypt, Luxor, Valley of the Kings, allegedly 'Antiquity'. In fact: 17 June 1148 [����].
4. (Year 1151) ZODIAC AE of NATIVITY, allegedly the I century. Depicted in the old book of Ebenezer Sybli. In reality his dating is as follows: 25th December 1151. So in fact the zodiac is dedicated to the birth of Andronicus–Christ (Andrei Bogolyubskiy) [����].
5. (Year 1166) ZODIAC RG ON THE GOLDEN HORN (OF GALLEHUS) FROM COPENHAGEN. The engraving on the horn made of gold. Denmark, allegedly the V century. In fact: 17-28 May 1166 [����].
6. (Year 1168) LONG DENDERA ZODIAC DL. Depicted on the stone slabs on the ceiling of a temple, bas-relief. 'Ancient' Egypt, Dendera, allegedly 'antiquity'. In fact: 22-26 April 1168 [���].
7. (Year 1182) ZODIAC OF RAMSES VII = THEBES COLOUR ZODIAC OU. Colour fresco on the tomb ceiling. 'Ancient' Egypt, Luxor, Valley of the Kings, allegedly 'antiquity'. In fact: 5-8 September 1182 [���].
8. (Year 1185) THE CIRCULAR ZODIAC OF DENDERA DR. Depicted on a large stone slab, bas-relief. 'Ancient' Egypt, Dendera, allegedly 'antiquity'. In fact: morning of the 20th March 1185. It appears that this well-known Zodiac was dedicated to the crucifixion of Andronicus-Christ in 1185 [���].
We are being assured that it was the French who dismantled The Circular Zodiac of Dendera in the epoch of Napoleon and moved it to Paris. For example in the book 'Ancient Egypt. History and archaeology'(Whitestar Publishers, Italy, 2001) it says: "In 1820 Sébastien-Louis Saulnier, a member of French parliament, commissioned Jean Baptiste Leloraine, a master mason, to remove the zodiac, which he succeeded to complete in four weeks. Zodiac arrived to Paris in January 1822 and was acquired by the king for his library" (p.107).
However other sources inform us rather differently. "Senkovskii O.I., a famous Russian Orientalist, Arabist, an educated man of his time… together with his servant without any qualms cut out a part depicting the zodiac from the ceiling of the Denedera Temple. In 1821 the most intriguing ancient Egyptian monument was put aboard a bark, sailing to Russia, however the breakdown of diplomatic relations with Porte forced Senkovskii to suspend the registration of the unusual baggage. Later the zodiac removed by him emerged in Paris [59:0], p.13-14.
It turns out that the French somehow intercepted the most valuable stone slab with a Circular Zodiac from the Russians. As we see, the role of the Russian explorers of Egypt, including the outstanding Egyptologist Golenishev V.C., was later on deliberately played down. The Germans and the French were declared the 'principal Egyptologists'. It is worth mentioning that on the frontispiece of the FIRST edition of the Napoleon album 'Description of Egypt' which appeared in 1809-1828 in France, the stone slab with a Circular Zodiac, as a separate unit separated from the ceiling of the temple, was not yet depicted [1458:1], p.38. It was added only IN THE SECOND French edition of the work [1458:1], p.38. In other words – post factum [���], ch.6.
9. (Years 1186 or 1007) ZODIAC OF MITHRA OF GEDDERNHEIM. Stone bas-relief. Europe, Germany, allegedly 'antiquity'. In fact – the first variant: 14-15 October 1007; the second variant: 14-15 October 1186 [����]
10. (Years 1189 or 1071 or 1308) CONCISE ZODIAC KZ. Stone bas-relief on the ceiling of the temple in the city of Erment. 'Ancient' Egypt, allegedly 'antiquity'. In fact – the first variant: 15-16 May 1071; the second variant: 30-31 May 1189; the third variant: 6-8 May 1308 [���].
11. (Circa 1150) The famous supernova explosion which today is dated to year 1150, in fact it took place a century later, circa 1150. It was this star that was reflected in the Gospels as the Star of Bethlehem [2v1], [���].
12. (Year 1185) According to the church tradition it is the solar eclipse that is connected with the crucifixion of Jesus. Whereas the evangelists didn't call the duration of the 'fall of darkness' at a point on the earth surface acting as the THREE hours of darkness, but THE FULL TRAVEL TIME OF THE MOON's UMBRAL SHADOW ALONG THE EARTH SURFACE. In other words – the duration of eclipse from the beginning to the end. The evangelists had a good reason to use here the expression 'all over the world'. The full solar eclipse of the 1st May 1185 occurred the same year that Christ was crucified [���], ch.1. A crescent with a star became an ancient symbol of Czar-Grad. It appears that it symbolized the Moon eclipsing the Sun in the year of the crucifixion of Andronicus-Christ, and the Star of Bethlehem, blazing up circa 1150 (and later on erroneously moved to year 1054). The crescent could have depicted both the Moon and the disc of the Sun at the moment of a near full eclipse forming a sickle shape.