The number 666 of the Apocalypse refers to the Pope of Rome and the Latin power, according to the numerology suggested by Isaac Newton, in coherence with the New Chronology of Fomenko and Nosovskiy and Chronology X-185.
This paper demonstrates how Isaac Newton resolves that the number 666 of the Beast -from the Book of Apocalypse- is obtained by transforming the Greek word ΛΑΤΙΝΟΣ ("Latins") into one number, with a table of equivalences between the letters of the Greek alphabet and a certain associated numerology. Newton leaves everything well indicated, it is only necessary to make a small effort and find the table. Then, in the book in which Newton solves this enigma, additional information is obtained that points to the person who holds this number, in coherence with the message that derives from the apocalyptic book itself, which in turn is in tune with the historical-chronological reconstruction of the New Chronology of Fomenko and Nosovskiy, which points to the European colonization of the world. The 666 is the Pope of Rome, and the power of him is the Latin, or Roman, which happens to occupy the previous Greek power. Newton and the New Chronology transfer the apocalyptic book to the 15th century, and, in this same transfer, place the sacred text of the Old Testament on these dates. Both relate him to the Mongol khans, indicating that his deed, his power and his glory is that of the biblical Judeo-Christian people.
An alternate history
This story defies traditional dating methods, including Carbon 14, as they are all supported, in multiple ways, by the official chronological map. And this leads them to errors that can be thousands of years old. (1)
Ancient History has only a few centuries really documented, and it is much more recent. And this way of seeing the past requires an explanation. As can be deduced from the results obtained by the Russian mathematicians Anatoly T. Fomenko and Gleb V. Nosovskiy, which in turn are reinforced by other works that point to the reinvention of the past, there are incontestable proofs and evidence that point to the fact that, at a time when the nature of the origin of life, of the Earth and of the Firmament was unknown, a story was written where everything came from God, about seven thousand years ago, based on a sacred text. And one of his missions was to create a millennial past for the history of Jesus, as a powerful before and after that narrates his authority and gives rise to an era of high symbolic value. Thus, the power of God was created, and that of Christ, through a mythical idea far removed from the present and from the true nature of history, which ended up being consolidated. This idea became dogma, and historians built on it a history of human civilization without questioning it, systematically. First, the manipulation was conscious. Then, once the chronological map that contained it was consolidated, with its main ideas, it was filled with complementary studies that unconsciously adapted to it, until the result was a story out of place in time, full of errors and multiple duplicities, or reflections, sent to the past of what really happened, with overtones of fantasy and legend. But the real story, which has been deciphered by Fomenko and Nosovskiy, was left written for posterity. This is the revelation of Apocalypse. Reading Newton's work corroborates it, although there is logical incredulity that resists accepting it. In any case, here we work in this direction and, as a result, this vision is reinforced.
The text that narrates what really happened is the Biblical Apocalypse. It describes the story of the coming of a great power that appears after a great devastation, whose consequence is an Alliance with God, but a violent space persists that ends with the fall of the city of Babylon, which until then was the main city of the world. Then, a future of peace and abundance is announced, which will come from the hand of the angel of Jesus, who is both an original power, the alpha and the omega. This story, summarized here as if it were a story, is adorned with numerous symbols, and it is almost impossible to see its resemblance to reality, but it has to do with the fall of Constantinople and the messianic idea of the Roman Christ, according to Newton. This is the last testimony of the famous English scientist, although he has been forgotten. Is the book titled OBSERVATIONS upon the PROPHECIES of DANIEL, and the APOCALYPSE of St. JOHN, dated 1733. But the official story, obviously, is so different from what Newton says that nobody, or almost nobody, has paid attention to it.
The apocalyptic text of John is deliberately intended as an encrypted text, as a testimony (or testament), of what really happened, before another story was written in its place, dilated in time. For this reason, it is the last book of the Bible, which ends the New Testament. It is an undated text, with no space in actual history, and it has become a prophecy that has fuelled the human imagination. But it contains the description of a zodiac that reports the date on which the colonization of Roman Europe officially begins, which Isaac Newton leaves half decrypted. Through a parabolic reading, he places it in a much shorter and closer time space, in his posthumous work dedicated, precisely, to the apocalyptic texts of Daniel and John, although he does so in an ambiguous way, to (probably) persist to inquisitorial censorship and human denial. Perhaps, who knows, he knew that sooner or later someone would notice, as has been the case in the scientific research of mathematicians Anatoly Fomenko, Gleb Nosovskiy and their collaborators, plus the contribution of the X-185 line worked in parallel. This investigation works the evidence of the deliberate dilation of real history, based on numerous tests, and delves into its reconstruction that, although it is half done, gives results equivalent to those shown in Newton's posthumous text.
The biblical events of the fall of Egypt and Babylon, which liberated the people of Israel, refer to the Turkish and Mongol expansion that official history has left written in the 13th century after Christ. Isaac Newton left it indicated in the reconstruction of the prophecy of the Apocalypse, or someone did it on his behalf, in 1733. Newton reconstructs human history from the time of Alexander the Great to the 15th century following the narrative of the book of the Apocalypse, highlighting, as a key and main episode, the eleventh chapter in which the Alliance with God is consummated, which places around the date 1258 after Christ. Before, in 1727, just when he died, he leaves the book of all the previous history written, in a different way from the official one, in the book titled The chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended: To Which is Prefix'd, A Short Chronicle From the First Memory of Things in Europe, to the Conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great, which is officially published in 1728 after generating strong controversy, with Newton in life. Neither the original manuscript nor the material that Newton used to write these amazing works exists.
In this way, Newton opens the door to understand that the Hebrew people is also that of the great khans who (officially) between the 13th and 14th centuries occupied half the world and were known as heirs of Genghis Khan, who in turn is called the King David of the Jews. Genghis allies himself with Prester John before the respective descendants unite and establish their spiritual power in Ethiopia. Along these lines, it should be noted that Prester John bears the symbols that the Pope of Rome now wears (see figures 1 and 2) and, furthermore, as emperors of Ethiopia (since the 13th century), they officially proclaim themselves heirs to the Kings David, Solomon and Sheba. And it is they who guard Solomon's Ark of the Covenant, in Axum, Ethiopia, until today.

Figure 1. On the left is Prester John in Ethiopia, with the triple cross and the triple crown, which now belong to the Pope of Rome, in a land that is also part of present-day Nubia, according to the Atlas “Cosmographie Universelle” by Guillaume Le Testu, from 1555 (BNF). In the middle, portrait of Pope Silvestre I (who convenes the Council of Nicea) ( On the right, Pope Pius XII at his coronation in 1939 (Joachim Specht, Wikipedia, public domain).

Figure 2. Detail of medieval maps in which Prester John appears in the lands that currently make up Nubia and Ethiopia. In both the triple cross can be seen, which was then held by the Prester and, currently, uses the Pope. On the right, the Priest with the triple cross that the Pope also carries. Authors: left, Mecia de Viladestes, 1413; middle, Angelino Dulceti, 1339; right, anonymous of Gabriel de Vallseca, 1440. Font: Pujades i Bataller, R. J. (2007). Les Cartes portolanes: la representació medieval d’una mar solcada. Barcelona: Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya. (2)
In other words, symbolically and officially, both King David and Genghis Khan hold great biblical powers, despite the logical incredulity exercised by the common sense of those who have been brought up with a different history, which does not deny it, but does not tolerate it, despite to Newton's work. And Newton is not the first to point in this direction. According to the New Chronology of Fomenko and Nosovskiy, figures such as the German scientist Jean Hardouin (1646-1729); the personal secretary of Russian Tsar Peter the Great, Petr Nikiforovich Krekshin (1684-1763); the German philologist Robert Baldauf (19th and 20th centuries); the English historian Edwin Johnson (1842-1901); the Russian scientist and encyclopaedist Nicolay Alexandrovich Morozov (1854-1946), who turned chronology into a science; and the German scientist and lawyer Wilhelm Kammeyer (late 19th century to 1959); they had already indicated that the really documented history is much more recent and that Ancient History and the Middle Ages have been manipulated.
The face of the Beast with the number 666, according to Newton
Newton tells us that the Second Temple in Jerusalem is set in the Middle Ages, and so is the Apocalypse. But at the same time, he links the story of the Beast that worships a pseudo-prophet (Apocalypse, Chapter 13) to Latin power. And he points to Rome. It is the apocalyptic 666 that, as reconstructed here, is personified in the Pope of Rome.
The Biblical Apocalypse tells us that this Beast marks -on the forehead- those who enjoy rights, to "buy and sell", and they are the "redeemed people". The redeemed were 144 thousand, after having been marked with "the name of their father". And the mark, according to Newton, is the cross. A cross that in the official Apocalypse is understood when it says (Apocalypse, Chapter 14):
And adds,
The lamb is Christ, the sacrifice to God. And the 144,000 are the Christian, or pre-Christian, people, which Newton's text seems to indicate represents the original 12 tribes. That is, they are those who occupy Europe, North Africa and part of the Middle East, plus the Christians who live in the rest of the known world. For this reason, perhaps, the number 144 is 12×12. And what's more, he not only speaks of Jesus and the Christians but also recognizes them as worshipers of a beast induced and created by another beast, which represents the high priest, or the Church. For this reason, the beast with the number 666 is not Jesus, but the Pope of Rome. In the previous chapter, the 13th, before identifying the Beast with the number 666, the Biblical Apocalypse says:
And adds,
The image performed miracles, was adored, was wounded and "came back to life" (resurrected), like Christ, and these powers were given by a beast to another beast, the previous one (which would be Genghis Khan). In her name, sacrifices and crimes were committed to those who did not adore her. In this way, despite the message of peace and love from the Lamb of God, who is the current Christ, the same Apocalypse tells us that his power was given to him by the intersection of a two-horned beast, which would be, according to Newton, the churches of Greece and Rome.
In this way, the book of Apocalypse is telling us that the beasts are the power that fights on Earth, that they fight to rule it, as does the Pope. Nothing to do with the image of the Antichrist or Satan that, today, is assimilated to 666, and the apocalyptic Beast. Thus, the idea of the meaning of the Apocalypse that emerges from Newton's text is confirmed, and so is this neochronological reading. It is the cruel European colonization. Just as described in chapters 13 and 14 of the Apocalypse, with colonization, only Christians are redeemed by the Pope and his priests. With her, the cruel agenda of the Holy Inquisition and the fanatical persecution of the "infidels" began.
Once the apocalyptic text is understood, it is possible to better understand the interpretation given by Isaac Newton. In his posthumous work he gives clues to the meaning of the number 666 on two occasions, and on both occasions, he assimilates it to the Christian cross. First, on page 284 of this book, he describes the meaning of the Beast in these words (see Figure 3):

Figure 3. Detail of page 284 of the text OBSERVATIONS upon the PROPHECIES of DANIEL, and the APOCALYPSE of St. JOHN, dated 1733.
Second, on page 320 of this book, Newton defines it in these words (see Figure 5ç4):
Newton tells us that the Beast is the name of ΛΑΤΙΝΟΣ (LATINS in Greek), and a cross, which triples. That is, it clearly points to Christianity. But he also points out to us that the name must be calculated with Greek letters. Understanding this, the question that arises is, is there any contemporary numerology to Newton that applies to the Greek letters? The answer is in Greek numerology, as described in the table in Figure 5. In this table each letter of the Greek alphabet has a value, the calculation of which, applied to the Greek word ΛΑΤΙΝΟΣ, meaning “Latins”, adds up to 666 (30+1+300+5+10+50+70+200). The calculation is clear, as is the fact that the three letters provided by Newton, χξϛ, are 600, 60 and 6, 666.

Figure 5. Table of equivalences between the letters of the Greek alphabet and the numbers, in units, tens and hundreds, used by Isaac Newton to assimilate the word ΛΑΤΙΝΟΣ (LATINS in Greek) to the number 666. Source of the table: Own elaboration, according to the academic tradition.
But there is also another way of seeing it, according to the three crosses which, according to Newton, are assimilated to the Christian cross, or more specifically to the cross of the Order of the Temple of Solomon, of Rhodes or of Malta, in the service of the Pope of Rome. Each cross represents the power of Pope of Rome, and three crosses are 666. To finish it off, mention that the triple cross is a unique cross of the Pope of Rome, that is, it can only be wear it, just as the triple crown or papal tiara is. Perhaps for this reason, Newton assimilates the Pope of Rome with the Latin power, through this triple cross and the use of this numerology.
To fully understand it, in this interpretation, it should be noted that the triple cross and triple crown of the Pope are the attributes of Prester John of the Indies, and of Ethiopia. The medieval maps that corroborate these symbols on Prester John, as well as the Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopia, plus the fact that the Ethiopian imperial family is a direct descendant of Kings Solomon and Saba (from the year 1270, according to the official account), are testimonies, witnesses, of the real, Indian and Eastern history of all the Christian powers (see figures 1 and 2).
According to Chronology X-185, John the Evangelist, from the desert, who blesses Jesus and ends up beheaded, is the transmuted image of Prester John in the New Testament story, for Christian symbology. And the triple cross, as well as the triple crown, represent the three wise men who were, in reality, the ones who crowned Prester John, as narrated in the manuscript known as EL BECERRO GENERAL, transcribed in the book La vía cronológica (Ediciones de La Tempestad, 2020). They are three Tartar kings, heirs of Genghis Khan, who, as in the book on which their legend has been constituted, meet, as if it were a council, to end up transferring power back to the land where it comes from, the “center”, upper Egypt, now Nubia and Ethiopia. EL BECERRO (3) is a work attributed to Diego Fernández de Mendoza, a character with Byzantine roots (4) .
The Apocalypse, according to Newton and fomenkian neochronology
The analysis of the sacred text of the Apocalypse, according to Isaac Newton and the neochronological view, is as follows:
Before beginning, note that, in Chapter 1 of the second part of the book, dedicated to the Apocalypse of John, Newton says:
It tells us that these texts inform of a history already lived, but it has been written in a prophetic key, and for this reason they should not be understood as a future history that God knows will be fulfilled. And he adds:
That is, it tells us that prophecies have been written to establish the Christian religion, but that it has been corrupted and will be recovered, along with the lost truth.
In another order of things, it tells us how the symbolic language should be understood in Chapter II of the first part of the book, dedicated to the Prophecy of Daniel. He says:
And adds:
It tells us how the apocalyptic text has been thought, transforming the celestial symbols with the powers that govern the world. Once this is understood, it is possible to face the meaning of this work with an open mind.
According to Newton, the ten horns of the apocalyptic Beast were the Tartar powers occupying Europe, and the other two are Greece and Rome. As is read between the lines, these are the twelve tribes of Israel, where the first 10, the "lost", are the roots of the kingdoms of Europe, which invaded it from the Russian steppes between the official 5th and 7th centuries, before the Roman construction of Charlemagne. He describes it in Chapter VI of the first part of the book, dedicated to the Prophecies of Daniel, entitled "Of the ten Kingdoms represented by the ten horns of the fourth Beast." These are: 1) The kingdom of the Vandals and Alans in Spain and Africa; 2) The kingdom of the Suevians in Spain; 3) The kingdom of the Visigoths; 4) The kingdom of the Alans in Gallia; 5) The kingdom of the Burgundians; 6) The kingdom of the Franks; 7) The kingdom of the Britains; 8) The kingdom of the Hunns; 9) The kingdom of the Lombards; 10) The kingdom of Ravenna. The other two horns (the other two tribes) are later and correspond to Greece and Rome. This episode precedes the construction of the power of Rome, just as it happens after the fall of Byzantium in the official 15th century, when Catholicism is renewed with the brand-new monumental Vatican. It is, without a doubt, a reflection sent to the past of this great story, which must be contextualized. In fact, it openly dialogues with the reconstruction of the New Chronology. The 5th-9th centuries mirror the 11th-15th centuries.
On the other hand, Newton places the events of the Ark of the Covenant (Apocalypse, Chapter 11) between the years 1258 and 1453, in events that begin in 1063 and go back 391 years (5) , which according to him are 391 prophetic days, while it seems that he paraphrases the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. He assimilates this power to "four angels" who are "four horns of the Golden Altar" that are in the Middle East and invade Armenia, Mesopotamia, Syria and Cappadocia and kill 1/3 of humanity, just like the four horsemen, but in a company that is designed (according to him) in the year 1063 and ends in 1453. More specifically, it indicates that this power was centralized in a little boy who obtains his power in the year 1092 and creates four great kingdoms (like Genghis Khan), until they conquer Constantinople. And this reading is very relevant, as Newton says that this power falls on Hulacu (today recognized grandson of Genghis Khan) and equates the invading power to the "King of the North" who, according to Newton, He is the King of the North from Daniel's prophecy who invades Egypt, the Middle East and Constantinople and frees the people of Israel, just as Alexander the Great did. In this sense, remember that it is then that the Second Temple of Jerusalem was created, which the official history places five centuries before Christ. In other words, Newton, after reviewing the entire history, ends up locating the origin of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the end of the Middle Ages, as confirmed by the New Chronology of Fomenko and Nosovskiy.
The story narrated by Newton is the power of Genghis Khan, without explicitly referring to it. Why? It is a Mongol power that in 1733 is not yet part of the official history but is later adopted when it spread from Asia. It is, without a doubt, an apparently controversial statement, but it ceases to have this aspect if it is read with the neochronological vision that the work of Fomenko and Nosovskiy allows. This allows us to understand that the official history is being built in the 18th century, and that part of its objective is to disassociate the sacred Judeo-Christian text from the Tatar or Mongol peace of the official 13th to 15th centuries.
Newton is talking about the Jewish roots of Christian Europe, which are also the Tartar roots of the Judeo-Christian powers, and helps us to see that, in reality, the Old Testament tells us about the Tartar invasion that builds a great power, and that it is the righteous power of the God Jahve. This is indicated in the last chapter of the second part of the book, dedicated to the Apocalypse of John, which puts an end to his work, the most spectacular of all.
Returning to the thread of official history, these are dates that coincide, firstly, with the Christian crusades, and, secondly, with the official Tartar peace that gave rise to the Silk Road and global trade (which is a world alliance worthy of a great alliance with God), which points to another, relevant story that assimilates the sacred texts. Certainly, Newton gives these data while it seems that he shapes the entire history of humanity, which seems an irrational idea, but here it is interpreted in this way: it is a clue that, instead of validating the history official, in truth tells us how it has been rebuilt and has been dilated over time.
The data of the year 1258 that Newton gives us, in this book, is disconcerting, if it is unknown what happened in that century, and specifically in that year. He places it precisely in a year close to 1260, in the context of the apocalyptic story in which, precisely, 1260 appears repeatedly. This number is cited up to five times in the book of Apocalypse, and prominently in Chapter 11. There we are told of the occupation of the world by a new power, which leads to an Alliance with God.
But what really happens in 1260 in the official history? The occupation of Constantinople by the Palaiologos takes place. Officially, the Palaiologos called themselves “Kings of kings”, just like Genghis Khan, and they settled in Constantinople in the official year of 1260. The year… of the Apocalypse. The flag of the Greek Empire under this new alliance (officially between Genoa and the Palaiologos) is made up of the red cross on a white background plus the yellow cross on a red background, with the four golden "B's" meaning "Basileus Basileon, Basileuon Basileuonton" (in Greek), which translated is "King of Kings, who reigns over those who reign". That is to say, they are the Great Khan, and the "king of kings" that the Bible attributes to Yahve, to the king of Babylon and to the lamb of the Apocalypse that is assimilated to Christ. The four "B" of this motto shine on the flag of the empire, and they can be seen on all surviving medieval maps. This second cross, that of the "B", would be that of the "resurrected" Turkish-Mongolian power, which will become the "anointed", Christ, while the first cross would be that of his army, which dominates what will be the Jewish power. before its dismantling. That is, it is the cross of Solomon's Temple. They are not literature, nor is it that when this power disappears, another is born in Europe that makes its necklace of these imperial “B”s: the Order of the Golden Fleece, with its lamb slaughtered, as in the Apocalypse.
The new power of 1260, with an apocalyptic background, begins with the Palaiologos. It is a lineage that appears suddenly. The Palaiologos arise from nowhere, and no one is surprised that they do so in the middle of the Turkish-Mongolian invasion worldwide and, on the other hand, with the last Palaiologos, their lineage disappears -as power- from the face of the Earth. And what is more curious, the name "Paleologos" means "Ancient", and this meaning is not given by official history, unless it is a question of a singular lineage that you want to erase, such as that of Genghis Khan. In fact, it even dialogues with the 1258 that Newton cites and highlights, to the extent that that year, officially, the first emperor heir to the throne named Palaiologos is engendered. It is Andronicus II, the emperor of Greece who proclaims himself co-emperor with his father when he was three years old. And it is, following the path traced up to here, the “beast” on which the powers of Europe and Jerusalem are built, narrated by Newton.
At the same time, in those years the Tartar power subjugated Egypt. The official history calls them Mamluks. In an exercise in the parabolic reconstruction of history, the official takeover of Egypt in the 13th century is also the power of the wrath of God that the Bible transfers to the time of Moses, and Ancient History to the time of Alexander the Great. From the north came the invaders of Egypt from the time of the Hittites, from the north comes Alexander the Great and from the north come the Mamluks, as well as from there the invaders of Egypt and Babylon come according to the books of Daniel and Ezekiel, located in times of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar. And this story is just one, that of the wrath of God that frees the people of Israel and builds his new temple in the land of the Great Khan, Canaan.
In this line, this relatively brief Tatar and Mongol history dialogues with the entire Bible and the Biblical Apocalypse, when, after a great devastation (when 1260 appears), a new power persists, after being defeated. He resurrects, and the Covenant with God appears, to later be born the “infant” of the “woman” that the Beast wants to devour, making a clear reference to the Messiah (Apocalypse, Chapters 11 and 12). It seems that he tells us about the birth, passion, and resurrection of Christ, but, in turn, following the story that Newton gives him, this is also the power of Genghis Khan, resurrected in the form of the power of his heirs, who see reborn its glory after the occupation of the known world. And this is the holy Alliance with God under the figure of a universal church, protected by the Great Khan and Prester John. This affirmation is not gratuitous, it is also the power of Christ, just as it is that of King David. In this line, remember that in the works dealing with Genghis Khan, it is repeatedly indicated that he was called King David of the Jews, and he wore a cross on his banner.
Having understood this, it is plausible to understand that, for this reason, behind this power lies that of Prester John. Why Prester John? This point is important to understand well. According to the "Secret History of Genghis Khan", which appears in Europe after Newton's text, the Mongol khan gains power from him in alliance with Prester John, who is also his adoptive father, in his quest to conquer all Euro-Asia. In other words, it not only accumulates the power of the prophetic King of the North, and that of King David, but also that of Prester John who, as indicated, bears the same symbols as those worn by the Pope of Rome. Then two parallel stories point in the same direction. One is that, according to official history, a princess who is Prester John's niece marries Genghis Khan's son who will father two great khans (one of them who takes control of China and initiates the lineage of the Yuan) and the khan of Persia. Another is the appearance, in Ethiopia, in the official year of 1270 (it is contemporary with the birth of the great Mongol empire), of the Imperial House of Ethiopia, after the Tartar invasion of Egypt. A power that throughout the Middle Ages is assimilated to Prester John of Ethiopia, guardian of the Ark of the Covenant. The emperors of Ethiopia are Prester John, and they land in Ethiopia just when the great empire of the Great Khan is born, a relative of Prester John and, according to history Officially, they are descendants of King David and Kings Solomon and Sheba. Great biblical myths accumulate around the Mongol power.
As Newton describes it and as neochronology interprets it, in this case the X-185 line, Genghis Khan, David and Christ are the same character in origin, although history has separated them. And all of them are the origin of a great lineage, until that of Christ becomes the end. David is not a proper name, originally, and means "the beloved". Thus, his power is the Alpha and the Omega, the symbolic eternal power, from the beginning to the end.
A great power is born associated with the same lineage that dominates the known world and can write down how its history should be understood, and to impose, for the first time, the power of a single God.
This is the great mystery of the book of the Apocalypse, or Revelation, and that of the sacred texts. It is not a prophecy. It is an encrypted text that hides the history that really happened, that embraces the stories from ancient Sumeria to the European colonial Bible. This power will be the origin of all the great religions of the world, whose deliberate fusion is the messianic Christ, human and divine, with mystical attributes, of the historical Jesus.
In the Apocalypse, the message of the final victory of the angel of Jesus is written in a prophetic key, but it hides its true face, the warrior that survives in all the monarchies and great governors. Some powers that persist at the command of the armed forces that protect them and the symbolic power from which they live and with which they coexist with the peoples they rule, politically and spiritually, among which is the sacrosanct figure of the high priest, whose leader he is (or pretends to be), at a certain moment in recent history, the Pope of Rome (the mutated Prester John).
The reconstruction of history, according to Newton and the New Chronology
Isaac Newton places biblical history five centuries ago. This is (let's say) the "Word of Newton", which at the same time corroborates the neochronology discovered by Dr. Anatoly Fomenko. They tell us about the same thing, in a different way. Fomenko from science, at the end of the 20th century, and Newton through an apparently highly speculative account, which is largely surprising for being, in turn, the most recognized scientist in history.
Now, in the 21st century, it is possible to formulate a reasoned response to the surprising posthumous work of Isaac Newton. The work of Russian mathematicians, which takes over from other distinguished scientists since the time of Newton, shows that the temples of ancient Egypt contain zodiacs with data that report specific dates, following the position of the constellations and the planets, whose results indicate that these temples reveal much more recent dates, from the 9th to the 17th centuries, and may even be closer in some cases. That is, ancient Egypt is ancient, but it is more recent. For this reason, there is a continuous before and after between the Egyptian decline and its plunder initiated by Napoleon. And, the work of this research also demonstrates that astrophysical science is not beholden to ancient Greece, fifteen hundred years before its recovery in Renaissance Italy, but it is another continuous story, without this jump (which is artificial). At the same time, through studies of comparative historiography and statistical science, this research shows that all the great lineages, including the list of Popes, are forgeries based on a great main lineage, which is the Greek, Byzantine and Roman, brother of the Russian Turkish and Cossack, and the Christian powers of all Europe. In other words, following the logic of all these results, there was a deliberate manipulation of history to make it more powerful, and thus impose a message: “Jesus existed, and he became powerful in Rome, together with the Pope, because history made him so has left written." And, incidentally, his Turkish and Mongolian trail and his relationship with Prester John are erased.
Thus, Fomenko and Nosovskiy, together with their collaborators, provide the scientific evidence and the ultimate reasons to understand Isaac Newton's posthumous work.
The neochronology of Russian mathematicians allows us to decipher a past that tells us, like Newton, that Ancient History, the sacred text and the Middle Ages were much more recent, as was the origin of Christianity. And, as a supplement, Chronology X-185 delves into the threads that intertwine the Turko-Mongols with the Jews and Prester John, and these with the powers of the Pope of Rome. The reconstruction that is obtained is that, since the real 15th century (official 13th), the great spiritual khan of Euro-Asia and North Africa, called Prester John, spiritually governs the world before his power was transferred to Rome and he became a universal Pope, leaving in Ethiopia an Imperial House that since the official 13th century (real 15th) has guarded the Ark of the Covenant. This statement appears, if you are not prepared, as outrageous. But the chronological route makes sense. For this reason, in the real 18th century (not the official 16th century), in Newton's time, the Society of Jesus occupies empires all over the world and says to their rulers:
“Great lineage of Genghis Khan, we are going to create your sacred stories that will allow you to rule over your kingdoms forever more, but you must honour the new spiritual Great Khan, who from now on will be called Pope of Rome, and his masterpiece: Jesus the Messiah, who has made Christ Buddha, Horus and Jesus a perfected idea of his great wisdom, which is divine”.
Following this thread, the real 15th century (official 13th) was that of the Biblical Great Alliance, which was also the apocalyptic. It was established after a world war where 1/3 of humanity died (Apocalypse, Chapter 10), being the same account of the Flood, of the Wrath of God on Egypt in the time of Moses and of the Ark of King Solomon. The Bible refers to the events of the real 14th and 15th centuries and extends its work until the advanced 17th century. Then everything is dilated in time. Each prophetic book, when it speaks to us of a great destruction that culminates in a renewed pact with God, such as the New Testament, or the Book of Daniel, Ezekiel, Enoch, the aforementioned Flood, etc., even the tablets of ancient Sumeria that describe the great Flood, speak of the same thing, of something that happened a little more than five centuries ago. They all contain a similar message, and a symbolic communion of great stories that are one and main. This is the nature of the symbolic creation of history, when the one who wrote it wanted to create, also, his own power. The "divine" power of the written word.
The Reconstruction of the Powers of Christ in Western Europe
With the help of the New Chronology, a reasoned hypothesis can be raised that Newton gives us the way to resolve not only the meaning of the book of Apocalypse, but that of the entire story, which includes a monumental manipulation of the history of the two testimonies, or testaments (the Old and the New), of the real history, the Bible. And it tells us in 1733, the date on which Newton's work was published, because, as Chronology X-185 concludes, it is on those dates that the idea of history based on a before and after Christ, with a great Rome converted to Christianity that legitimizes, in the eyes of human conscience, a divine colonization of the entire world, under the direction of the Pope of Rome, the Universal Pastor of the Church.
Rome and Christ stand as a great power, and with them the power of the Pope is created, the new great spiritual khan who assumes the power of Prester John of the Indies, established in Ethiopia as guarantor of the Holy Alliance of King Solomon, under the imperial authority of the Great Khan. To give it form, a new pact, a Holy Grail, is built, and a global history is created that transfers to the legendary past the power of the Jewish God, as well as the authority of the Jewish people, who are expelled from the idea of the Christian God. John, the Prester, symbolically blesses this new power, of Christ, under the figure of John the Evangelist, and leaves the testimony of him, like John, in the book of Apocalypse.
In this way, the mystery of Prester John, who in the past is assimilated to the Imperial House of Ethiopia, is also resolved; that he calls himself a direct descendant of King Solomon and Sheba, that he dresses like the Pope of Rome; and that he guards, together with the Order of Saint Mary of Sion, in Axum, the Ark of the Covenant that Pope Benedict XVI himself recognizes as the authentic one, as he also does with the Holy Grail of Valencia. A Prester John who, in turn, officially links his lineage with that of Genghis Khan's grandchildren who will dominate the known world, and who will then officially link with the lineage of the Roman Empire of Constantinople, by uniting with the lineage of the imperial powers of the Russian Golden Horde, also a direct descendant of Genghis Khan.
Rome, then, honours that power, which is none other than that of Batu Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan who recalls (and hides) the Roman temple in the Vatican. Vatican means Batu Khan, and Saint Peter, the first official Pope, the new stone of the temple of God in Rome, is the protagonist of a new symbolic project: colonial Christian Catholicism.
On the other hand, Russian mathematicians have deciphered the date hidden in the Biblical book of Apocalypse, this time by deciphering the zodiac described in it, and discovered a century ago by the French philosopher Ernest Renan (1823-1892). He gives them October 1-10, 1486, 33 years after the fall of Byzantium (in 1453), at the beginning of the reconstruction of its power in Rome, as if he were telling us that with the Apocalypse Jesus resurrects in Rome. Then, the circumstance occurs that, according to the official history, on October 10, 1486, King John II of Portugal sends a double expedition, by land and by sea, to contact Prester John of Ethiopia. The maritime expedition represents the first official circumambulation of the African continent, thus naming the Cape of "Good Hope" in South Africa, and the official start of European colonization. And in 1486, officially in the month of April, Admiral Columbus informed his majesties, the kings of Aragon and Castile, of his project for the Atlantic route to the Indies (in the Hieronymite monastery of Guadalupe, in Extremadura). In 1486 Rome is reborn, 33 years after the fall of Byzantium, as Christ did when he was resurrected, and he does so with the power of Prester John, who moves to Rome. Then the new temple of San Pedro del Vatican is designed, precisely when the Holy Grail is consecrated in Valencia, and from there comes the power of Pope Borja who authorizes the kings of Aragon,
With the Borgias, united with the kings of Aragon, who dominate Valencia, there is also a previous power, probably Byzantine and Tartar, which holds the power of Prester John. The X-185 Chronology, in the book La vía cronológica, develops it, along the lines of the New Chronology. And he points to the Ethiopian emperors Constantine and Elena who, just as Constantinople fell to the Ottomans, sent a letter to Italy, and then to the kings of Aragon, in Catalonia, in which they were asked to collaborate in allying with them, uniting their lineages and reconquer the world in the name of the power of Christ. They are Constantine and Elena, like the equivalent emperors who a thousand years ago delivered Rome to the power of the Pope and imposed Christianity in the Roman Empire. An equivalence that the New Chronology turns into duplicity, with the evidence of astronomy and statistical mathematics, and historiographical criticism, which according line X-185 transfers to the power of Prester John and, in turn, points to the lineage of the last emperor Roman of Constantinople, of the house of the Daragas, in some books called Daragon, such as the power of the Aragon who came to occupy half of Italy and ended up allying with the Holy Roman Empire, after being crowned Kings of Jerusalem.
This hypothesis, reinforced with all these data and evidence, defies the official story, but it has strength, a lot, because it explains in a more coherent way, much more, the logic of the Hispanic colonial idea, with unprecedented authority, and the exodus which, precisely, begins in 1492. For this reason, line X-185 points to a Jewish identity of Columbus, who would have been a king, a Jewish prince, a descendant of King David, as confirmed by the testimony of the kings Jews from Narbonne, the Kalonymus, who appear alongside the power of Rome, officially, hand in hand with Charlemagne. The Kalonymus disappear in Catalonia, where Columbus gives the news of the discovery of America (in Barcelona), with a project financed by the converted Jewish treasurers of the King of Aragon, and the Colom, family based in Barcelona that gets rich with Jewish money, may be behind this character. A great coincidence, or not, which in any case is reinforced as a great idea when, behind the Colons, who are called Colom in several documents, there is such a mystery that, officially, nobody knows where their power comes from, which ended in nothing. Well, it seems that there must be a powerful reason to erase his trail, and here is one that is more than powerful, it is enormously powerful. (6)
But this is not the whole story to be reconstructed. As indicated above, the 5th-9th centuries are a reflection sent to the past of the 11th-15th centuries, which hide the history of the Tartar invasion of Western Europe, as a mechanism to impose its legendary Christianization, and make it before Genghis Khan.
In this line, highlight how Isaac Newton describes the European beast. According to him, the first of the horns of the fourth apocalyptic Beast is the kingdom of the Vandals and Alans in Spain and Africa, from where (and it is no coincidence) come the powers of the Chatti and the Alans that will give their name (or so it seems) to the Catalans. Newton says:
The province that persists in the official 18th century, called Cathalaunia, cannot be other than Catalonia, and this story has to do with the Chatti, who settle there just when the Merovingian monarchy is born, whom they crown. And who were the Chatti? Were they the so-called Chatti, or Hittites, that official history has placed in the time of Moses? That is, the roots of the people of Israel. It may be, if this neochronological vision is validated of history After all, Catalonia was Jewish, more than is recognized, and the Jewish power was the one that lived together with its count and king, and its most protected community, apart from being the judges, the notaries, the translators, the astronomers, doctors, bankers and administrators of the royal heritage, until the time of Christopher Columbus. Until they are forced to leave without their belongings or to change their identity, and take Christian names and surnames as their own. That is, to mutate, like the power that made the Christian Jesus from the last Jewish king. Like Saint Christopher, who brought Christ behind his back after recognizing him as the true Messiah. Like the power of the Kalonymus, here assimilated to Christopher Columbus. Yes, all of this points to the mystery of Mary Magdalene and the risen Lazarus from Provence, from a land, Provence and Catalonia, whose emblem is born jointly (it is the same), since Provence and the Catalans were the same power, before the incorporation of the Kingdom of Aragon. Its count and king will be crowned King of Jerusalem, for posterity, after King Anjou had been, who, before being crowned King of Jerusalem, seized power from the county of Provence, after taking it from the Catalans. Both, the Anjou and the Aragon, end up conquering Naples and subduing Italy, with the intention of recovering the original empire. And both, the Anjou and the Aragón end up fused in the same lineage with the Hispanic Bourbons, from the official year of 1714.
It seems too hard to believe, to the unbelieving eyes. But those same eyes have made us see divine powers, inexplicable mysteries, and numerous miracles that, as they are observed in an objective way, and lose their reasons for being, in exchange for scientific reasons, are telling us that history hides multiple manipulations. In any case, if all this is true, history is called into question in its whole, and with it the reason for the colonial

Figure 6. 1955, Queen Elisabeth II of the United Kingdom paying her obeisance’s to the Emperors of Ethiopia, the Ras Tafari Makonnen Emperor Haile Selassie and his wife Empress Menen Asfew.
Image source: Heraldo de México, 2021 []. (7)
Following this thread, although it is shocking and depending on how it seems controversial, it should be noted that it is not at all relevant that the start of the Second World War, when the Jewish holocaust takes place (which was also a gypsy, another original power), begins in 1935 with the Italian invasion of Ethiopia and the dethronement of the Ethiopian emperors. And pulling the thread a little further, it is no coincidence that throughout the 19th century a British monarchy was established in Greece, and that throughout the 20th they merged with each other and with the Hispanic one. The lineage continues its struggle to persist and unify its power to the maximum, while other forms of power aspire to take its place.
1 See the article “El punto débil del método del Carbono-14: el mapa cronológico oficial“ ("The weak point of the Carbon-14 method: the official chronological map"), published on the website, which is completed in the section “La duda científica que recae sobre los métodos de datación tradicionales” ("The scientific doubt that falls on the dating methods traditions”), from the book La vía cronológica, from 2020. Both works refer to the extensively documented work of the New Chronology by Fomenko and Nosovskiy, specifically in History: Fiction or Science? published between 2003 and 2007.
2 Note: the dates of the maps are academic consensus, but they are not actually dated.
3 The book EL BECERRO GENERAL is written to leave testimony of a history that is intended to be erased and is carried out before it has been agreed how it should be understood. In it we are given faith in the authority of Prester John and in the eastern essence of the powers of Western Europe, but the eastern nature of the Christian powers is hidden or not worked on, nor their Tartar or Mongol roots, which the official history will end up recognizing once the power of Italian Rome is disassociated, forever more, from all this history. Bibliographic reference: Hernández de Mendoza, D. (n.d.). El Becerro general, libro en que se relata el blasón de las armas que trahen muchos reynos y imperios, señoríos … y de la genealogía de los lynages de España y de los escudos de armas que trahen. Sede de recoletos: MSS/18244 V.1. Código de barras: 1001199011. Madrid.
4 Diego Fernández de Mendoza is associated with the seneschals of Navarre and the Navarrese and Aragonese monarchies, through the counts of Ribagorza, from the lineage of the Empire of Nicaea, as argued in the book La vía cronológica.
5 391 = 1063-1453, with a year that dances and can point to the change between two calendars, how it officially happened in the past by reconciling the years that started with spring and the current years.
6 Complementary works (which extend the work published in La vía cronológica), published on the website “Columbus, the Christianized Hebrew power, according to Chronology X-185”; “Kalonymus, Colom, Colón, according to Chronology X-185”, and “The Chatti Alans (Catalans), according to Isaac Newton”.
7 Image shared by David Sancha, in 2022.