A.T.Fomenko , G.V.Nosowsky



5.10. Where was London located in 11-13th cc. A.D.?

Trained reader waits with answer because suspects (and it is reasonable) that correct answer can be completely unexpected. And we continue to read the old English chronicles which give us the correct answers on the all such questions. But we need to read "what is written" and not "what should be written". The second formula is sometimes the point of view of modern historical Scaliger's tradition which is in the basis of a modern textbook on ancient history. Galfridus: "When finishing with the division of the kingdom, Brutus decided to built a new town-capital... He founded the town and called it NEW TROY (! - Auth.). The town preserved this name during many years and then, because of distortion the initial title, the name was transformed into TRINOVANT. After this, Lud... who fighted with Julius Caesar,... ordered to call the town CAERLUD which means "Town of Lud" (the word Caer = Cair means simply "town", see details below - Auth.). It was the cause of a great conflict between Lud and his brother Nennius, because Nennius was not agree with Lud who wanted to forget the initial name TROY" ([9],p.18). And then: "The title was distorted and was transformed into Caerludein, then into Lundene and finally, into Lundres" ([9],p.37). The modern commentary: "Trinovant is today the city London" ([9],p.232). Thus, the old English chronicles states that:

New Troy =
Trinovant =
Lud =
Lundene =

Here we recall that according to the analysis in [1],[24], the NEW TROY of 11-13th cc.A.D. is Czar-Grad (later New Rome = Constantinople). As we have mentioned above, the most known historical version states that "the Troy of Homer" is "somewhere near" the Czar-Grad (later Constantinople = Istanbul). Schliemann wrongly spent a lot of his time for senseless "excavations of the Troy" (he discovered not the Troy). It was sufficient simply to point out on the Constantinople = future Istanbul. This idea is in a nice correspondence with all previous results which give the Byzantine/Mongolian location for initial old events of English history. Thus, Galfridus possibly tells us about the 1st crusade of supposedly 1099 A.D. As the result of crusade, the new capital was founded - NEW TROY = future Constantinople. Let us attract the attention of the reader to the following remarkable fact. There exists a well-known town TYRNOVO in Bulgaria. But this name is similar to the name TRINOVANT and means simply TROY NEW, i.e., TROY NEW = TyrNovo. It becomes clear that the name Trinovant was initially appeared in Byzantine Empire, on the Balkan Peninsula, in the Slavonic region and its initial meaning was NEW TROY. In English the word new means the same as Slavonic nova or new. Thus, one the initial names of LONDON was TROY NEW (its trace is Tyrnovo in Bulgaria). It is interesting that Galfridus states the same, when he tells us about transformation of the name NEW TROY into TRINOVANT. In reality, this is not a transformation, but simply the transposition of two words: Troy and New inside the joint title. It is clear also, that "town Lud" means simply "town LD" or "town LT", i.e. = "town of Latins" = "Latin town". The appearance of the name LT in old English chronicles is quite natural: in the epoch of crusades in supposedly 1204 A.D. the new LATIN EMPIRE was appeared on the territory of Byzantine Empire. Latin Empire gave its name to the capital: LATIN TOWN, i.e. Caer-Lud (Cair-Lud). Nennius tells us that word "Cair" means in old Britts' language "Town" ([8],p.190). Identification of New Troy = London with Czar-Grad follows also from the following fact. As we saw, New Troy was called later Cair-Lud or Caer-Lud. But Caer or CR (without vowels) sounds also, for example in Slav languages, as ZR because of often oscillation between C and Z. Thus, CR or ZR is evidently ZAR (czar = zar which means "king", "ruler"). Slavonic name for Czar-Grad was ZAR-GRAD, which means "king-town". Thus, CAER-LUD = ZAR-LUD, i.e. "king-town of Latins" (Latin king town). This is exactly ZAR-GRAD in Slav language.

Trained reader expects that the whole this story of Galfridus (about origin of London's name) the modern historical science claims as wrong and erroneous: The Galfridus' information about the history and origin of the name London (from the name of Lud) is wrong. The antique authors (Tacitus, Ammian Marcellinus) call this town Londinium or Lundinium. The real history of the name of London is disputable" ([9],p.237). Thus, after the 1st crusade in supposedly 1099 A.D. some chronicles called the New Rome as NEW TROY. Then, after the foundation in 1204 A.D. the Latin Empire the capital was called also (or was renamed?) LATIN TOWN, i.e., Caer-Lud and finally, LONDON. This name was then transported into island England when some of Byzantine chronicles were moved in this direction (after the fall of Constantinople in 1204 A.D. or 1453 A.D.). Nennius listed in his chronicle "the names of all towns which exist in Britain, and their number is 28" ([8],p.190). The modern commentary: "Cair means Town in Britts' language" ([8],p.283). We can note here that the capital of Egypt is Cairo. Consequently, we see again, that in Britts' language the clear "Eastern trace" was remained. May be, this fact indicates the Eastern origin of initial old English history. Galfridus tells us that New Troy ( = London) was founded on the Thames river ([9],p.18). We think that initially "Thames river" was one of the name for the Bosporus, where Constantinople is located. The Bosporus sound (strait) is really very long, sufficiently thin, and was represented on the old geographical maps as large river. Schliemann, by the way, decided to place "his Troy" also in this region, namely - in the end of another long and thin strait (sound) - the Dardanelles, which is close to the Bosporus. Today the name of the "London river" is Thames. But because all these events are happened in the East, we need to remember that here some people read the text in opposite direction: from the right to the left (in Europe: from the left to the right). The word SOUND (= strait) without vowels is SND and after opposite reading is DNS. Because D and T were sometimes equivalent, and the same is valid to M and N, we see that the following conjecture (equivalence) is possible: DNS = TMS, i.e. "sound" = "Thames". From the other hand, Thames is practically identical with Themis. But Themis is the name of well-known GREEK goddess of justice.

5.11. Who were Scots in 11-13 cc.A.D. and were did they live? Where was Scotland located in 11-13 cc.A.D.?

Scotland = Scot + Land = the Land of Scots. Scots live in Scotland - this is well-known fact. But sufficiently less is known that in old English chronicles the Scots sometimes are called Scithi, i.e., Scyths ! See, for example the manuscript F of Anglo-Saxon Chronicle ([2],p.3, comment 4). Thus, one of possible answers on the question in the title of present section is as follows: Scots = Scyths.

In other words, Scotland = the Land of Scyths = Scithi-Land.

Scyths lived in Scythia, which is partially identified with some regions in modern Russia. Old English chronicles call Scythia also as Scithia, Sice, Sithia, Barbaria (see [10]). Are there some "traces" of medieval name Scots (for Scyths) in modern Russia? Yes! It is known that Scyths are considered partially as the nation which cultivated the cattle. But before now the Russian term for "cattle" is SCOT. Our conjecture: the Scots mentioned in old English chronicles of 10-12th cc.A.D. are Scyths = Scithi which lived near Byzantine Empire on the territory (partially) of modern Russia. It was in 11-13th cc.A.D. Then, after transport of Byzantine/Mongolian chronicles into modern island Britain, the name of Scyths was also automatically shifted in modern England. And today we see in the modern England the Scyth-Land as Scot-Land. And we see again that the old English chronicle tell us about the real Byzantine/Mongolian history, because really Scyths of 11-13th cc.A.D. lived near Byzantine Empire. Nennius, in the section with title "About Scots when they captured Hybernia", informs us: "If somebody wants to know when... Hybernia was uninhabited, desert, then the most informed among SCOTS told me the following. When the people of Israel went from Egypt, the Egyptians who haunted Israelits (according to the Bible), were sank in the Sea. Among the Egyptians was one noble man from SCYTHIA (! - Auth.) with many relatives and with many servants. He was expelled (banished) from his native kingdom and we was in Egypt when Egyptian army was sank in the Sea... Then the survived Egyptians decided to expel him from the Egypt because they afraid that he can captures their country and to establish his power in Egypt" ([8],p.174). Then, as a result, these Scyths were expelled from Egypt, and then their fleet conquered the Hybernia. This event is considered (in Nennius' opinion) as conquest of Hybernia by Scots ([8],p.175). Thus, here we see that Nennius was sure that Scots were descended from Scyths. It is possible that here the name Hybernia was in reality applied to the Hyberia = old name of modern Georgia (or, may be to the medieval Spain). It is supposed today in historical science that medieval Hybernia = Ireland. As we expect (and this is really true), the modern historical commentary to this fragment from Nennius' chronicle is very angry: "Which Scythia is mentioned here? Bede Venerable calls the Scandinavia as Scythia. The version about "Scyths" origin of Scots was appeared because of some similarity between words "Scithia" and "Scottia" "([8],p.272). The commentator here passed over in silence that sometimes "Scots" were written in old English chronicles as "Scithi", i.e., "Scyths" and this fact is well-known to the real experts in the ancient English history. See [2]. By the way, the replacement of Scythia by Scandinavia does not help, because (as we have demonstrated above), the old English chronicles sometimes identified Cansie = Scandinavia and Russia (Rossie) (see [10]): "Cansie (or Canzie), and I think that this is Rosie (in another copy of the manuscript - Russie - Auth.)" (see the discussion above). If it was really true that in some medieval historical period the Scithia was called as Scotland (in some historical chronicles), then the great interest will obtain the following fact. As we saw, the English chronicles called Russian king (ruler) Jaroslav the Sage (Wise) as Malescold (Malescoldus) ([10],p.58). Thus, his whole title (if Scythia was Scotland) should be Scottish (or Scoth) king Malescold (or Malcolm?). But we know several medieval Scottish kings Malcolms in traditional Scotland history. May be one of them is Russian king Jaroslav the Sage who was "transported" into "island Scottish history" as a result of chronological and geographical shift?