In the present section we place some rare and important ancient pictures and texts, mentioned in our studies. Every time we shortly explain, what the thing is about and give links on the sections in our books (presented on the site), where this material is discussed in detail. This will let the reader quickly understand the essence of pictures and texts, described here. By the way these materials are unique and hard-to-get. Sometimes the links on the literature correspond to the full list of sources, used in our books.
- Albrecht Durer. "Arch of Glory of Imperator Maximilian I" (Full facsimile reproduction)
- The Column of Trajan in Rome
- Illustrations from the book of A.T.Fomenko and G.V.Nosovskiy OLD MAPS OF THE GREAT RUSSIAN EMPIRE.
Text of the book with illustrations (RU) - DESCRIPTION OF EGYPT- many-values work, created and published under the request of Napoleon
- Nicolas Johannes Piscator. Several illustrations to "Face Bible" of 1650.
- One of Mercator Atlases
- General geography of Duvall d'Abville of 1676 (on French)
- Scaliger (on Latin)
- Dionysius Petavius. Latin text of fundamental three-volume work of Dionysius Petavius
- Dionysius Petavius. English text of short book of Dionysius Petavius.
- Radzivilovskaya chronicle. Facsimile edition
- Ostrog Bible. Facsimile edition (phototypic re-edition of the text of 1581 was made under the supervision of I.V.Dergacheva according to the copies of Gorky Scientific Library of the MSU. Moscow-Leningrad. Publishing house. "Slovo-Art",1988)
- Chronological tables of Zh.Blair
- "Universal Chronicle" of Hartmann Schedel
- Treasury of Aachen Dom (Cathedral) Stephan Beissel S.J. <<Kunstschatze des Aachener Kaiserdomes. Werke der Goldschmiedekunst, Elfenbeinschnitzerei und Textilkunst>> M.Gladbach. Druck und Verlag von B.Ku"hlen. Anstalt fu"r Christliche Kunst. 1904. (text in German and illustrations)
- >Florentine Chronicle (in English). Maso Finiguerra. "A Florentine Picture-Chronicle". Reproduced from the originals in the British Museum by the Imperial Press, Berlin. - A critical and descriptive text by Sidney Colvin, M.A. Keeper of the prints and drawings of the British Museum. New York, Benjamin Blom Inc. 1970.
- Ebenezer Sibly "Astrology". Full name: "New and full presentation of occult sciences" (Ebenezer Sibly: "A new and complete illustration of occulte sciences"), XVIII century.
- A book from the epoch of Peter the Great. Ancient history. Book seven. About successors of Alexander. Publishing house: St.Petersburg imperator academy of sciences, 1761.
Journal or daily note of the blessed and worthy memory of sovereign imperator PETER THE GREAT SINCE 1698 before the Treaty of Nystad. Published from the archive lists, edited by the hand of His Imperial Majesty. Part one. 1770.
- Journal or daily note of the blessed and worthy memory of sovereign imperator PETER THE GREAT SINCE 1698 before the Treaty of Nystad. Part two, section I, II. 1772
- Rare book of Mauro Orbini "Historiography. In the name, glory and widening of the Slavonic folk" Slavonic conquest of Europe and Asia. 1772.
- Lutheran Chronograph of the XVII century
- Rosette stone
- Semen Ulianovich Remezov. Drafting book of Siberia
- Foreword of G.V.Nosovskiy to Russian edition of the book of Isaac Newton IMPROVED CHRONOLOGY OF THE ANCIENT KINGDOMS. (First edition in Russian. Publishing house RIMIS, 2007)