A.T.Fomenko , G.V.Nosovskiy

Chapter 2


Fig.16 shows the erroneous Scaligerian dating of the main multiple reflections (altogether there are already 113 of them) of Emperor Andronicus-Christ, aka the Great Prince Andrey Bogoliubsky, that we discovered. It resulted in an impressive list of 'phantoms'.

'Chronicle biographies' of Czar-Grad's Emperor Andronicus and the Great Russian Prince Andrey Bogoliubsky are the most complete surviving SECULAR testimonies about Jesus Christ, who lived according to the new chronology, in the XII century.

a) ANDRONICUS COMNENUS, Czar-Grad, 'Byzantine' emperor, 1115-1185 [���]ch.1-2.

b) ANDREY BOGOLIUBSKY, the Great Russian Prince of the XII century [���]ch.3.

Some of the 'reflections' of Andronicus-Christ are partial. These biographies are comprised of several strands among which there is a prominent 'strand of Andronicus-Christ'. Sometimes it is the principle strand, sometimes not. In the latter case fragments of Christ's life are heavily intertwined with the information about other people from the epoch of the XII-XV cc. So here is a complete list of the reflections of Andronicus-Christ we have discovered:

1) GREGORY VII HILDEBRAND, allegedly the XI century, in Rome [2v1], ch.4.
2) RUDOLF OF SWABIA, anti-king, allegedly the XI century, in Rome [��] ch.1:9.

3) EDWARD THE CONFESSOR, English king, allegedly the XI century [��] ch.1:9.

4) ROMANOS DIOGENES, allegedly years 1068-1071, in Byzantium [���] Appendix 1.

5) ISAAK KOMNENOS (COMNENUS), allegedly years 1057-1059, in Byzantium [���], Appendix 1.

6) MICHAEL KALAFAT, allegedly years 1041-1042, in Byzantium, [���] Appendix 1.

7) ROMAN ARGIR, Byzantine Emperor, allegedly years 1028-1034 [���] Appendix 1.

8) Death of a Russian prince OLEG, allegedly the X century [���] ch.1.

9) IGOR, a Russian prince, allegedly the X century [���] ch.1.

10) ASKOLD (Asa-Kolyada), a Russian prince, allegedly the IX century [���] ch.1.

11) FOKA, Byzantine Emperor, allegedly years 602-610 [���] Appendix 1.

12) VASILY THE GREAT – a famous Saint, allegedly the IV century [2v1], ch.3:6.

13) VASILY - a famous Christian evangelist, allegedly the IV century [��] ch.5:14.

14) DOMITIAN (partial), an 'ancient' Roman emperor, ruling allegedly in years 81-96 [��] ch.12.

15) HADRIAN, an 'ancient' Roman emperor, ruling allegedly in years 117-138 [��] ch.1. Overall the biography of Hadrian is cast in a favourable light. However in the end of the story told by historian Aelius Spartianus a theme of 'cruel and bad' Hadrian unexpectedly emerges. What is it all about? Why is there such an abrupt change in attitude towards the wonderful Hadrian, moreover, within just one fragment, one which is clearly at odds with the overall the sympathetic tone of the description? Surely, the most contradictory qualities can reside in one person. However in this case an idea occurs, that we yet again come across a widely spread opinion in the 'antiquity' of the XIII-XVI cc. that Andronicus-Christ was an 'evil person', 'mamzer', 'cruel monster'.

Byzantine Nikita Choniates, acknowledging the altogether outstanding role of Andronicus in History, talks a lot about his negative characteristics. He veraciously accuses him of a number of 'evil deeds'. We (can also see the same in the rabbinical Judaic version which presents Jesus as a negative character [307]. Similar sceptical overtones also can be heard in works of the 'ancient' Titus Livius (Livy), when he described some of the duplicates of Andronicus-Christ. At the same time the other duplicates of Jesus are described in a positive way [����] Such contrasts are not surprising. The persona of Andronicus-Christ caused turbulent disputes and polarised opinion. The emperor died in 1185 as a result of the bloody revolt in Czar-Grad. It was followed by the revenge from Russia-Horde: the perpetrators of Andronicus-Christ's crucifixion were violently executed. All of this led to the sharply divided opinion.

16) AELIUS VERUS – (the Elder, the father), 'ancient' Roman personage allegedly of the first half of the II century (under Hadrian) [��] ch.1.
17) AELIUS VERUS (the Younger, the son) – 'ancient' Roman Caesar, who ruled in Rome allegedly in years 161-169 [��] ch.1. (Lucius Aelius Verus Caesar)

18) COMMODUS, 'ancient' Roman Emperor, ruled allegedly in years 180-193 [��] ch.2. We cannot ignore a colourful plot which reveals the rebellious atmosphere simmering around the figure of Andronicus-Christ in the year 1185. We are specifically talking about the Senate Decree dedicated to Commodus-Christ [140:1], p.71-72. Each of its lines is infused with hatred. The text was written by people clearly not under control and openly spilling their emotions onto paper. Harsh negative comments about Jesus on the pages of the rabbinical Judaic texts [307] pale in comparison with this scandalous Decree. The senate's decree probably came about amidst Czar-Grad scribes (Pharisees) and high priests who fiercely hated Jesus, according to the Gospels, and who made every effort to bring about His demise.

The true meaning of the senate's document becomes clear only now, after our research. This is the voice of Christ's enemies, surviving until today on the pages of 'ancient authors'. The latter editors forgot that it was Jesus who they were talking about here. If they knew, they would have destroyed the document.

No documents of such a strikingly critical nature have survived about any other Roman emperor. Of course, plenty negative things were written about Nero, Caligula and others. But in all those cases the emotions were much more restrained. There was no such fierce personal hatred towards a ruler. In Commodus' case the senators lost any control of themselves. Such fanaticism probably had a religious foundation. As Commodus is a reflection of Christ, the picture becomes clearer. The sympathisers and adversaries were split down religious lines.

Commodus-Christ was constantly called a GLADIATOR in the senate's decree (see next chapter). Repeated exhortations to 'pull' His body 'by a hook' were frequently made. They demanded to tear Commodus' corpse to pieces. Each sentence ends with an exclamation mark. Most likely, the document absorbed the cries of the mob, which, according to the Gospels, demanded Jesus' execution. In the Gospels this scene is described sparingly, but this 'ancient' text is much more detailed. In this way we can penetrate the events, briefly described in the Gospels, in more depth [��] ch.2.

19) KOLYADA, god of the medieval Slavs, and also the Middle Ages West European SANTA CLAUS (SANTA CRUZ) [���]ch.6.

20) ODIN, a Germanic and Norse medieval god, but allegedly 'very-very' ancient [���] ch.5.

21) JESUS CHRIST, allegedly the I century [���] ch.1-2.

22) APOLLONIUS OF TYANA, 'ancient' miracle maker, allegedly the I century [��] ch.1.

23) ANDREW THE FIRST CALLED, THE APOSTLE, allegedly the I century [���] ch.4.
The Scaligerian-Romanov dating of Baptism of Russia by Apostle Andrew allegedly in the X-XI cc. radically differs BY A THOUSAND YEARS from the same Scaligerian dating of the life time of Apostle Andrew as the I century. However the Baptism of Russia by Andrew himself ideally corresponds with the New Chronology and the shift to years 1053 or 1153. By retrieving the Gospel events from the phantom I century into the realistic XII century, we put everything in its place. It becomes clear, why it was exactly in the XII-XIII cc. when we see the 'explosion of Evangelism' and the blossoming of Christianity. It becomes clear that Russia 'didn't wait' for a whole THOUSAND YEARS to 'finally' adopt Christianity, but effectively adopted it immediately after the emergence of the new religion in the XII century. In the XVI century Ivan IV the Terrible, not knowing yet of the Scaligerian chronology, which was introduced well AFTER HIM, 'pointed out that the RUSSIANS ADOPTED CHRISTIANITY NOT FROM THE GREEK, BUT FROM APOSTLE ANDREW HIMSELF. The same fact was pointed out to the Greeks a century later by the monk-priest Arseny Sukhanov who was sent to … Greece' [208], p. 121.

24) GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR, the Roman Emperor, allegedly I century BC [���]ch.2:51.

25) MARK ANTONY, 'ancient' Roman military commander, allegedly the I century BC [���] ch.1.

26) Death of the Egyptian Queen CLEOPATRA, allegedly the I century BC [���] ch.1.

27) SALMOXIS, a divinity of the 'ancient' Thracians, allegedly 'very-very ancient' [��] Appendix 1:1.

28) EUCLID, a famous mathematician, geometrician, allegedly years 315-255 BC [���] ch.8:5. Thus, among the numerous reflections of Jesus Christ there is a fairly unexpected one. Christ is described in some of the 'ancient' sources as the 'ancient' Greek mathematician Euclid, to whom 'Elements', a famous book on geometry, is attributed. Presumably, the Emperor Andronicus-Christ was a patron of science, was interested in mathematics and by his order and maybe even under his supervision, the definitive work 'Elements' was created. By the way, the name Euclid is just a slight variation on the word KOLIADA – one of Christ's names.

29) HANNON, Carthaginian hero, allegedly the IV century BC [����] ch.3:2. Ancient Carthage is Czar-Grad, aka the 'New City', aka Biblical Jerusalem, aka 'ancient' Troy. The famous Punic wars between Rome and Carthage are the internecine feuds between Russia-Horde and Czar-Grad, and also the reflection of the Ataman (Ottoman) conquest in the XV-XVI cc, fig.17 [����] ch.3.

Scaligerian historians assure us that the Carthage of the chronicles is situated in Africa. However there are no archeological remains here of the powerful Carthage and the great Carthaginian Kingdom, worthy of exuberant chronicle descriptions. Several dilapidating brick columns were presented and declared without any proof to be the remains of 'that very' temple of Baal which stood in 'that very' Carthage of the chronicles. But such crumbling remains of the medieval foundations can be pointed out practically anywhere. In Africa, Europe, Asia, America… Identification of these bricks and stones with the 'annalistic Carthaginian' ones are entirely based on the erroneous Scaligerian geography and chronology.

It appears that not so long ago the archeologists took a textbook of the Scaligerian history and read in it that Carthage 'must be in Africa'. Having arrived to the North of Africa and having looked around, they saw nearby some dusty ruins. Rejoicing they said: There, we have found 'Carthage'. They found some inscriptions which were loosely interpreted as connected to Carthage. However such inscriptions do not at all prove that the METROPOLIS of Carthage was situated there. The city of Carthage, i.e. Czar-Grad, had many colonies scattered around the world. In each of them were kept the Czar-Grad documents, correspondence, etc. So the unearthing of Carthaginian coins in North Africa or say, in America, is not conclusive prove that 'the metropolis is found at last'.

Later, already in the XIX-XX cc., looking at a long and barren line of the North-African shore, in the very centre of which the historians have pointed out a small fertile valley and erroneously 'marked' here (on a map) the capital of the Carthaginian Kingdom, commentators were compelled to explain to themselves and to the public, how a generally fruitless land could feed such a large and powerful state, AS DESCRIBED IN THE CHRONICLES. But as no logical explanation was possible to find, they began to persistently repeat: 'Yes, it's infertile, but … productive' [����] ch.3.

Nevertheless, let's assume for a moment that historians are right and that in fact it was here in Africa, where the majestic capital of the mighty Carthaginian Kingdom was situated. But then it should be expected that in the 'most fertile valley' there survived some visible remains of the big city, etc… But no! There is nothing of the sort there. The Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia melancholically informs us: 'NOTING HAS SURVIVED of the famous Carthaginian temples' [988:00]. Of Carthage itself – also nothing. Here they hastily concocted an explanation: Carthage was, purportedly, 'mercilessly destroyed so many times over'. That is why no traces have survived of it.

THUS, THERE ARE NO TRACES OF THE FORMER GRANDEUR OF CARTHAGE OF THE CHRONICLES LEFT IN NORTH AFRICA. In a more or less reliable history starting with the XVII century, we discover here only a small town. Just several hundred inhabitants. One mosque. No convenient harbours. Only 25-30 dwellings. Poor living conditions. Three scanty Arabic villages. One church [988:00]. A museum, organised here by the Europeans in the XIX century in honour of the allegedly great 'ancient' past of these desolate places. Cardinal Lavigerie studied Scaligerian history well and decided to 'revive' the memory of Carthage here. He built a museum. But the cardinal made a mistake. He should have built it in a different place: in Czar-Grad. Admittedly there are enough museums in Istanbul without it.

Archeological works in place of the 'great African Carthage' began only in 1817 [988:00]. They were leisurely digging in the XX century as well. Nothing remarkable was discovered until now [����] ch.3.

30) ISOCRATES, the Athenian orator and writer, allegedly years 436-338 BC [��] ch.1:6.

31) SOCRATES, Greek philosopher and thinker, allegedly years 469-399 BC. In the famous drama by Aristophanes 'The Clouds', which tells us about Socrates-Christ, a Gospel story is described: a story of a greedy traitor Judas Iscariot and the execution of Jesus. 'The Clouds' is considered as originating from a secular source. But Scaligerian history assures us that the life of Jesus is described exclusively in the religious original sources. As we can see it is not true.

It is possible that at the heart of 'The Clouds' was an old text, which was later lost. It was Christian and described the story of Judas Iscariot and the execution of Jesus. However, in the epoch of the Reformation, the dram was tendentiously rewritten. The derisive remarks addressed at Socrates-Christ and His mentees disciples are scattered about all of the text. They created an overall tone of mockery of Christianity. Later the Christian content of the play was forgotten altogether, and it began to be considered as just some 'tale from ancient life'.

Now when a true essence of many old texts becomes clearer, they begin to be much more interesting. For example, Aristophanes' "The Clouds" is usually considered to be a tedious epic poem. Indeed, primitive jokes and scoffs scattered about the text can hardly captivate a modern reader. But as soon as we discovered that all of this anti-Christian 'humour' was added on to it by more recent editors, and as soon as it becomes clear, that 'The Clouds' is an old text of the New Testament, telling us about Christ and Judas Iscariot, then the interest towards the play immediately increases. The same sort of thing happens to a number of other old sources. A new view perspective transforms them from half-forgotten and supposedly bleak texts into gripping accounts of the past.

32) LYSANDER, Spartan king, allegedly the V-IV cc. BC [��] Appendix 1:2.

33) NICIAS, Athenian commander, the ruler of Athens, allegedly the V century BC [��] ch.5.

35) PAUSANIAS, Spartan king, allegedly the V century BC [��] ch.4:6.

35) ANDROCLES, leader of the Athenian radical democrats, allegedly the V century BC [��] ch.5:8.

37) ANDOKIDES, Athenian orator and public figure, allegedly the V century BC [��] ch.5:7-8.

37) CYRUS THE YOUNGER, a Persian Prince, allegedly the V century BC, died allegedly in year 401 BC [��] ch.2.

38) TIMOCREON, Athenian, allegedly the V century BC [��] ch.4:7.

39) PHRYNICHUS, Athenian strategist, allegedly the V century BC [��] Appendix 1:3.

40) POLYCRATES, the tyrant of Samos, allegedly the VI century BC [��] ch.6.

41) ZOPYRUS, a Persian nobleman, organised the regaining of control over Babylon under the rule of king Darius, allegedly the VI century BC [��] ch.6:14.

42) CYRUS THE ELDER, Persian king, allegedly years 559-530 BC [��] ch.3.

43) CROESUS, King of Lydia, allegedly years 560-546 or 590-545 BC [��] ch.3:3-5.
44) SERVIUS TULLIUS (MASTARNA in Etruscan) the penultimate king of the Royal Rome, allegedly years 578-535 BC. 'Ancient' historians spoke about his Etruscan origin [����] ch.2. But in the epoch of the XVII century Reformation rebellion the information about the Etruscan, aka Russian, origin of Servius Tullius began to be considered 'exceptionally detrimental', 'very much incorrect'. Having grown to hate Russia-Horde, the former metropolis of the Empire, the reformers started declaring the Slavs, and especially the Russians, to be second rate people. That is why in some chronicles the words SLAV, SLAVONIAN surreptitiously were emended to SLAVE. Titus Livy probably acted in similar way, or it could have been his editors. It was decided that was better to declare Servius Tullius, aka Christ, to be a SLAVE, rather than continue to consider him to be ET-RUSCAN, Russian. Having confused the others, in the end, they got confused themselves. After which they began to authoritatively speculate – sometimes patronisingly, and sometimes assertively and aggressively – about the 'slave origin' of Christ. Like, he was a 'bad bastard'. His mother Mary was purportedly a slave too, moreover, a defiled one [307], p.358. Or else even worse – a lewd whore [����] ch.2. Various theories have blossomed around this theme.

The 'Theory' about Servius Tullius' = Christ's supposedly slave background was being forced into the minds of people of the Reformation epoch with difficulty. Not so many were ready to accept it and forget the true history. It is known, that 'THE ROMAN SCIENTISTS ANNALISTS STRUGGLE WITH THIS TRADITION of biasedly labelling Servius Tullius and his mother as 'slaves' – Author) can also be seen in the narration of Livy, who, incidentally himself eulogised her' [483], v.1, p.515, commentary 131. This 'ancient' struggle unfolded most likely in the epoch of the XVI-XVII cc. when the rebels-reformers began to enforce the Scaligerian version of history. The uprising opposition was overpowered, though with some effort. However, as we can see, many traces of the real history have survived [����] ch.2.

45) PYTHAGORAS, a famous 'ancient' philosopher and mathematician, allegedly the VI century BC [��] ch.2.

46) CYLON, Athenian, Olympic champion, allegedly the VII century BC [��] ch.4:4-5.

47) ROMULUS, the first king of 'ancient' Royal Rome, allegedly the VIII century BC [����] ch.1.

48) ISAIAH, messiah in the Old Testament, allegedly the VIII century BC [��] ch.4.

49) DAVID, Biblical king in the Old Testament, allegedly the XI century BC [���] ch.8.

50) OSIRIS, an 'ancient' Egyptian god, and also an Egyptian deity HORUS, allegedly 'gargantuan antiquity' [���] ch.5.

51) SVYATOGOR, Russian Hero, allegedly 'very ancient' [���] ch.5:11.

52) DIONISUS, an 'ancient' god, allegedly 'gargantuan antiquity'. Also god ADONISUS [���] ch.5:7; [���] ch.2.

53) ORPHEUS, 'ancient' god, allegedly 'gargantuan antiquity' [���]ch.8:7.

54) ZEUS, supreme 'ancient' god, allegedly 'gargantuan antiquity' [���]ch.2:53.

55) PRIXUS (or FRIXOS), an 'ancient' hero, allegedly 'gargantuan antiquity' [���] ch.2.

56) JASON, an 'ancient' hero, who procured the Golden Fleece. Allegedly, 'gargantuan antiquity' [���] ch.2. The voyage of the Argonauts to Colchis for the Golden Fleece is Andronicus-Christ's voyage to the goldfields in Russia. First twelve Argonauts are Christ's 12 Apostles. It is generally thought that the Argonauts invented the sail. The invention of sails in the XII century corresponds quite well with the new chronology. In those times navigation was still coastal and didn't require complicated sails. The Empire of that time was colonising mainly only the coasts of the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Only later with the invention of the fully-fledged sails, the ships started venturing into the open sea and were capable of sailing upwind. Later, with the emergence of the horse cavalry, The Empire colonised vast spaces of Eurasia. But this took place as late as in the XIII-XIV cc.

57) APOLLO, an 'ancient' god, allegedly 'gargantuan antiquity' [��] ch.1.

58) MARCYAS, a silenus, an 'ancient' character, allegedly 'gargantuan antiquity' [��] ch.1.

59) JOB, an Old Testament character, allegedly 'gargantuan antiquity' [��] ch.3:9.

60) ESAU (a partial duplicate), an Old Testament patriarch, allegedly 'gargantuan antiquity' [��] ch.3.

61) JACOB (a partial duplicate), an Old Testament patriarch, allegedly 'gargantuan antiquity' [��] ch.3. Biblical Esau and Jacob are the intertwined reflections of Andronicus-Christ, John the Baptist and Judas Iscariot. The fifth lost Gospel is a story of Esau and Jacob in the Old Testament.

62) ORESTES, a famous 'ancient' hero, brother of Iphigenia [��] ch.6.

63) RHADAMANTHYS, an 'ancient' god [��] Appendix 1:2.8.

64) ASCLEPIUS (AESCULAPIUS) – an 'ancient' god [��] ch.1:2.13.

65) HERACLES (or HERCULES) (partial duplicate), an ‘ancient’ hero [���] CH.1-2.

66) ARTHUR (partial), an well-known Medieval English king, allegedly the VI century [��] ch.7.

67) MERLIN, a wizard, a close associate of King Arthur [��] ch.7.

68) HELIOGABALUS (or ELAGABALUS), a Roman emperor of allegedly the III century BC [��] ch.2.
Andronicus-Christ, having arrived from Russia to Czar-Grad, introduced new customs, including those in clothing. For instance, it was thanks to him that the people of Czar-Grad started wearing trousers [���] ch.2:61. Some opposed such innovations adamantly and accused the Emperor of adherence to the 'barbaric' customs. Similar events also occur under Heliogabalus.

   Hence an intriguing story emerges. Heliogabalus-Andronicus has arrived, as it turns out, from Russia (Syria) to New Rome (Czar-Grad) in finery, in the description of which we can recognize the rich garments of the Russian-Hordian czars. Gold, purple, precious stones… Russia-Horde was a rich country. Contrary to that, proud Romains and Greeks dressed, as we were told, considerably more modest. The provinces of the Empire were clearly poorer. That is why the wealth of the newly arrived czar-khan and his entourage annoyed them. Moreover they did not like the introduction of the new Scythian clothing. For example, trousers.

An observation that garments made entirely of silk were also introduced by Heliogabalus becomes clear. Previously the Russian warriors specially dressed in silk, so that during their campaigns, when it is difficult to bathe, the bad bugs would not nest. Silk repel pests [v.4]. Heliogabalus 'was the first to acquire silver self-cooking vessel' [140:1], p.142. Here we recognise the famous Russian samovars. Some of the noble-men of Czar-Grad were looking on with envy and discontent at the riches of the Hordian Czar who arrived from Russia. They could not accept that the Hordian czars wore not only expensive garments, but also luxurious footwear with precious stones, as well as opulent diadems. It is curious that Heliogabalus-Andrey would sometimes organise snowy hilltops in the garden during the summer, by delivering the snow.
It was probably a commemoration of the snowy Russian winters, which never occurred in Czar-Grad.

69) THESEUS, an 'ancient' hero [���] ch.3.

70) BACCHUS, an 'ancient' deity [���]ch.2:52 and ch.5:7, and also [���] ch.2.

71) PROPHET MUHAMMAD (partial), a famous figure allegedly of the VII century AD [����]

72) ALEXANDER OF MACEDON (Alexander the Great) (partial), a famous ruler allegedly of years 356-323 BC [���] ch.8.

73) ABU-MANSUR IBN-MUHHAMAD, an 'ancient' Iranian sheikh, allegedly the X century [ShAH)], ch.2

74) KEYUMARS – an 'ancient' Iranian king whose dates of birth and death are considered to be unknown. Suggesting that it is a very, very ancient character [���] ch.2.

75) SIYAMAK, a son of king Keyumars, an 'ancient' Iranian prince, whose dates of birth and death are considered to be unknown. Suggesting that it is a very, very ancient character [���] ch.2.

76) JEMSHID, an 'Ancient' Iranian king, allegedly 'very ancient' [���] ch.2.

77) MERDAS, an 'ancient' Iranian king, allegedly 'from deep antiquity' [���] ch.2.

78) ZOHAK (partial), an 'ancient' Iranian king. Dates of life are considered to be unknown [���] ch.2.

78) FEREYDUN, an 'ancient' Iranian king. Dates of his life are considered to be unknown [���] ch.2.

80) ZAL-DESTAN (partial), an 'ancient' Iranian hero [���] ch.4.

81) ROSTAM or RUSTAM (partial). A famous 'ancient' Iranian hero [���] ch.4.

82) KAI-KHOSROW (partial), a famous 'ancient' Iranian king [���] ch.5.

83) ZOROASTER or ZARATHUSTRA, ZARANTUSTRA, ZARADUSHT, ZARDOST (partial), a famous Persian (Iranian) sage, prophet, saint; allegedly 'deepest antiquity' [���] ch.7.

84) EUSTRATE (OR EUSTRATES) PECHERSKY, holy martyr, crucified in Kiev allegedly in year 1096 [���] ch.10.

85) HAMLET, prince of Denmark. He was described in 'The Life of Amleth' by Saxo Grammaticus allegedly of the XII century and in tragedy by Shakespeare ('s tragedy) 'Hamlet' [���] ch.2.

86) MACDUFF, a Scottish Thane, allegedly the XI century. He is described in Holinshed's Chronicles and 'Macbeth', a tragedy by Shakespeare [���] ch.3.

87) APEMANTUS, a cynical philosopher, a contemporary of Alcibiades, allegedly the V century BC. He was described in Shakespeare's drama 'Timon of Athens' [���] ch.4.

88) APOLLONIUS OF TYRE (partial), a famous 'ancient' character, a hero of a rather famous 'novel' of allegedly the III century. He was described in Shakespeare's play 'Pericles' [���] ch.6.

89) TITUS ANDRONICUS, an 'ancient Roman character described in the texts of the XVI century, in particular in Shakespeare's tragedy 'Titus Andronicus' [���] ch.6.

90) POLYDORUS, described in Virgil's 'Aeneid' [���] ch.3.

91) ALCIBIADES (partial) – a famous 'ancient' Athenian [��] ch.5.

92) MILTIADIS (partial), a famous 'ancient' character allegedly of the V century BC [��], ch.1.

93) GUINEVERE (partial) – King Arthur's wife (Christ's) [��], ch.7. Chroniclers sometimes mixed up a man and a woman.

94) THE PHOENIX – a mythical creature that dies and is reborn. [��] ch.3.

95) 'A CERTAIN MAN', outwardly of human form, but godlike in deeds'. Thus Flavius Josephus begins his accounts of Christ, though in this part of his book he doesn't mention His name [��] ch.11.

96) MITHRA (or Mithra–Attis), an 'ancient' Aryan god, and also an 'ancient' Persian god [2v1], ch.1.

97) BUDDHA and KRISHNA, famous Eastern deities [2v1], ch.1.

98) CAESAR OCTAVIAN AUGUSTUS (partial), a Roman Emperor allegedly of the I century BC – the I century AD [���] ch.1.

99) IGOR OLGOVITCH, a great Russian Prince of Kiev, martyr, allegedly the XII century [���] ch.1.

100) JOHN LAGOS (partial), described by a Byzantine author Nikita Choniates, the XII century [���]ch.2.

101) PATROCLUS (PARTASIS), an 'ancient' Greek hero, who fell in the Trojan War, and is described by Homer in his Iliad [���] ch.2.

102) ARISTIDES of Proconnesus  described by Plutarch [���]ch.1.

103) CLEOMEDES  of Astypalaea, described by Plutarch [���]ch.1.

104) A number of other ancient heroes and characters delivered by caesarean section. Emperor Andronicus-Christ came into this world in this way. So: there’s Typhon and Seth of ‘ancient’ Egyptian. Let’s remember a Biblical story about the creation of Eve from Adam’s rib. ‘ And God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam (a man), and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man’ (Genesis 2:21–22). If we refer to the Medieval depictions of the given subject-matter, then on some of them we will see a picture rather resembling the birth by the caesarean section, fig.18 [���] ch.6. See the details in our books of the ‘Golden Series’ B (‘Zolotaya Seriya’).

105) IGOR OLGOVICH, Prince of Novgorod and Seversk and the Grand Prince of Kiev (Holy Martyr Blessed Prince Igor Chernigovsky), executed in the XII century, allegedly in year 1147.

Hence, the life story of Andronicus-Christ (Andrey Bogolyubsky) as reconstructed by us, is becoming enriched with many new interesting episodes. Previously the historians erroneously dated them as ‘completely different personas’ and ascribed them ‘to the ‘deep past’.