borrow – брать взаймы, занимать, заимствовать
borrow (v.) (староанглийское «borgian» - одалживать, быть поручителем); из протогерманского *borg – залог, заклад, поручительство; из PIE корня - *bhergh – прятать, защищать. Old English borgian "to lend, be surety for," from Proto-Germanic *borg "pledge" (cf. Old English borg "pledge, security, bail, debt," Old Norse borga "to become bail for, guarantee," Middle Dutch borghen "to protect, guarantee," Old High German boragen "to beware of," German borgen "to borrow; to lend"), from PIE *bhergh- "to hide, protect" (see bury). Sense shifted in Old English to "borrow," apparently on the notion of collateral deposited as security for something borrowed. Related: Borrowed; borrowing.
bury (v.) (хоронить, предавать земле, закапывать); из староанглийского «byrgan» - насыпать могильный холм, спрятать, спрятать внутрь. Old English byrgan "to raise a mound, hide, bury, inter," akin to beorgan "to shelter," from Proto-Germanic *burzjanan "protection, shelter" (cf. Old Saxon bergan, Dutch bergen, Old Norse bjarga, Swedish berga, Old High German bergan "protect, shelter, conceal," German bergen, Gothic bairgan "to save, preserve"), from PIE root *bhergh- "protect, preserve" (cf. Old Church Slavonic brego "I preserve, guard"). Related: Buried; burying. Burying-ground "cemetery" attested from 1711.
bargain (v.) (торговаться, заключать сделку). late 14c., from Old French bargaignier (12c., Modern French barguigner) "to haggle over the price," perhaps from Frankish *borganjan "to lend" or some other Germanic source, ultimately from Proto-Germanic *borgan (cf. Old High German borgen; Old English borgian, source of borrow). Another suggestion is that the French word comes from Late Latin barca "a barge," because it "carries goods to and fro." There are difficulties with both suggestions. Related: Bargained; bargaining.
См. «bargain». Русское слово «берегу», «бережен», «оберег». Не исключаю слова «ворую». Воровство – тоже своеобразная форма заимствования. Так же «брать» - замена «т» (прописное) – «w». БРТ – BR (R)T – BR (R)W.