A.T.Fomenko , G.V.Nosovskiy

Chapter 6.


For a long time Czar-Grad was considered the only centre of worship in the entire Christian world. In time the kingdom expanded and the people from the provinces were not always able to go to Jerusalem on the Bosphorus to worship. An idea emerged to create semblances of the holy city 'in situ', in the provinces. It emerged either in the XIII or in the XV cc., when Czar-Grad was seized. The conquest of the holy city was reflected in the biblical 'prophecies' of the fall of Jerusalem. At the end of the XVI century Jerusalem was built in Moscow [6v2]. Shortly before this Kazan was also referred to as Jerusalem. In the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah the construction of the Moscow Kremlin is referred to as 'the reconstruction of Jerusalem'.

Long after the Bible was printed in the XVII century the construction of another Jerusalem, namely in the modern day Palestine, begins. Later on it was declared 'the only Jerusalem'. The historians chose to forget about the previous Jerusalems so that no awkward questions would arise. However not everything was forgotten. A remarkable example of the construction of Jerusalem in the XVII century in the time of patriarch Nikon on the Istra river outside Moscow survives. It was designed on a large scale. However, the works were scrapped a few years down the line. It was appointed a place of a conventional monastery.

Hence it appears that everything could have turned out differently. If the original plan was not cancelled and the New Jerusalem was accomplished on the large scale, then it is entirely possible that today's Jerusalem would have been located on the Istra river, near Moscow, but not in modern Palestine. Mind you, no one would of course have remembered that in the XVII century the river was called Istra. Everyone would have sincerely called it 'the Gospel river Jordan'. The numerous guide-books would have told us with conviction about the centuries-long history of this Isra-Jordanian Jerusalem. They would have pointed out to us 'that very same' Mount Sinai which Moses had once ascended. But if anyone dared to openly declare that the city of Capernaum in the XVII century was called Zinovieva Pustosh (Zinoviev wasteland), this person would have been looked at with the same suspicion as anyone, who today would attempt to reinstate the former Arabic names in present day Palestine. For example, the Arabic name Al-Quds of modern Jerusalem, the Arabic name of the village renamed 'Biblical Jericho', etc.

More importantly, the editing of the Bible would have taken a different direction. They would not have eradicated the traces of snow, frost and the Northern winter in general. On the contrary, they would have added something about the thick snow and bitter cold. Everything would have looked rather convincing. Even more convincing than in the modern 'Southern, Palestinian version'.

But for some reasons Jerusalem on Istra was abolished. Only after this they started calling it The New Jerusalem. Alleging that it was not the 'actual' Jerusalem. And in general, the entire grand design was only a whim of the Patriarch Nikon. And the 'genuine Jerusalem' is situated in a completely different place. Allegedly in the present day Palestine.


In the Bible there are a number of events called the 'Babylonian Exile'. The first is the Babylonian exile of the XIV century, during the epoch of the 'Mongol' conquest. It is reflected in the history of the Catholic Church as the Babylonian captivity of the papacy. Its details are virtually unknown. What is suggested to us is a XVII century version. It was composed after the breakup of the 'Mongol Empire' and is a part of the distorted Scaligerian history. In particular Dante's works, for example his 'Letters', where he speaks a lot of the Avignon Exile (he calls it Babylonian [2v1], ch.1:4) were written, most likely, not earlier than the XVII century.

The same refers to the works of Petrarch (allegedly 1304-1374) which were allegedly written XIV century. As we said before they were most likely to have been created in the XVII century [2v1], ch.1:4.

It is thought that Dante lived in 1265-1321 [797], p.359. The bronze bust of allegedly XV century, modeled on the mold of Dante's face is well known [304], v.2, p.410. Most likely it was made not earlier than the XVII century using the death mask of a man who lived in that epoch. Alternatively it could be yet another 'visual aid' of the XVII-XVIII cc. for the textbooks on the Scaligerian history in front of us.

The second Babylonian captivity was in the XV century. It is the conquest of Constantinople by the Ottomans in 1453.

The third Babylonian captivity took place in the XVI century. It is the conquest of Kazan-Khazaria in 1552 and Novgorod-Yaroslavl in 1570 by Ivan the Terrible, i.e. the biblical Nebuchadnezzar [6v1], ch.6. The important events in Russia-Horde of the XVI-XVII cc. are connected to these foreigners-settlers. Namely, the story of Esther.


When the Biblical and European histories are aligned, King Solomon overlaps the Byzantine emperor Justinian I allegedly of the VI century. He 'restores' the famous Hagia Sophia in Czar-Grad. The Holy Temple built by Solomon and Hagia Sophia coincide. The temple erected by Solomon in Jerusalem is often called Solomon's Temple. So it is CONSTANTINOPLE'S HAGIA SOPHIA WHICH IS SOLOMON'S TEMPLE IN JERUSALEM. Going forward, king Solomon (the very same Justinian I) is the reflection of the legendary sultan Suleiman, aka Suleiman the Magnificent. Born in 1494 or in 1495, he became a sultan in 1520 and died in 1566. One of the most eminent rulers of the Ottoman (Ataman) Empire. So Hagia Sophia = Solomon's Temple was erected in the XVI century. It is the first construction project of the enormous temples. It didn't turn out entirely successfully. In approximately twenty years the temple began to 'sprawl', and Selim II had to reinforce it with the 'supporting piers' [6v].

Prior to the early XVII century and possibly later, Hagia Sophia, where the sultans had already been praying for many decades, still did not change its Christian appearance. In other words the Istanbul sultans up until the XVII and maybe even up until the XVIII century PRAYED IN THE CHRISTIAN CATHEDRAL! This is contrary to any ingrained prejudices we may have about the Ottomans = Atamans. But it corresponds brilliantly with our reconstruction: as the Ottomans (Atamans) came from Russia-Horde, were Christian and prayed in the Christian churches. The Christian icons were not plastered over. All the major changes in the ritualism, at least those connected with the iconoclasm, prevailed only in the XVII-XVIII cc.

Suleiman the Magnificent's wife was the Russian Roxelana, and Solomon's wife was the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh. But as we have shown already, the Biblical Egypt is Russia-Horde. So, Solomon's wife is a Russian princess. By the way, the Queen of Sheba, who once came to visit King Solomon, is partially identified with the Empress Helena, mother of Constantine. She is also the Russian princess Olga.

Furthermore, the mysterious biblical 'a great many waters in the midst of David's Column' in Jerusalem – is a vast underground reservoir-cistern of the Mediaeval Istanbul.

Besides, the Old Testament's 'Sea of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem on the 12 oxen' – is once again the legendary Istanbul cistern-reservoirs [6v].



Many think that the Amazons existed only in the 'ancient' Greek myths. In the meantime the Russian Povest Vremennykh Let (The Tale of the Bygone Years – The Russian Primary Chronicle, also called Chronicle of Nestor or Kiev Chronicle – Translator's note), for example, tell us about the Amazons. The equestrian squadrons of female warriors did in fact exist in Russia-Horde. For example, THE EQUESTRIAN FEMALE COHORTS ACOOMPANIED EQUIPAGES OF THE GOLDEN HORDE QUEENS [282], p.146.

Astonishingly this CONVOY OF THE AMAZONS existed at the Russian czars' court until the early XVII century! There survived some foreign travelers' commentary about it [282], p.145-146. Giving this description, the historian I.E. Zabelin could not refrain from an obvious comparison: 'The ceremonial female equestrian convoy, the Amazons of a sort, leads us to wonder, whether such a custom for a queen's escort was adopted from the long-term customs of the escorts of the ancient Queens of the Golden Horde [282], p. 146. As we understand it now, the Golden Horde was simply a Russian state of the XIV-XV cc. with its capital in Kostroma or Yaroslavl – Veliky Novgorod. Moscow Rus' (Russia) of the XVI century became the heiress of that state. Naturally the customs of Moscow and Golden Horde corresponded.

The country of the Amazons, as situated in Russia, is named directly on the magnificent map of Charles V and Ferdinand dated to the XVI century. It turns out that Amazonia situated between the Volga river and the Don river, in the region of the Sea of Azov, Tartaria, below the Volga and Don skid way. This country is named on the map of Charles V as AMAZONVM [4v1], ch.4. HERE THE NATIVE COSSACK, I.E. TATARIAN LANDS WERE SITUATED.

Finally we will quote a wonderful title of one of the chapters of 'Universal Chronicle' by Marcin Bielski published allegedly in 1551. The chapter is thus named: 'ON AMAZON WOMEN, THE TATARIAN WIVES' [344], p.231. Thus in the XVI-XVII cc. it was JUST THE TATARIAN WIVES WHO WERE CALLED THE AMAZONS. And who are the Tatars? In the epoch of the XIV-XVI cc. they are the Cossacks. Therefore, the Amazons were the Cossack wives, kazatchki. They were always famous for being great horse riders, active in public life. They sometimes fought alongside men.

The Cossack-Amazons are reflected in various 'ancient' sources. The Amazons entered the realms of classical literature and art. The Amazons were the favourite motif on Greek painted vases. They were depicted on a horse wielding a spear, fighting the Greeks [4v1], ch.4.