Hannukah, according to Chronology X-185

Andreu Marfull-Pujadas
January 7, 2020

Associated work: La fiesta del Janucá, o de las Luces,
published in the newspaper EL PAÍS COSTA RICA, on December 24, 2019.

This is the history of sacred texts, and their transformation into historical events, which took place a few centuries ago, much less than we can reason. The issue is simple, more than it may seem at first instance, but it is not acceptable to accept everything that implies. For this reason, the most difficult thing is to introduce it, and think about how it can be made understandable. In fact, it can be started from any of the existing historical threads in the collective consciousness, and this does not represent any problem. That is, if the listener is Christian and European, he can be introduced by inviting him to rethink the history of Christian Europe; or if the listener is Muslim and Egyptian, he may be invited to rethink why the history of Egypt is rewritten since the nineteenth century, and not before. But this has a major drawback, or, rather, many. In general, few people are willing to listen to an explanation that states that the official story is a symbolic recreation that must be completely redone, from top to bottom, and even fewer are willing to accept that all symbolism Sacred of the great religions of the world has a common thread that begins less than a thousand years ago, and not before. And, also in a generalized way, attending to the established conscience that each people or nation, culture or religion has of itself, it would be necessary to make a differentiated effort for each of them, in a specific way, and adapt it to each particular case, since the notions of history are always fragmented, personal and unique. Therefore, given this overwhelming evidence, which says that there is no recipe tailored to everyone, the first thing that arises is, really, how can it begins. Well, according to this approach, the most reasonable thing is to start at the beginning, but not by any principle, because every principle requires a context that is always relative to some space and some time, which must be limited. And it can start, for example, to make sense of the most sensitive point in the world: Jerusalem, that is recognized as the place where the common temple of the three great monotheistic religions is located: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, that the sacred texts make the capital of Israel. The choice of this place, as it is narrated here, surpasses, on the other hand, the official meaning it has.

To begin, there, in Jerusalem, from a certain historical moment, there is no capital, but a sepulcher, and its name means "sacred peace." It is a grave that commemorates a great emperor, and the peace that was established in his honor. The Hanukkah party honors this feat. And he is next to Egypt because his power comes from there, from his expansive project. This information must be understood as a certainty, although there is no irrefutable evidence to substantiate it, and therefore it must be prudent. But not for that reason it is necessary to flee of her, and to leave it, by inconsistent. On the contrary, it is consistent, and much, and deserves an explanation. Here it is given one that, in turn, is supported by a solid foundation that, however, is essential to extend little by little.

The Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem is the testimony of the first great temple dedicated to a single emperor for the glory of one God, that of the empire of great Israel. There was glorified the emperor who made it possible, King David, the greatest King of Israel, before being replaced by the last king of the Jews: Jesus Christ. But David was not the biblical, but the Great Khan and the symbol of his lineage, in which his grandson, Batu Khan, the conqueror of Europe, and his Hebrew roots associated with the Prester John stand out. Certainly, this is not a version tolerated by the official bodies, nor compatible with the idea we have of all of these characters. But, instead, you can follow the thread in the sacred texts, and in the historical account. For this reason, Mount Moriah worships the alliance between God and the lineage of Abraham, the Temple of Solomon and the Prophet Muhammad. Everyone makes reference to this character, really. And, for this reason, the three great religions of Hebrew roots guard the holy city of Jerusalem.

Otherwise, not all great religions understand the power of God, and his authority, in the same way. Why? Because they have differentiated the cult to their respective prophets, and, in spite of identifying themselves as children of the same God, being faithful to the same main book, this has divided them. Islam, for example, honors the Prophet Muhammad, a liberating leader, and Jesus, especially. Judaism honors several leaders, too, those he considers prophets, and the biblical lineage. And Christianity honors a king, whom he becomes the son of God the father, without making him a leader and royal governor of military armies. He is an evangelizing leader in the name of peace and with the authority of the love of the Father God, and, unlike the others, he removes all ties with any offspring, despite the enormous willingness of the European Christian nobility to make ties of blood, highlighting the cult of Mary Magdalene, who remains alive since Provence. In a way, they all talk about political powers and characters associated with lineages chosen by God to extend their glory, to those who wear crowns, in the style of the Middle Ages, so the correlation between earthly symbolic and divine powers exists, but the official history has sent them to the past, and has consciously separated them from any correlation really documented with the Middle Ages. So much so that the documentary sources appear then, that is to say a few centuries ago, and that the maximum splendor of the Jewish authority is situated in the Provence-Catalonia axis of the twelfth and fourteenth official centuries. This stage coincides with the Order of the Temple of Solomon and with the papacy of Avignon. And, the medieval emblem of Avignon is the fleur-de-lis, the same as the Frankish monarchy and, preferably, the Catalan since James II, the Just. But the official history and its robust chronological order prevent any possibility of remaking the bridges.

But (and this is relevant), not all of these communities interpret the sacred texts with the same intentionality. In the background, there is the unrecognized evidence that its meaning does not interest the new powers, but the old ones. And understanding this different intention allows us to realize a singular fact. The Jewish people, which would be an original people, such as the Chinese, the Indian and the Russian, to whom we must add the Egyptian, the Ethiopian, the Palestinian, the Syrian, the Persian, the Georgian, the Armenian, the Kurdish, the Turkish and/or the Greek, and the communities or great civilizations of America and Africa, are better able to assimilate the relevance of this alternative story, in the form given here. And, at the other extreme is the Christian community, especially the Catholic one. For this reason, Judaism, both the Rabbinic and the Karaite (who would be the most faithful community to its true roots), interprets the sacred texts. And Catholicism does not allow it, and makes them a literal reading. The first "know", with their tradition, to interpret them. The latter, for the same reasons, "know" that it should not be done. It should not be done to digest, at the bottom of the letter, the chronological narrative that merges here, and that the official history has transformed into multiple seemingly unconnected facts, which it has distributed over time. But the sacred history shows the bridges, and the parallels, if one is able to do the exercise of merging historical facts, compressing them and displacing them to the collective imaginary of the Middle Age.

Once this introduction has been made, only if it has been accepted, can the historical, chronological and symbolic dimension that is complemented, documented and argued be continued in this key, then under the prism of Chronology X-185, heiress of the New Chronology of Fomenko and Nosovskiy.

The real story is written, parabolically, in the sacred texts, which must be illuminated and relocated in a much more recent time. The rest of the story, the official one, until the eighteenth century, is a great integral manipulation. Everything, absolutely everything, was done to rebuild the Temple of Solomon, when it was destroyed, and, in turn, wanted to create a new temple: that of Jesus, for all mankind, from Italian Rome. To do this, the powers of Avignon, related to the Catalans, were invited to rebuild the "temple", and with them other Jewish communities were added, initially. This was the will of Pope Borgia, who brought there the power of the Roman Empire of the East, with the authority of Prester John of India, the spiritual Khan, before being mutated in the final form of the Pope of Rome. In this way, the power of Avignon, associated with several monarchies, was transferred to Rome and, with it, multiple synagogues were displaced, which jointly created with the project of the great Vatican. The power of Avignon was born, from its beginning, as a Solomonic project, associated with the Roman Empire of the East and the House of Solomon, guarantor of the Ark of the Covenant. For this reason, the House of Solomon of Ethiopia appears in the official 1270, and Avignon becomes pontifical seat (officially) in the year 1271. There a significant Jewish authority would be established, coming from the Black Sea and, later, from Egypt. He would settle especially from Provence to Catalonia. It would spread throughout Europe and from there would build much of its tradition, as it has persisted in official memory, although in a dimension far superior to that recognized. There the powers of the Order of the Temple of Solomon settle, and then those of the Order of St. John the Baptist, in the same way that there would be the first great Christian crusade against Christianity itself. And all this power would be transformed, intervened, centuries later. Everything is related to an ensued will: to remake some lost powers, and to end the freedom of worship that until then would have been agreed, in the name of the Solomonic temple, in honor of a single sovereign and almighty God.

Thus began the journey of making Rome the center of the world and the seat of the Christian empire in the form of a new temple inspired by Solomon's. Everything had to be modified, and there were to be transferred there to the powers of Prester John, the only ones who would recognize the rest of Eurasian empires. In this way, the first great symbolic mutation took place. The Khan Juan "blessed" the arrival of the Messiah, and became two characters: 1) John the Baptist; and 2) the Emperor of Ethiopia, of the House of Solomon. The first would become part of the biblical imaginary, and would transfer its authority to Jesus (making them cousins), and the second would maintain power in Ethiopia, and the custody of the Ark of the Covenant, in Axum, because it had to be preserved, even if it was done everything possible to unlink it from the original Ark, which since then would be considered lost. He, or rather his power, would be the architect of this original mutation, and would give his testimony in the book of John's Apocalypse, the last sacred text. In this way, the priestly court of the last great Khan, linked to Genghis Khan, who historiography makes the world's first great sovereign, would do his last great work.

But the project was an idea that ended with a great war, in which the liberated powers raised their weapons, and with it everything was modified, when a forced peace was imposed, as happens in all peace treaties that end, apparently, the great conflicts. Since then, Israel became a sacred, but tiny, incomprehensibly idealized Kingdom. And, when did this conflict really take place? Well, throughout the official seventeenth century, until the beginning of the eighteenth century. Since then, the temple of Israel asks to recover its glory, and the truth, and the Christian and Islamic communities should also ask for it. For this reason, and not for any other, political Zionism emerges in the nineteenth century, together with the authority of the House of Solomon, in Ethiopia, at a time when the Pope of Rome has just lost control of the Papal States, result of the Italian "reunification".

That is, the true history of symbolic powers is associated with a great lineage, much more recent than is believed, which is at the root of an original empire that divided the world, and that, for reasons of power, has built a mental map of the story that, while written in a parabolic sense, is eminently wrong and a headache when the road to its reconstruction is glimpsed. But, among these original powers there is one especially mutilated, who has built, with his heartfelt tradition, the greatest resistance to accepting this adulterated history. The people of Israel, attacked very especially by Catholicism, await the return of King David, the true one, without knowing who he really is, and he expects it because he has never stopped doing so. To him belongs part of the account of the sacred peace that was established with the ancient Temple of Solomon, which is represented in the true and great Jerusalem, the symbolic capital of Israel, although the royal kingdom once represented the entire world, and, in a very special way, to the domains of the Order of the Temple of Solomon. And as expected, they'll find it, sooner or later.

"Israel awaits King David" ... with this title the link between the conqueror Genghis Khan and King David of Israel stands out, as has been written in medieval history. But it is given an interpretation. Reference is made to the title of the preface of the book “Genghis Khan” that Michael Prawdin transcribes in 1938, and is linked to chapter 11 of the Biblical Revelation, which in turn reproduces (in the form of a parable) multiple chapters of the texts sacred. Why? Because they narrate the same facts, which took place a few centuries ago, challenging official ("sacred") history.

This is the episode that imposed the first world order ever known, and that was sealed with "the ark of the Covenant of the temple of God on Earth", in facts that official history puts, without recognizing it, in the twelfth and thirteen centuries, that sacred history moves to before Christ. But none of the temporary locations is correct, you have to accept the first and move it about two centuries later, until the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The sacred texts recall him with three great episodes (which are not the only ones): 1) The Noah's Ark; 2) The Ark of Moses; and 3) The Solomon's Ark, which would be remembered as the son of King David. In the three the page is turned and an alliance is created between God and Humanity, linked to a people, the Hebrew. The official medieval history, on the other hand, makes it in the alliance between the Persian Khans and the knights of the Templar order (the papal army), as well as the alliance between the Genoese and the Paleologist, allied with the counts of Provence and the Catalans, in the thirteenth century. And, in the place of the Khan, for medieval times it creates the glory of King David of Georgia, and associates this kingdom with the Empire of Trebizond, which shows the emblem of the Roman Empire, making it the allied with the new powers of Constantinople. And, for antiquity he creates the character of the great Alexander the Great, whose powers fuse the great Greece with Persia and Egypt. Halfway between them, for the glory of Batu Khan, he creates the characters of Attila and the great Charlemagne, who makes the founder of the Frankish and Germanic powers, and who recovers the glory of the great Rome, returning the supreme authority to the Pope. Hiddenly, the Vatican refers to him, Batu Khan.

In this way, the official story tells great half-truths, which really do not want to be erased, but it reconstructs everything and disassociates itself (apparently) in multiple ways, and adds the journey of a slave town that occupies Egypt since then: the Mamluks (which are at the root of the gypsy people). Why? Because it was a cruel story from which he wanted to flee, and it had to be remade to thank God and build his temple in the name of peace and wisdom. The biblical apocalypse transcribes it to us. Chapters 10 and 11 of this book are explicit. As the apocalyptic text says, everything happened in 1260 and, before the Ark, there was an episode that was hidden, in which two "witnesses" were protagonists. The Ark, without a doubt, was a pact between two great powers, guarded by a third power, Jewish, allied with the power of the original Egyptian empire. They were the witness. And the episode that was hidden was the real story, linked to the Mongolian expansion, which ended up being implanted in India and China, and is at the root of the Ottoman Empire as recognized by official history, with the chronicle of Genghis Khan and his successors. But what he does not say is that this lineage divided the power of the known world, and that this is the true authority of Israel's great project, of the struggle of one God, before being dismantled and replaced by the colonial project, first Catholic and universal, and, after the schism, Christian, in the different acceptances that have been established. The project was, initially, papal, and allied itself with certain imperial powers to which he delegated the mission of spreading the message of the Messiah, under the baton of the Society of Jesus. But the society was difficult, and reached only part of its purpose. He modified the origins of all the great lineages, and gave the highest authority to Jesus, but he did not overcome all the symbolic icons associated with the great differentiated prophets to which the peoples had idolized, making them messengers of God. The history can be modified, and all the documentary archives can be altered, but it is not the same to try to modify the consciences with its most intimate dimension, which is in turn collectivized in the name of cultures and devotion, closely linked to certain social, historical and even national identities.

This is the history of the sacred texts, associated with an imperial, monumental and highly symbolic project, whose deity prevailed throughout the known world, until it fractured and one of its vassal powers wanted to rebuild it, from Europe. By doing so he falsified his past and with it they built new powers, in a documentary reconstruction project to which all the powers of the world surrendered, under the promise of a land distribution. But, over time, the pact was disallowed and left the trail of multiple anachronisms, a long history and a huge falsification of the reality of the real past.

Playing with myth and fiction, the past has been built and in turn dressed and partially erased from history, its link to real events. But the real story is written parabolically, in a very long chronology. The main axes can be deciphered and, in part, demonstrated, for three reasons. One, because there has never been an intention to hide it. Two, because there is evidence of its manipulation. And three, because it has been transcribed, despite censorship, the way to rewrite it. The New Chronology of Fomenko and Nosovskiy lay the foundation for this reconstruction, while its variant, known as the X-185 Chronology, has just shaped it. As their names point, there is another chronological map on which to understand another story, very different from the official one.

According to both works, the construction of the story in a long time context begins in the sixteenth century, accelerates in the seventeenth and has its peak in the eighteenth, being the nineteenth and twentieth centuries when it is completed with "monumental" contents for its quantity, detail and extension. And everything that happened until the nineteenth century should be called into question, in the same way as all dating methods, including Carbon-14, which is considered infallible but is not. All its methodology is based on calibration tables that consider valid the existence of samples that fit a chronological map that is not questioned. And this leads to numerous errors.

The truth is that (despite all that it represents) both sacred texts and ancient history refer to much more recent events than officially stated. They must be relocated in the equivalent of the official twelfth to seventeenth centuries and, especially, from the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries, of the Christian era. That is, with just about six centuries of real history, prior to the eighteenth century, historiographic narratives of thousands of years of "documented" human history have been created. Suffice it to say that it is in the time of the Society of Jesus, when it occupies all cultures and settles in all known empires, that this story is built. And that, before, there are about two centuries of peace and commercial prosperity with religious tolerance, until the break between the relationships of the followers of Christ and those of Muhammad. But even the Ottoman order comes into play in the reconstruction of the recreation of history, the result of a strategic alliance with the French court that remains until Napoleon's time and, technically, until the twentieth century. Its common point is the temple of Solomon, which links Freemasonry with Islam, and whose modern emblem is the Red Cross and Crescent project. But this reconstruction does not take place between 1540 and 1773, which is when the papacy begins and ends the company of the Society of Jesus, but between 1725 and 1773. According to line X-185, the history of The Company and all of humanity must be reduced by 185 years, which would have been added as a consequence of the need to create an adulterated history for the European colonial enterprise.

This is the real story, the main one, which is glimpsed here. Everything revolves around the creation of an agreed empire that is dismantled and reinvented in the form of an evangelizing colonial project, without the expected success. And in this story Christianity is an Egyptian and Indian project, which takes over and merges with the epic of a twin town, the Jew, which for reasons of symbolic power is unauthorized between the real seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, not before.

As Fomenko and Nosovkiy have demonstrated, through multiple astronomical and statistical dating methods, the original chronicles of the epic of the expansion of the Egyptian Empire (which evolves to the Roman Empire, in the West, and to the Ottoman, Indian, Chinese and Japanese empires, in the East, until arriving in America) have been the bases of the sacred texts of the main religions of the world. All of them were created together with a powerful priestly court, as it evolved with its different variants, until the seventeenth century or, rather, the eighteenth century (if line X-185 is considered). His work is accompanied by a reconstruction of the facts, in which the role of the Russian Golden Horde stands out, as the protagonist of the expansion of this empire, as well as the verification of the deliberate reconstruction of the Holy Roman Empire around Rome Papal, that would be an adulteration of the reality realized from the Renaissance Europe, being this one an era transferred to the past between one and two centuries, in a process of systematic documentary destruction that includes the replacement or rather the generalized document falsification. But, nevertheless, among all its findings, the temporary relocation of sacred texts and ancient history stands out, as it locates Greco-Roman-Egyptian monumentalism between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries, and which locates the myth of the Ark of the covenant in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, deciphering that it is an alliance between East and West where the epics of Noah, Moses and Solomon (all of them with their ark) refer, together with the book of the Apocalypse of John, to the same facts. That is, based on a pact, which would be generated as a result of the pulse for the control of the heart of a newly created empire, two large blocks would be established that would sign a historic peace, for mutual benefit, the result of which would be created a sacred main text (from which multiple legends would be born) that would refer to a symbolic "alliance" between God and Humanity. For this reason the pyramidal symbolism spread across the globe, and then a symbology associated with a main God would be established, especially in Eurasia and North Africa, would be common to several historical icons with equivalent features. Egypt would be the "mother" land, and for centuries it would be there where the leaders of the occupation of the world would be mummified, according to Egyptian ancestral tradition.

In turn, Chronology X-185 delves into this covenant or great alliance, structuring around it the glory of the Jewish people and the temple of King Solomon, which would be supported by the military arm of the Order of the Temple of Solomon, whose existence it must be understood between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries, not between the twelve and fourteenth centuries as the official history states. And this pact is written in official history. Born with the alliance between East and West that is known as the Pax Tatarica, which has its duplicity between the alliance between the Republic of Genoa and the Roman emperors of Constantinople, the Paleologist, and ends with the fall of Constantinople in the official year 1453 (whose facts must be understood in the real 1638, relocating them 185 years later). Along the way, the division between the Jewish and Christian communities would have taken place and, for this reason, the Koran of Muhammad is a narrated text of a single pen in which it is desired to reconcile both traditions and regain their communion with that of the community Arabic, under the Ottoman order. The Vatican project (which really honors Batu Khan, the conqueror of Europe who founded the Russian Golden Horde), in turn, would be the alternative project that would be rebuilt in Italian Rome, and that would lead to the messianic and colonial project of the historical character of Jesus who is worshiped today.

In this way, the X-185 line complements the extensive and main work developed from Moscow, and relocates some major episodes. Advances in the meaning of the transfer of powers from the East to the West, throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and reinforces with new elements the logic of the invention of the Roman Empire based in Italy, as well as the chronicle of the Holy Roman Empire and the history of the Popes of Rome. For this, it reconstructs complementary episodes that help to transcend the history of European Christian colonialism, and its Jewish root. The main one, perhaps, is the story of the construction of the prophetic myth of Jesus associated with Prester John of India, who would have appeared with the Mamluks for the control of Egypt and, especially, as guarantor of the Ark of the Covenant among the emperors Greek and Turkish. Under the authority of the original lineage merged with the lineage of the Hebrew people who, since then, would lead their exodus from Egypt to guard, mainly, the power of the Solomonic temple in Europe. This project would have been the result of a "pact" between three kings of the same original lineage, and would be the unrecognized root of the Christian powers of the Pope of Rome, which appear in Italy when the Solomonic order of the Ark guarded by the Prester, from Ethiopia. For this reason, in all medieval maps appears the symbology of the character of the Prester and never that of the Pope, being the same. That is to say, the triple cross and the triple papal crown are, in reality, the symbols of Prester John of India.

It is, therefore, a great historical recreation that, logically, after almost three centuries reinforcing it from the academies of history is, in the first instance, an approach that creates confusion. But, after deepening it, it is possible to free yourself from the many doubts and initial contradictions, and open awareness to your reason for being. Actually it is quite simple, if is accepted that the story is different and should be interpreted.

As an introductory summary, to say that from some common texts legends were built that gave rise to great myths, as great deeds were remembered, to endow them with sacred symbolisms. The dilated history appears next to the dilated calendars, which are the result of the pretentious creation of a prophesied empire. The initial objective is to achieve the effect of a supposed legitimate eternity of the powers associated with a certain centralized power, which since its inception is linked to certain lineages, peoples and cultures. But, in turn, there is a need to fill the recreated time with “truly” documented facts. When this happens, the historiography and mysticism of the cosmos begins, linked to the cult of the great deeds and the gods, through heroic characters and glorious prophets. For them glorious pasts were created, dating back to time immemorial, in a trend that is easily observable in the foundational legends of all cultures, peoples and nations of the world. In all of them a temporary imaginary superior to the really documented one is evidenced where the supreme work is that of the origin of the world: the so-called “creation”; and the complementary work is the location of the prophetic accounts, among which is that of Jesus Christ, but also that of Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses and/or Muhammad. Then, there is the study of the reasoning of the perfection of human consciousness, which tends to assimilate to God, and, from his hand, the rise of science, technology and knowledge.

This is the logic of the symbolic construction of history, with its calendars, and its officialization process.

The "sacred history" emerges and modulates together with the qualitative development of human civilization, from the moment it manages to create, document and control ideas, establishing a "law", as cities emerge, the specialization of activities, the systems of production of goods and trade, banking, political institutionalization and cultural progress. And everything has its equivalent in the European Middle Ages, although, as deciphered by the New Chronology of Fomenko and Nosovskiy, it did not last a thousand years, and, as the X-185 line qualifies, it must focus on the thirteenth to fifteenth official centuries, and locate it 185 years later. Before, ancient history takes place, which lasts only a few centuries. But it is from the real fifteenth century (not the thirteenth) when the beginning of the exponential process of technological development that splices with the Enlightenment and the subsequent development of the industrial production system associated with the colonial system must be understood. That is to say, all the Greco-Roman and Egyptian antecedents sent to the past have their deserved recognition, and they were partly real, but not in the form or in the sense or in the time that the official historiography narrates. These are reflections of a reality sent to the past, which is reconstructed by the reunion project of the universal Catholic church installed in Italian Rome with the intention of locating there all its glory and that of the papacy of Rome.

That is, the symbolic construction of a legendary past leads to the creation of calendars to which thousands of years are added, and, as a result, the logic of the reinvention of history is introduced, which, gradually, gives rise to the deliberate manipulation of a history in the form of false genealogies, chronicles, documents and archaeological remains that, at an advanced stage, create the archives, museums and encyclopedias built for public dissemination. Since then, once articulated this chronological basis, the academy of history appears and, from this space, has persisted in its "robustness" working for a wrong past.

And the question that all this raises is, logically, what happened? Around the Europe-Egypt-China axis different cultures developed, which were unified by one or several expeditions whose success must be linked to the incursions that started from the Caucasus, the main one being attributed to the Tatar or Mongolian people, but in a different sense to the official (who claims that it comes from the current Mongolia). Actually, the Mongol expedition was a Tartar expedition that arises from the Caucasus, coming from the Egyptian expansion, but which is narrated from its eastern epic. It tells how China occupies, reaching the gates of Japan and settling in India, and then returning to Anatolia, from where the Russian and Turkish powers come, which extend to the heart of Europe. But, in a unique way, in the same Mongolian chronicle it is affirmed that thanks to them Christianity expands under the influence of the Nestorian project, by the hand of the Franciscans, who build bridges from Paris to Beijing, passing through Rome and Tibet. In this way, an evangelizing Christianity extends throughout Asia, from the Middle East, and in the text of its expedition its main leader, known as Genghis Khan (who lives in the official thirteenth century), whose lineage extends for all the world. Even, Genghis is assimilated to two great icons of Jewish Christianity: on the one hand King David of Israel and on the other the Prester John of India, who merges with the emperor of Ethiopia (who is the official descendant of the kings Solomon and Saba since the year 1270 official, and who guardianship and custody since then the Ark of the Covenant). But his glory does not end here. In addition, his lineage is associated with that of the three Magi. That is, in an unequivocal way, the Mongol chronicle is the most similar to that of the sacred texts, although official historians have disallowed it under the image of a nomadic, barbaric and fanciful Mongolia.

This narrative is reflected in the introduction that, in the twentieth century, is made about the history of Genghis Khan and his descendants. Its author is Michael Prawdin (Spanish version of 1968, who transcribes it in 1938), based on different versions of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, from Mongolia (two works of the nineteenth century that are said to be copies of the seventeenth century), Armenia (seven works), China (six works), Europe (one hundred twenty-one works) and the extinct Ottoman Empire (five works), the oldest being the one related to the family tree of the Turks of Abulgazi, work of Shagarad Turki, of 1727 (which it is in turn the only referenced work of the eighteenth century). It says (pp. 5-8):



It was the year 1221.

Four years ago (since Pope Honorius III made a call to Christianity in 1217 to organize a new crusade), a true flood of men left Europe for the East. This time they came, mainly, from Lower Germany, from Denmark, from Norway... They embarked in their homeland and, costing the west coast, arrived in Portugal, where they stayed some time to help the Christians there against the infidels; then, they returned to embark and, after a year of navigation, they arrived in Syria, where the numerous crusaders who came from all countries met. There an army was formed, a true conglomerate of believers, ambitious and adventurous of all nationalities, having in common only the cross embroidered in their garments and the hope of victorious battles. However, the consistency of these masses was not much, and Muslims, who had recognized their advantages, locked themselves in their impregnable strongholds... and waited.

This wait was not long; soon the dismemberment of the army of the Crusaders began. The King of Hungary was the first to return to Europe; it was followed by Duke Leopold of Austria... and those who left went from Syria to Egypt, because there you could expect a more rewarding loot. All converged in the rich maritime city of Damietta, on the Nile, which they seized after a siege that lasted a year and a half, after perishing 60,000 of its 70,000 inhabitants, from hunger, misery and disease.

But the joy that this victory and the rich conquered booty motivated in Europe, was soon extinguished. Saladin's nephews, sultans of Egypt and Damascus, confederated against the Christian army and surrounded him. The besiegers were scuttled in besieged, whom only another crusade, with numerous armies, could get out of their desperate situation.

All eyes turned to Hohenstaufen Frederick II, who had been consecrated emperor by Pope Honorius III in exchange for the promise to be crusaded. Pressed by public opinion, Frederick II sent the Duke of Bavaria, in front of numerous galleys, to Egypt, but did not lend himself to follow him with a strong army. And whole Europe, very worried, waited for Easter a new fatal night in the East...

In the midst of this distressing wait, four encouraging letters from the Crusade preacher, Jacob of Vitry, Bishop of Ptolemais, suddenly arrived. These were addressed to the Pope, Duke Leopold of Austria, King Henry III of England and the University of Paris. And in all he communicated incredible news.

Christendom had found a powerful new ally in a certain King David of India, who with an incalculable army had set off against the infidels.

Jacob of Vitry described, in great detail, the visit of the Caliph of Baghdad to the Nestorian Patriarch of the latter to beg him to send a letter to the Christian King David pleading for his help against the Sha of Choresm, who, although Mohammedan, wanted to overwhelm the Caliph for the war.

King David came to the call of the Caliph, defeating the Sha of Choresm and seizing the powerful kingdom of Persia. At that time he was five days from Baghdad and Mosul.

This provision of Divine Providence caused extraordinary joy in Europe. It is true that the Europeans ignored where that fabulous country called India was, with its Christian king David, or who was the Shares of Choresm whom said King had defeated.

Again, the ancient legend came to the memory of the Europeans that in the Far East there was a powerful kingdom called India, whose emperor was Prester John... "and that his power exceeded that of all the kings of the earth...".

Three quarters of a century ago, at the time of the Second Crusade, the rumor spread that this Prester John had attacked and defeated, in the Far East, the kingdom of the Saracens to come to the aid of the Crusaders, one rumor that had excited the western spirits. But then, silence was made about this monarch and only Nestorian Christians, who were scattered in countless communities throughout Asia, stubbornly clung to the idea that in the East there was a powerful Christian kingdom. It was said that the Sultan did not allow any Christian of the West to go there, in the same way that Prester John did not admit any Mohammedan in his kingdom...

And behold, Vitry wrote, clearly and decisively, that this David was the grandson of Prester John, the son of the king of Israel, and that his avant-gardes were already at the borders of Mesopotamia, but that from there they had headed towards North in order to keep their backs before "marching on Jerusalem". In the North he had beaten the Georgians who, although Christians, were not true believers...

There was jubilation everywhere in Europe, both in Christianity and in the Jewish communities, that ordered grace actions, raising money to deliver to King David. In two of his letters, Jacob of Vitry had said that King David was the rex Judeorum... Therefore, the approaching monarch was the king of the Jews and was heading west to free his people from exile.

But time passed without further news about King David coming to Europe expectantly. Damietta had to be ceded again to the Mohammedans in the fall, and the Crusaders were able to thank their good star for guaranteeing their withdrawal.

This circumstance was considered, precisely, as further evidence of the presence of King David. But if the Saracens showed an unusual moderation it was because their Sultan had forbidden them all excess, putting before them the example of the Shah of Persia, always victorious and, nevertheless, defeated by the foreign king. The truth was that somewhere, between Mesopotamia and the Caspian Sea, foreign armies of incalculable strength were found... But they were not in aid of the Crusaders...

On the contrary, news from the Christian kingdoms of Armenia, Georgia and the Caucasus came to Europe that their armies had been defeated; their cities, ransacked, and their castles, razed. Then it was learned that foreign warriors had crossed the Caucasus, invading the plains north of the Black Sea.

There dwelt the terrible Cumans who, in their raid raids, demanded tribute, in the North, to the Russian principalities, and in the West, to the kingdom of Hungary. These dreaded Cumans crossed the Don in panic before the invader, imploring help and allowing themselves to be submitted, by the Emperor of Byzantium, in Macedonia and Thrace.

From the fort Genoese of Sudak, located in Crimea, came galleys notifying that the fortress had been taken by assault and burned. And two years after the encouraging letters of Jacob of Vitry, rumors that Russian princes had been defeated and annihilated with their armies, robbing and killing a lot, came from Western Europe from western steppes. Horrible things were told about them: they had short legs; the body, gigantic; the chest, extraordinarily wide; the face, brown... They drank blood... And yet they carried banners where the cross was seen.

On their origin and purposes spreading new assumptions: they were descendants of the towns of the Three Kings and were heading to Cologne to rescue the relics of those kings ... Until the news came that they returned to the East as quickly as they came, having disappeared without a trace.

Europe breathed, relieved. No one was aware of the primitive law that prevailed in the Asian continent, to which only put on end the warrior technique of the Middle Ages and the European civilization: the law of eternal struggle between nomads and sedentary peoples of the States cultural. No one knew that, at that time, nomadic peoples had undertaken their last and most formidable attack on the cultured world. Only two decades later, the true personality of the man whom Jacob of Vitry took for King David was known; but then, those same wild horsemen threw themselves over Europe, transforming their eastern part into a pile of rubble and filling the western part with dread, threatening the westerners with ruin and making them pass the worst trance of their entire existence. Then it was known what had happened in the Far East: a nation emerged, and a man changed the face of the earth for several centuries.

With this chronicle several manipulations are made, without altering the message of the glory of the Great Khan, who is worshiped as the king of Israel, David, as if it were Christ. It seems lied that Jacob of Vitry assimilated him to that lineage, which is supposed to have ended with Jesus Christ, the last King of Israel. But nothing is free. Really, he is honored. He is related to the Magi, and to the Prester John, like Christ, and he becomes the most distinguished Christian governor of Eurasia. But, as if it were a great fantasy, they are converted -the Mongols, the Khan named David of Israel and the Prester- in a fleeting truth, and instead the cross cause of the Germanic powers is honored under the baton of the Father. In this way, creating the suspicion of fantasy, great truths are said and others are created, such as the existence -false- of an Austrian Empire and a papal Christian authority, as demonstrated by the New Chronology of Fomenko and Nosovskiy. In this way, the figure of a divinized character in the style of Christ is created, becoming a warrior leader where (Prawdin, 1968, p. 10): “His people and his successors revered him as a god (Sutu-Bogdo), whose life should, of course, correspond to the twelve "celestial" periods of the Mongolian calendar, "which in turn gave rise to a myth in which (p. 234): "Genghis-Khan was the Sutu-Bogdo, the envoy of God, and his word was the will of Heaven”. He was the Khan of the Khans, as was Christ, the King of Kings, and his twelve apostles; and his wills (of both) the word of God. With him came, in Eurasia, what is known as Pax Tatarica, but before that an alliance took place, which made it possible. This chronicle points to her, but, without giving her authority. It points to the alliances between the Khans and the European Christians, in the manner of the last official crusades, and they attribute it to the desire to control Egypt, in a company that the official history associates with the Mamluks. It says (Prawdin, 1968, p. 235):

The Il-Khans were the first Mongol rulers who could not defeat their enemies with their own forces and, therefore, needed to get allies. They were looking for them in the Christian West, near the Pope, chief of all Christians, who, as the Nestorians knew for their friends, had called, for centuries, the Western armies against Egypt.

Abaka, son and successor of Hulagu, proposed an alliance against Egypt: the Mongols and the Crusaders had to attack and destroy him on two sides at once. The plan was perfectly realizable and, gladly, the Pope accepted it, and Abaka sent ambassadors further still: to France, England and Spain.

It seems that they succeeded. Louis the Saint, James of Aragon, two English princes and Charles of Anjou, king of Sicily since the death of the last Hohenstaufen, declared themselves ready to undertake a new Crusade.

So far everything seems to take its course, but the official story aborts it without completely hiding the real story. How? To start this partnership fails, but instead creates an alternative story. On the one hand, it builds the expansive journey of the Anjou to Italy, and then that of the Aragonese, and both of them give them, in this order, the honorary title of rulers of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which since then until always is associated with the Kingdom from Naples. On the other hand, by 1260 he created two unique episodes. It creates the alliance between the Republic of Genoa and the Byzantine Paleologists, which is given by the government of the capital of the Roman Empire, Constantinople, and creates, in turn, the Mamluk epic that defeats the Mongols and occupies Egypt. The Mamluks come from the Caucasus and the Black Sea, from the same place where the Genoese are located, who share a cross with the Georgians. And, in adition, he creates the chronicle of Roger de Flor, the Catalan Almogavar who became Caesar, fell in love with a princess and died after fighting in Anatolia, as did St. George. In fact, reference would be made to the implementation of the Order of the Temple of Solomon, which would be established until Georgia, sharing domains with the Empire of Trebizond, which appears to all medieval maps with the yellow double-headed eagle on a red background that is the emblem of the Roman Empire, before being that of the Russian Empire. Trabzon, this unknown empire, is part of the great puzzle that is recomposed here. The official history makes it a joint empire of the powers of Georgia and the grandsons of the Roman emperor Andronikos Komnenos, died in 1185, after three years of government (whom the New Chronology of Fomenko and Nosovskiy assimilates to Christ), and what makes the maximum ally of the Roman Empire of Constantinople.

Certainly, pretending to rethink all these pieces seems like a company that is too complex, but only in appearance. This impression is the result of the great manipulation of official history. Apparently, these are disjointed stories, but they are not. Connections are everywhere, as evidenced by this correlation of affinities and the large number of marriage alliances between the Khans, the Paleologist, the Komnenos and the Christian kingdoms, which occur in the thirteenth century, but also for other singular facts. Stresses the birth of the lineage of the House of Solomon in Ethiopia (in the year 1270 official), and the beginning of the papal project of Avignon (in the year 1271 official). They stand out because both episodes are related to an Ark, of an alliance, which would be a great pact between East and West. And it would be, in fact, the covenant of the supreme alliance, the biblical, the sacred, which would be established since then between God and Humanity. From this covenant the "sacred text" would arise.

The result of a great covenant would be honored the epic of a great empire associated with a powerful God. But the real story is always more tragic and cruel than is desirable for the good governance of the people, and over time a political order differentiated from the spiritual is built, and their stories are separated, relegating the second to their universal vocation. And, when this happens, the narratives of the great original emperor and his lineage become transformed into a sacred text, and his deeds in various episodes led by their respective icons, all endowed with historical identity, in the form of great heroes or prophets. Initially, two large blocks are created, and a legendary story. Then, when this covenant is broken, the book of Revelation is written instead, whose chapter 11 scrupulously narrates this fact. Before, in chapter 10, the arrival of the secret design of God is narrated through the mouth of the angel that will play the seventh trumpet, which carries with it a "book", which commands John to swallow. John is the Khan, and the "book" is nothing other than the true story of the great struggle of the four horsemen. Later, Christ is "born" in chapter 12, being the beginning of the Holy Sepulcher that is created in the honor of the Great Khan. It says, the biblical apocalypse:


10 Solemn announcement of the Kingdom of God. Then I saw another vigorous angel, coming down from the sky dressed in a cloud, with the rainbow around his head. His face was like the sun, and his legs were like columns of fire. He held an open blade in his hand and, putting his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the ground, called loudly like a roaring lion. So he called, the seven thunders spoke with their voices. After speaking the seven thunders, I was going to write, but I heard a voice from heaven saying, "Keep under seal what the seven thunders have said: don't write it."

Afterwards, the angel who had seen standing on the sea and on the earth raised his right hand towards the sky, and swore by the one who lives for ever and ever, who created the sky with all that it contains, and the earth with all that it contains, and the sea with all that it contains, that there will be no more delay so that the days that the seventh angel must play, when he plays the trumpet, the mystery of God will be fulfilled, according to the Gospel that He has announced to his servants the prophets.

John is commissioned to announce new prophecies. Then, the voice I had heard from heaven spoke to me again: "Goes, take the open leaf to the hand of the angel standing on the sea and the earth". So I went to the angel telling him to give me the sheet. And he says: "Take it and devour it, and it will make your belly bitter, but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey". Then I took the blade from the angel's hand and devoured it, and in my mouth it was sweet as honey, but after eating it, my belly felt bitter. And he tells me: "We must still prophesy about many peoples, nations, languages and kings".

11 The temple will be preserved from desecration. Preaching of two prophets. Then they gave me a rod similar to a stick saying: “Goes, measure the temple of God and the altar, with those who worship, but the outer court, throw it out and do not measure it, because it has been given to the heathen, who will tread the holy city forty-two months. While I will give my two testimonies to prophesy for one thousand two hundred and sixty days, dressed in sack”. These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks that are in the presence of the Lord of the earth. If nobody wants to harm them, fire comes out of their mouths, which devours their enemies. If nobody wants to harm them, they must die like that. They have the power to close the sky so that no rain falls during the days of their prophecy, and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood and to afflict the earth with calamities of all kinds, whenever they want. But, when they finish giving their testimony, the beast that returns from the abyss will make war on them, defeat them and kill them, and their remains will remain in the square of the great city, which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where also the Lord was crucified. People from the various towns, tribes, languages and nations see their remains for three and a half days, and do not allow their remains to be placed in the grave. The inhabitants of the earth rejoice and celebrate it, and send presents to one another, because these two prophets had tormented the inhabitants of the earth. But after three and a half days, a breath of life that came from God entered into them, got straight on their feet, and a great panic fell on those who saw them. Then I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, "Goes up here." So the sky rose in the cloud, seeing its enemies. At that time there was a great earthquake, a tenth of the city collapsed, seven thousand men died in the earthquake, and the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.

The Kingdom of God arrives. The seventh angel touched, and there was in heaven a great shouting of voices that said: "The reign of our Lord and his Christ over the world has been accomplished, and he will reign for ever and ever!" Then the twenty-four elders who sit in the presence of God in their seats fell face down on earth worshiping God and saying: "We thank you, Lord God Almighty, THE ONE WHO IS AND THE ONE WHO WAS, because he has taken his great power and already queens. The nations were furious, but your wrath has come and the time to be judged the dead, to give the reward to their servants the prophets, to the saints and to those who fear your name, small and large, and to destroy those who corrupt the earth".

Then the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of his covenant appeared in his temple, while lightning, voices and thunder burst, accompanied by earthquake and great hailstorm.

12 Zion gives birth the Messiah. Indignation of the devil. And there was a great prodigy in the sky: a woman dressed in the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on the head a crown of twelve stars. She is pregnant and screams in birth pains, tormented to give birth. Another prodigy was seen in the sky: a great red dragon that has seven heads and ten horns; on the heads there are ten headbands, and the tail drags the third part of the stars of the sky, and throws them to the earth. Then the dragon stood in front of the woman who was to give birth to devour her son, when he was born. She then gave birth to a son, who must graze all the nations with an iron bar. His son was raptured near God and near his throne, and the woman fled to the desert, where she has a place prepared by God, to be fed there one thousand two hundred and sixty days.

The transcript is literal. The seventh angel who puts his feet on the earth and the sea, who raises his arm to the sky and roars like a lion, is the Great Khan. And he carries with him a book, that John (the Khan made priest, who is given a stick, as the Pope has) eats it. The story is erased and two testimonies, which are two prophets, attest to that. And everything happens in the year 1260, which is equivalent to 42 months, understanding the days for years. They are the two great powers that will give birth to the birth of a lineage and two great priestly courts, which (over time) will honor Christ and Muhammad, but that actually serve the same God and will agree to the Ark of the Covenant. For this reason, in 1260, the Red Cross armies occupy Constantinople (which really is the Order of Solomon's Temple, ruled from Genoa, or Janua, the city of Jan, the Khan) and with them begin of the greatest stage of peace and prosperity, in Eurasia, never before known. And Egypt is occupied, settling in the south (now Nubia and Ethiopia) the power of the House of Solomon, which is none other than that of Prester John.

The three coffers converge in 1260. In chapter 10 the link with Noah's flood is established through the rainbow. In 11 the link is with Moses, with the appearance of the Ark of the Covenant and the new Kingdom of God. In 12 it is with Solomon, when the birth of the Messiah is established in Zion, although it is linked to the advent of Jesus.

Thus, despite appearing to be a free statement (which it is not), the icon of Abraham was created from the Great Khan that occupied Eurasia, and from his grandson Batu Khan, who occupied Europe, to his grandson Jacob, called Israel by God, whose offspring would be born the twelve tribes of Israel (which would be scattered throughout the European monarchies). All this would appear with the epic of a first emperor whose glory would materialize with his grandson, before becoming the Messianic Jesus, the Buddha, Krishna and other gods such as Horus or Dionysus, all of them being different versions of this imperial divinization. The Holy Sepulcher of Hierusalem would worship him, on Mount Moriah, and there he would conceive the place where the alliance between God and Humanity would be established, this fact being remembered as the episode in which God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, Jacob's father. It would be the symbol of the common empire and a great alliance. For this reason, in all the medieval maps that have been preserved the text “Holy Sepulcher” appears in Hierusalem (Hierusalem) and in none appears the name of Jesus Christ or that of Muhammad (which would appropriate the sacred place, later), of the just as Prester John always appears in southern Egypt, and never the Pope of Rome in Italy.

From Egypt a civilization was born that expanded through the Middle East to the Mediterranean, Aegean and Black seas, and then began a nomadic journey that expanded to the Pacific and then returned to its homeland, the Caucasus, from India, where it came into conflict with the Arab and Greek powers. But from this company another project emerged, that of occupying Europe and then reoccupying the original empire. From the Caucasian and Crimean Iberia, called Gothia (that means the land of God), the West was occupied, moving there the new Gothia, based in Avignon, and the new Iberia, in Hispania. From there he rearmed and returned to Greece, to which he defeated, and Crimea, Iberia, Georgia and then Egypt and Palestine reoccupied, where Prester John and the Holy Sepulcher of the Great Khan settled, the leader or great emperor who initiated the largest power in the known world, establishing itself as the first great sovereign and, with it, implanting the authority of a single God. The Mamluks would guard this Holy Land since then, and the Order of the Temple of Solomon won the lands earned by this lineage, half Hebrew and half imperial. With all of them the glory of History, of the Genesis of the sacred texts and of a great Alliance, between East and West would be born: the Ark of Solomon that, since then, by the will of three Indian kings, would guard the Prester John. From there, from great Babylon (eventually known as Cairo, which means "the victorious" in Arabic), the Hebrew people would leave armed with the force of the tables of the new Law of Moses, the God Amun transformed into an icon, and would go, together with the Arab people, to return to the two Gothias, establishing there different kingdoms and/or Khanates. They would bring there the Ark and the glory of the three Indian kings, whose glory would be honored in Cologne, establishing themselves there as the Three Wise Men. In turn, with them, in the West a great marriage pact would be established, between the daughter of the Prester and a Provencal leader, giving rise to the powers of the Anjou and the Aragon, for which history would build the powers of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the Occitan glory of the Templars and the deeds of the Almogavars, which would actually be that of the Maccabees and, in turn, that of the Mamluks, who would also be the troops from India, and the Gypsy people. It would be the original lineage, linked to the Hebrew people, which comes from Egypt, from which the great Christian lineages would arise. From this myth, Mary Magdalene and Saint James would be born, and multiple "medieval" works, as well as the Merovingian myth associated, since the twentieth century, with the lineage of Christ. In the official history, the arrival of Moses to Europe would come from the hand of the chronicle of the leader of Egypt, Musa Ibn Nusair, who arrives in France and is defeated by Charles Martell, coming after him the expedition of the Jewish Exiles of Babylon and implanting, from Aniana, Christianity -throughout Western Europe- by the hand of the Benedictine Order, since the time of Charlemagne. That is, the official history has doubled the real events between the eighth and thirteenth centuries, and has eliminated their relationship.

For this reason, the Jewish people, from Noah and Abraham to Moses and Solomon, and even Joseph and Mary, are linked to Egypt. But, as narrated here, the reality of this link is much greater than what these ties show. In truth, there was only one Ark, which was agreed in Egypt, where the chronicles of Noah, Moses and Solomon are the same story, as it is that of Abraham and that of the origin of Christ. It is the same story and refers to an imperial expansion that resulted in a Temple, the result of a peace, of a "divine" alliance that forever transformed the worldview of History. The Jewish people celebrate this deed with the Hanukkah festival (which means Khan de Khans), also known as the Festival of Lights, in which the Menorah candelabrum is lit, with nine candles. With this symbolism the liberation of the Jewish people in the hands of the Greco-Persians and the reconstruction of the Temple of Solomon is commemorated. Historically, he moves to the time of the great Alexander the Great, whom Jews honor by calling Alexander to his firstborn children, since then. Unofficially, as indicated, it has been celebrated for a little over five centuries. And the real story is written in disjointed facts (apparently) around the date of medieval 1260 which, in turn, are transcribed in chapter 11 of the Biblical Revelation. John, the one in Revelation, knows the real story, but he "swallowed it". He was the Great Khan and then John the Baptist, who blessed Christ.

But this whole story is rewritten, later. So ... when is written the Apocalypse? Well, it is written at the end of the seventeenth century, ending in the eighteenth, when the biblical text acquires its current wording, in a context that must be understood 185 years ago, at the end of the fifteenth, when the Christian colonization of the world begins with the force of arms and the authority of Jesus Christ, made the true and only child of God. It is then when Babylon falls (Cairo), and when the power of Greece (of Trabzon), associated with the House of Solomon of Ethiopia (where Prester John is), returns to the place where he settled his power and mutates in the form of new lineages under the universal project of the papal Vatican. This power is based in Western Europe and usurps the power of the Order of the Temple of Solomon, which forces it to mutate under the authority of the Order of St. John the Baptist.

But, to rewrite everything without erasing the trail, the parable of historical manipulation would be more complex. In fact, it is very complex and here a part of the story is only quoted.

In a semi-hidden way, a link would be established between the Trabzon lineage, the Provencal and the Catalan, through secondary surnames, in a manipulation carried out in the eighteenth century, so that it would be constructed, with it, a blood link to claim your legitimate property. The lineage of Trabzon would be the true lineage of the Greek Empire, which would spread throughout Europe, and its link would be established with the Ventimiglia (established in Nice and converted into descendants of the great Charlemagne) and the Counts of Pallars (in Gandia, whose offspring were would link with that of the kings of Aragon). Otherwise, their powers take the form of the Habsburgs, whose mission is to re-found Rome in the form of a Sacred ("Germanic") Empire. For this reason, and not for another, the emperors of Nicea (the Laskaris Komnenos) and the Habsburgs share the same emblem, the black double-headed eagle with the yellow or golden background. They take possession of Europe, throughout the royal seventeenth century, and bring to Rome the power of the Preste, with the mission to take back his empire, this time in the name of a more powerful Christ. For this reason, the New Chronology of Fomenko and Nosovskiy has discovered that the entire Habsburg lineage is not real until the seventeenth century, which before is a copy of other lineages that follows the faithful reflection of the biblical kings of Israel and those of the Roman emperors and the medieval Russian tsars.

In honor of the Laskaris Komnenos the Council of Nicea would be built (where it is said that Caesar Constantine approved the divinity of Jesus), being located in Anatolia, and in turn would settle to the Laskaris Komnenos in Nice, in Provence, where they would build his first palace. In turn, it would be left written that this lineage would be the true owner of the great mastery of the Constantinian Order of St. George, until 1697, when he would move to the Farnese and then (since 1714) to the Dukes of Anjou (the Bourbon Spanish). And, in a much less obvious way, this lineage would be linked to the Borgia. Trabzon, the Laskaris Komnenos and the Borgia wear the same shield: three horizontal black bars on a yellow background, in a way that is not accidental. That is why the Laskaris Komnenos have been closely linked to the city of Gandia, in Valencia, where the Borgia come from (although nobody remembers it). In the official year 1296, on August 20, King James II of Aragon granted the city of Gandia to Empress Constance of Greece (Archive of the Crown of Aragon, Record 44, folio 143; source: "Byzantine Hispanic Historical Vision", written by the titular emperor Juan Arcadio Laskaris Komnenos, published in Athens in 2011, by N. & S. Batsioulas Editorial). The official year 1306, a seventeenth of September, the empress gives the powers of her empire to James II (Record 24, folio 58, same source). 186 years after 1296, in 1482, Roderic Borgia became Duke of Gandia, and in 1492 (186 years after 1306), Pope of Rome, blessing from there the colonization of the world. The official history has separated these facts 185 years, and in turn has placed them 185 years in the past (according to line X-185). At this time, which should be understood in the last quarter of the seventeenth century (1492+185 = 1677), it is when the whole story takes a new direction. Behind them is the true power of Columbus, who would be related to the same lineage and, otherwise, to that of the Colonna and Cibo popes. The first would be the true pope who would rule all of Europe from Rome (Pope Martin V, official years from 1417 to 1431), and the second theJohn the Baptist predecessor of Pope Alexander VI (Roderic Borgia), named Bautista Cibo and known as Pope Innocent VIII, who was the true architect of the colonial project, although he is known for being the one who put Torquemada as General Inquisitor in Spain; who named Fernando and Isabel "Catholic Monarchs" after the expulsion of Muslims from Granada; who forced Jews and Muslims to accept the Christian faith; and who oversaw the Capitulations of the Holy Faith of Admiral Christopher Columbus, in the official year of 1492, sealed in Barcelona. For this reason he is known as the Praecursor Siciliæ, assimilating him to John the Baptist (the precursor of Christ) and to the court of the King of Sicily, where he lived his childhood (they say) under the rule of the great Alfonso the Magnanimous, King of Aragon, the conqueror of Naples whose offspring occupied, since then, the authority of King of Jerusalem. They all speak of a familiar "column", of a lineage that would have been Hebrew and that would have carved a temple, resurfacing from Egypt. They, the Colonna, would be the papal princes since 1710, and there, in Rome, is their papal palace, before that of the Vatican. And, with them, the last name of the Columbus was written. They would be the Genoese Colombo and, also, the Colom of Barcelona, which genealogical manipulation makes appear in the official fifteenth century and makes them disappear in the sixteenth, despite the remarkable presence of Colom in Catalan families. In the case of those in Barcelona, on the other hand, they are responsible for the expropriation of the Jewish quarter of Barcelona, in the official 1391 (being really facts of the eighteenth century); the owners of the land where the Hospital de la Santa Cruz de Barcelona was founded (a hospital bearing the same cross as that of the Order of the Temple), in the official 1401; and the first administrators of the public bank of Barcelona, founded the same 1401. On them the identity of the mysterious Columbus would fall, which in Catalan is called Colom and means "dove". In this way, they are symbolically associated with the Holy Spirit and with the dove that appears with the rainbow when the flood of Noah's time ends, and when a new era for humanity begins.

Behind the Columbus project there is, therefore, a powerful lineage that, from a certain moment, in the eighteenth century, erases its dynastic, priestly and Jewish origin to serve the new Christian order. For this reason, there are so many versions about the identity of Columbus, and nobody agrees on which one is the most feasible. All sin of the same vice: to look for a needle in a haystack, when it is necessary to look for it in all the straw that surrounds it.

The main pieces of the symbolic and historical puzzle that are drawn here are these, and the chronological map that orders them too. As indicated, it is simple, although it seems complex, especially when working with fiction, and large-scale symbolic and temporal manipulation.



Láscaris Comneno, J. A. (2011). Visión histórica Hispano Byzantina. Athens: N. & S. Batsioulas Editorial.


Prawdin, M. (1968). Genghis Kan. Original edition of 1938. Barcelona: Juventud.