A.T.Fomenko , G.V.Nosovskiy

Chapter 8.


The philologists brought up on the Scaligerian Chronology think that the transitions and confusion of sounds took place mainly in the pre-writing epoch. I.e. they were determined only by different pronunciation by different people, by 'different voice-boxes'. That is why, they said, we can't speak about the possible transitions of the sounds because of the mix up in letters due to their close spelling. At the heart of this opinion is the hypothesis that the languages were formed before writing.

But according to the new chronology many languages emerged already during the epoch of writing. That is why the transitions of the sounds often appeared due to the mix up of the letters depicted on paper. The same letter written in a different way on a line could have led to the confusion of the sounds.

Such transitions of the consonants is not only possible in theory, but was discovered by us when 'solving the semantic equations'. The Scaligerian chronology turned many things upside down, including the linguistic matters.

A large number of parallels we noticed between the main, primary words of the Russian language and Latin cannot be considered accidental. A question arises: who borrowed the words from whom? What language originated from what language? Did the Latin word PEDESTAL form by merging two Russian words PIATA (heel of the foot in Russian) = PEDE and STOL (table) = STAL? Or vice versa the two old Russian words PIATA and STOL were formed by splitting a mysterious foreign PEDESTAL which appeared in Russia? In our view in this case, as in a great number of other cases, it is obvious that the Latin is borrowing from Russian.

Having said that, the meaning on the whole remained. For example, the Latin MUSCERDA = 'myshinyi pomiot' (mouse droppings), most likely formed by fusion of the Slavonic words MYSH+SRAT' (MOUSE+CRAP). Improbable that the process was in reverse: that the 'ancient' Latin sweetly sounding MUSCERDA split later into two Slavonic words МЫШЬ and СРАТЬ, which began their independent lives.

We discovered another fact. Sometimes the Slavonic words turned into the 'foreign' ones as the result of rearranging the consonants inside a word when reading it incorrectly. The fact is that in the XI-XVI cc. The letter order in a word was not exactly fixed. The letters were written not strictly in sequence along the line (as we do it today), but sometimes one under the other, to the side, above or underneath each other, varying in size and slanting differently. The letters were 'put on their side', turned around and mirrored. A word was 'drawn' in a form of a little heap of letters, the order of reading could vary. Every method of reading of a 'heap'-hieroglyph was determined by the trajectory of the eyes movement, by the order of the transition of your glance from letter to letter. Therefore it was possible to 'read' different words 'out' of the same one 'word-hieroglyph', fig.102. The zigzag lines consecutively passing through the white points show various ways of reading the very same 'heap of letters' [7v2].

Here we come across the traces of the old way of recording of words in the form of the pictures-hieroglyphs, like in the Ancient Egypt. If the meaning of the text was forgotten then the complex picture could be read in different ways, which led to confusion.

We'll remind you that a word could be read both left to right and right to left. For example the Russian word КОЛОС (spike) and the Russian word ЗЛАК (cereal) could have been derived from each other when read in revise order and exchanging S into Z (С-З). Besides, they used to write the words without vowel marking, just with the consonants. That is why the latest vowel markings of the same 'frame of consonants' could vary: kolos = KLS ---> ZLK = zlak.

Most likely, the Christian Book of Psalms and the 'Ancient' Egyptian Book of the Dead are virtually the same book, or, which is more precise, they both date back to the same primary source [5v2], ch.4:8.
The people, who were probably writing the Book of Psalms in its more or less modern form, had in front of them an old Hieroglyphic text, inscribed with 'pictures'. Their reading was ambiguous, not mono-semantic, and besides the meaning of the text was almost forgotten. Hence the intense imagery of the Book of Psalms and its continual repetitions. The same picture is described with words several times. The Book of Psalms looks unusual in comparison with the later texts, which were by then written using letters aligned in an orderly fashion. That is why today the Book of Psalms is difficult to understand in places.

The Book of Psalms was probably partially written by Christ himself. It conveys Christ's inner turmoil at the time of his persecution, then his enthronement and the last days before his execution. Some of the Psalms from the Old Church Slavonic Book of Psalms are possibly not the translations, but the ORIGINALS. We have already said that Christ for a long time lived in Russia and spoke the Slavonic language very well [TsRS], ch.3.


Let us show an example of how the confusion in regards to the words led to some serious repercussions. The words DOL, DOLU mean: underside, lowland, valley, lower hem in a dress. According to Vladimir Dal (Explanatory Dictionary – Translator's note): DOLU means beneath, on the ground, downwards. Let us also remember the Church expression: DOLU is below, down, low; for example POKLONITSA DOLU (to bow to the ground). It is probably from here the word IDOLOPOKLONNIKI (worshipers of idols) originated, i.e. those, who 'bow low', DOLU+POKLONNIKI (those who bow low to the ground), DOLU POKLONITSA (to bow to the ground). Originally all the believers were referred to in this way, were bowing low when praying, touching the floor with their hand, and sometimes even head or forehead. Even today Muslims getting on their knees, as in the original Christianity of the XII-XV cc., when bowing touch the ground with their foreheads. The same low bows, but in a slightly different form, survive in the Russian Orthodox Church until present day. But following the religious schisms in the XVI-XVII cc. in Romanovs Russia, and in Western Europe (where the Slavonic language was still in use, though it was being forced out by the new languages like Latin) the formerly neutral word IDOLOPOKLONNIKI (idol worshipers) acquired a negative meaning. In Russia the Romanovs changed the style of the churches and the character of church life [4]. In the parts of the Great Empire which split off from it some of the original Orthodox customs were also changed in order to separate from the metropoly in the religious sense as well.

Today Catholics rarely do low prostrations. In the Western-European churches the custom of getting onto their knees during the service has disappeared. Instead long benched-seats were made in front of which there is placed a step-like panel. In the certain moments during the prayer you have to slightly touch it with your knee remaining seated. Having separated in the religious sense the Western priests condemned and changed some former Orthodox Catholic rituals. Including the direction of the sign of the cross. The Muslims, who also split off from the original Christianity, annulled crossing altogether.

The reformers used the fact that the Russian word DOLU also meant 'vile' and 'low' and tendentiously interpreted it in a negative way. As a result in the XVII-XVIII cc. the word IDOLOPOKLONNIKI in some church circles began to be disapproved of: purporting that it was they who worship the bad gods. The same was done to the word IDOL, i.e. virtually DOLU, which today is perceived as something primitive, some kind of 'wrong' deity, idol. Thus they swapped white into black and vice versa.


1. (Year 1725) Horoscope dating to the time of the rule of the grandson of the very first Yellow Emperor of China Huangdi. Allegedly the first half of the third millennia BC. In fact: 6 March Old Style (Julian calendar) 1725, see [3v2] or our book 'Pegaya Orda' ('Piebald Horde').

2. (Year 1741) ZODIAC FZ del FALCONETTO from MANTUA. Fresco decoration on the walls of the so called 'Sala dello Zodiaco del Falconetto' (Hall of the Zodiac) in the Seconda Palazzina gia Dalla Valle. Italy, Mantua, allegedly 1520. In fact: 3-4 Julian calendar 1741 [GR], Introduction.

3. (Year 1741) ROMAN ZODIAC FA OF JUPITER. Allegedly the 'classical' stone carving. In fact: 5 June Julian calendar 1741 (ERIZ].

4. (Year 1781) ZODIAC OF URANUS RP1 IN CHAMBER OF THE COURT JUSTICE IN PADUA (Palazzo della Ragione). Frescos on the walls of the upper chamber. Italy, Padua, allegedly 1315-1317. In fact: 23-25 April 1781 [GRK], ch.4.