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Markgraf99_26-04-2016 14:14

"Вопросы реконструкции, II"
13-12-2017 18:33 irina


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#312. "Пророк Иеремия"
Ответ на сообщение # 0


В раввинской литературе пророк Иеремия - потомок от брака Иисуса Навина и Раав. Родился во времена преследования пророков при Иезавели (Иродиада?). Он обвиняет свою мать в неверности - мог ли здесь отразиться всё тот же скептицизм в отношении непорочности девы Марии?

http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/8586-jeremiah JEREMIAH.
—In Rabbinical Literature:
Jeremiah, a descendant of Rahab by her marriage with Joshua (Sifre, Num. 78; Meg. 14b, below), was born during the persecution of the prophets under Jezebel (Gen. R. lxiv. 6; Rashi on Jer. xx. 14 reads, probably correctly, "Manasseh" instead of "Jezebel"). The lofty mission for which Jeremiah was destined was evident even at his birth; for he not only came into the world circumcised (Ab. R. N. ii. ; Midr. Teh. ix. ), but as soon as he beheld the light of day he broke out into loud cries, exclaiming with the voice of a youth: "My bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my very heart; my heart maketh a noise in me," etc. (Jer. iv. 20). He continued by accusing his mother of unfaithfulness; and as the latter was greatly astonished to hear this unbecoming speech of her new-born infant, he said: "I do not mean you, my mother. My prophecy does not refer to you; I am speaking of Zion and Jerusalem. They deck out their daughters, and clothe them in purple, and put golden crowns on their heads; but the robbers shall come and take these things away."
...Then God handed to Jeremiah the "cup of wrath," from which he was to let the nations drink; and when Jeremiah asked which nation should drink first, the answer was "Israel." Then Jeremiah began to lament his fate, comparing himself with the high priest who was about to perform in the Temple the ceremonies prescribed in the case of a woman suspected of adultery (Num. v. 12 et seq.), and who, when he approached her with the "cup of the bitter water," beheld his own mother (Pesiḳ. R. 26 ).

https://www.academia.edu/24438284/Like_a_Priest_Exposing_His_Own_Wayward_Mother_Jeremiah_in_Rabbinic_Literature Like a Priest Exposing His Own Wayward Mother: Jeremiah in Rabbinic Literature by Ishay Rosen-Zvi
2 Pesiqta Rabbati 26, “When She went Astray”
...From here on, the midrash offers a biography of Jeremiah, which begins with his very birth—he was, after all, known by God “before I created you in the womb” (Jer 1:5) At Jeremiah’s coming forth into the world, he cried a great cry as though he was already a full-grown youth, and exclaimed: “My bowels, my bowels! I am in pain! The chambers of my heart cry for me. Destruction upon destruction! I am the one who will destroy the whole world.” And whence do we know that Jeremiah spoke thus? It is written: my bowels, my bowels! I write in pain! The chambers of my heart! My heart moaneth within me, I shall not be silent (Jer 4:19).
He opened his mouth and reprimanded his mother. He said: “Tell me, mother, did you not conceive me in the manner of other women, did you not give birth to me in the way of other birthing women? Have your ways been perhaps like the ways of all wayward women and you cast your eyes upon another? For one who strays from her husband, why does she not drink from the bitter water? Were you brazen?” And whence does Jeremiah say this? Yet thou hadst a harlot’s forehead (3:3). When his mother heard these words she said: “what makes this one speak thus, not in his time?” He opened his mouth and said: “I speak not of you, mother, I prophecy not of you, mother. I am speaking to Zion and Jerusalem, who adorns her daughters and clothes them with scarlet and crowns them with gold. The enemies are coming and will despoil them.”. As it says: and you, who will be despoiled, why do you clothe yourself with scarlet, deck yourself with ornaments of gold etc (4:30) <. . .>
Take this cup of wrath and make the nations drink. Jeremiah took the cup and said: “who shall I water first? Which city shall drink?” He said: “Water Jerusalem, the cities of Judah, first, for they are foremost of all kingdoms.” When Jeremiah heard this command, he opened his mouth and cursed the day of his birth, as it is said:
cursed be the day wherein I was born (20:14) <. . .> Jeremiah said: “I will tell you whom I am like: a high priest whose lot was to give water of bitterness. They brought the woman to him, he bared her head, disarrayed her hair, proclaimed her, and slapped her. He took the cup for her to drink and saw that she was his mother. He began crying out, saying: woe unto me, mother, I attempted to honor you and now I am debasing you.” So Jeremiah said: “woe unto me mother Zion. I thought I would prophesy good things and consolations, but I prophesy for you infliction of punishment.”75...

По другой легенде, Иисус Бен-Сира, автор Книги Премудрости Иисуса, - сын дочери Иеремии, которая забеременела от семени отца через воду в бане. Не снова ли скептическая версия о непорочном зачатии?

Иеремия рассуждает подобно Иову-Христу (оба жили в Египте):

Гл. 20: 14 Проклят день, в который я родился! день, в который родила меня мать моя, да не будет благословен! 15 Проклят человек, который принес весть отцу моему и сказал: «у тебя родился сын», <и> тем очень обрадовал его. 16 И да будет с тем человеком, что с городами, которые разрушил Господь и не пожалел; да слышит он утром вопль и в полдень рыдание 17 за то, что он не убил меня в самой утробе — так, чтобы мать моя была мне гробом, и чрево ее оставалось вечно беременным. 18 Для чего вышел я из утробы, чтобы видеть труды и скорби, и чтобы дни мои исчезали в бесславии?

Иов, гл. 3: 3 погибни день, в который я родился, и ночь, в которую сказано: зачался человек! ...10 за то, что не затворила дверей чрева <матери> моей и не сокрыла горести от очей моих! 11 Для чего не умер я, выходя из утробы, и не скончался, когда вышел из чрева?..

Почему такое внимание к рождению, не отражение ли трудных родов - кесарева сечения? Ср. также Иер. 4:31.
Отмечают, что в писаниях Иеремии есть что-то материнское:

..блаженный Феодорит даже называет его «мать Иерусалима» за его истинно материнскую любовь .. «Пророк болезнует о них…чрево его и чувства сердца его болят, уподобляется он матери, терзающейся о гибели детей» (блж.Феодорит).

По ФиН, пророки были также сивиллами:

...Имя РИМ-ской Сивиллы близко к библейскому ИЕРЕМИЯ.
...ветхозаветных библейских пророков...в "античной" литературе XIII-XVI веков именовали Сивиллами и по не очень понятной пока причине изображали в виде женщин-прорицательниц.

В "Александрии" пророк Еремей общается с Александром Великим (при этом в книге Иеремии он всё время пугает нашествием северян - крестовые походы?). В то же время он уподобляется Моисею:

In haggadic literature Jeremiah and Moses are often mentioned together, their life and works being presented in parallel lines...
https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Иеремия Иеремия и Второзаконие

Видение Иеремии в 1 главе книги Иеремии - видимо, комета (возможно и вифлеемская звезда?):

Letter V depicting the Prophet Jeremiah's vision of the boiling pot,miniature from the Bible of Souvigny,Latin parchment manuscript,folio 151,recto,12th century

Иер. 31:22 некоторые интерпретаторы считают "пророчеством" о рождении Христа. Иер. 31:15 - "пророчество" об избиении младенцев Иродом (ср. Матфея 2:17-18). Здесь же Иеремия говорит о "новом завете" (31:31 и далее).


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