
New chronology of Greece and the Bible.
Mathematics opens the fraud of medieval chronologists.

Volume 2, Book 2

Abstract to the book "We change dates – everything changes"


The present book is issued in a new edition, recently made by the author. It considerably differs from the previous ones. In the accepted today version of chronology of the Ancient times serious mistakes were disclosed. The proposed by the author new mathematical-statistical methods of dating of events discover strikingly resembling each other "ancient" and medieval dynasties of the governors, which are considered today absolutely different. Probably, they are "written out" from the same original of the epoch of the XI-XVI centuries.
When the famous Parthenon was built and why it is called a church of Virgin Mary? It appears that "antique" Greece is a phantom reflection of the events of epoch of the XIV-XVI centuries A.D.
It appears, that the events, described in the Bible, more likely, actually took place in the XI-XVI centuries A.D. in Europe, Mediterranean and Asia. In the Appendix, written by V.P.Fomenko and T.G.Fomenko, a new statistical method of discovering plagiary is proposed, based on the opened by them "author's invariant" of Russian literary texts. As an example a famous problem is analyzed: who is an authentic author of "Quiet Don"?
The book is a unique event in the international scientific life; it will not leave indifferent any reader. No special knowledge is required from the reader. The book is aimed for the widest circles of readers, interested in the applications of natural scientific methods in history.