A.T.Fomenko, G.V.Nosovskiy
COSSACKS-ARIAS: from Russia to India.

Publishing house AST-ASTREL, Moscow, 2007.


The book is an updated re-edition of "New chronology of India", which was issued in the beginning of 2004 in the publishing house "Delovoy Express" and already sold out. The book is devoted for the readers, familiar with the problem of grounding of the chronology of ancientry and a modern natural-scientific approach to this issue (new chronology).
India has always been considered to be a mysterious and wonderful country. A supposition that the famous Indian Eposes-chronicles "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana" are not so ancient, as it was considered, is stated and reasoned. It appeared that they described the events of the epoch of XIV-XVI centuries A.D. Moreover, it was found that the Biblical events, which took place, in particular, on the territory of Russia-Horde, that is the Great = "Mongol" Empire of the XIV-XVI centuries, were reflected on the pages of the Indian chronicles
Many researchers paid attention to the tight connection between India and Russia. A theory that the Aryans, who founded the Indian civilization, came from the North, has for a long time been discussed in scientific literature. Our studies confirm this point of view and show that the Aryans came to India from Russia-Horde in the XIV-XV centuries A.D., already after the Battle of Kulikovo.
In the present book the authors don't repeat the things, already told in the previous books on new chronology. For proofs and description of statistical methods of dating the authors ask the readers refer to the previous publications. Many of the told in the present book things are yet suppositions.
The book is devoted for the widest circle of readers, interested in application of natural-scientific methods to history.