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Тема: "Старый знакомый" Предыдущая Тема | Следующая Тема
Астрахань07-02-2006 04:18
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#6. "Старый знакомый"
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Наводим цвет на черно-белый фрагмент(Страшный Суд с Махометом)


Вот только поди знай,кто надпись сию оставил...и когда.

Еще кусочек той же фрески (Босх отдыхает):


Кого там еще на съедение приговорили..мелко написано,не разобрать.

Giovanni da Modena
( fl 1409; d before 1455). Italian painter. He is first recorded in Bologna in 1409; the following year he was paid for the hangings for an important funeral in S Francesco, Bologna. His major surviving work is the fresco decoration of the Bolognini Chapel in S Petronio, Bologna, commissioned in Bartolomeo Bolognini’s will of 1408. It is attributed to Giovanni on the basis of his later work (1420–21) in the neighbouring chapel of S Abbondio. Bolognini stipulated that there should be a Paradise, in which Giovanni shows rows of saints seated on benches, contemplating the Coronation of the Virgin, an Inferno ‘as horrible as possible’ and a Journey of the Magi. On the altar wall Giovanni, assisted by Jacopo di Paolo (who painted the altarpiece and stained glass), depicted the Legend of St Petronius, bishop and protector of Bologna. The fresco of the installation of a bishop (perhaps Giovanni di Michele of Bologna, reg 1412–17) by the anti-pope John XXIII suggests a dating of c. 1412–20. The Petronius scenes are set against details of Bologna’s townscape; the embarkation and papal scenes recall illuminations of Bolognese shipping law and canon law manuscripts respectively. The hollow-cheeked faces and dark shadows probably show the influence and assistance of Jacopo di Paolo. The Departure of Petronius reflects Giotto’s Visitation (Padua, Scrovegni Chapel), though this echo may be via Tomaso da Modena, another likely influence on Giovanni. Volpe has shown a similarity between the Inferno scene and those of the Master of the Brussels Initials. But the architectural style, the rocky gorges, the pinks and greens and the long oval faces with dreamy eyes show that Giovanni’s style was above all adapted from Agnolo Gaddi’s, adding an International Gothic interest in the fashionable, lavish and exotic that was probably fuelled by contact with the art of the Visconti court and with foreign visitors in Bologna. Such details as pointed Hungarian hats, baggy-brimmed boots, extravagantly curled beards and a jester wearing bells appear alongside stewards driving flies from camels. The panels of SS Cosmas and Damian (Berlin, Gemäldegal.) can be closely associated with these frescoes in date and style.


Вот волхвы..один с очень пышной бородой плывут домой..странный,очень нетрадиционный сюжет...

The Return of the Magi
c. 1410
Basilica di S. Petronio, Bologna

Интересно бы его "Коронацию" да и на остальные картинки взглянуть..

ПЫ.СЫ.А не составить ли каталог "проклятых авторов древности"

(тех,чьи картины существуют,но крайне редки в интернет-ресурсах,типа того же Модено,Боттичино или Нардо Ди Сионе)

с подробным указанием мест,где некоторые из них находятся.........


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Мохаммед и живопись [Показать все] , швейк, 05-02-2006 16:16
Заголовок сообщения Автор Отправлено Номер
05-02-2006 16:29
RE: круто
05-02-2006 16:42
      скачал всего
05-02-2006 16:57
очень интересна
Вася Блаженный
05-02-2006 18:00
шестая пара
Вася Блаженный
06-02-2006 00:35
      Старый знакомый
07-02-2006 04:18
           а на нижней картинке...
Вася Блаженный
07-02-2006 16:49
RE: Мохаммед и живопись
07-02-2006 20:44
RE: Мохаммед и живопись
08-02-2006 19:43
      Тут вопрос возник
13-06-2006 01:08
           RE: Тут вопрос возник
13-06-2006 02:28

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